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Dwarven Settlement
Five days after entering the Primitive Sea of Trees in search of the Dwarven village, we discovered their settlement nestled deep in a valley within the forest.

Now, before us, the dwarves emerged from the settlement, weapons in hand.
One dwarf stepped forward and scrutinized us closely.

"What do the people of the plains want with us?"

"We've heard rumors about a dwarves living deep in the Primitive Sea of Trees, that built an underground city and live there. We wanted to meet you, so we came.”

"Hmph, what kind of old rumors are you talking about? The underground city collapsed in the Age of Myths. Now, we live quietly in several settlements within the forest. I can't believe there are still fools who believe in such rumors. There's no treasure left from the underground city. It's all from the Age of Myths."

Ah, so the rumors of the underground city weren't true after all.
It's a bit disappointing, but it's not too bad since we got to meet dwarves.

"No, no, we're not after any treasure. We just wanted to see the dwarven craftsmanship that could build an underground city. That technology is worth more than gold and silver."

"Oh? You understand the true value of things for a human."

"We've come all this way because we want to learn about the Dwarven technology. Could you spare us some time to talk? As a token of our gratitude, we'll offer you some alcohol."

"Alcohol, you say? If there's liquor involved, then we can talk for a little bit. If I'm good enough for you, I'll talk to you. Everyone, these folks are offering us liquor. They don't seem like bad people."

The dwarf I was speaking with turned around and called out to his many kin behind him.
The gathered dwarves, upon hearing the word “alcohol,”' smiled and cleared the way to the settlement.

As I remembered from my past life's memories and the knowledge from light novels, dwarves seem to have an unparalleled love for alcohol.

Surrounded by them, we passed through the gate and entered their settlement.

The dwarf who spoke with me was named Doltan, the son of the Chieftain of this settlement, currently acting as a proxy for the Chieftain.

When we were led to Doltan's house, a dull-colored great battleaxe over one meter long was displayed at the entrance.
This great battleaxe, it seems, is a family heirloom passed down through the Chieftain's lineage.

We were shown into the living room and each took a seat on the carpet.
Doltan, sitting before me, had an excited expression and seemed eager to say something.

Sensing this, I took a barrel of alcohol from my backpack and placed it before him.
This barrel was one of many we had purchased in the Royal Capital, anticipating our meeting with the dwarves.

"First, as promised, I'll present you with the alcohol."

"Ah, it's been years since I've had alcohol of the human race."

Doltan forcefully opened the lid of the barrel, grabbed it with both hands, and gulped down the liquid.
Then he placed the barrel down with a look of ecstasy on his face.


"I'm glad to hear that. It was worth bringing it from the Capital. Don't be shy; there's plenty more where that came from."

"That's very kind of you. But before we start the feast, let's talk. As I asked earlier, what have you come here for?"

"First, I want you to look at this."

Nodding to Doltan's question, I took out several sheets of parchment from my backpack and showed them to him.
These were the mechanical blueprints and concept images I had drawn before leaving the Capital.

Doltan looked at them with interest, nodding several times.

"Is this some kind of mechanical device? It seems to use various parts I'm unfamiliar with."

"This is just a concept image. The various parts are gears. By combining gears of different shapes, we can transmit power and make the machine move."

"Crafting the shape of the gears, huh? I've never thought of that."

Saying so, Doltan looked up from the parchment and stared at me intently.

"It seems you didn't come just in search of the underground city rumors."

"Yeah. I want to create various mechanical devices. For that, we need curious and skilled craftsmen. It's difficult for humans to do delicate work. But I thought the dwarves, with the technical ability to build an underground city, could do it, so I came to meet you."

Hearing my words, Doltan slapped his knees and laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, creating intricate mechanical devices is impossible for humans. You did well to seek out the dwarves. You have potential. We might be willing to help you. However..."

"It's the alcohol, right? I'll supply it regularly, once every six months."

"Hahaha. What a sharp kid. I like you."

Doltan smiled broadly and reached out his hand to me.
As I shook his hand, Sister Emilia, let out a sigh of relief next to me.

The negotiation concluded, and at Doltan's suggestion, a feast was held that night.
Many dwarves, carrying dishes, gathered at Doltan's house.

Before us were dishes made from the meat of monsters I had never seen before.

But it's all meat, meat, meat.
I wonder if dwarves don't eat vegetables?

The dwarves gathered in the living room, each holding a small barrel of alcohol, and danced a dance said to be traditional among the dwarves.
Liam and Rune, caught up in the merriment and a bit tipsy, joined the dwarves in their dance.

Kreiss and the others were surrounded by dwarves, who urged them to drink heartily.
They're sure to have a hangover tomorrow.

Sister Emilia, who had been eating next to me, suddenly stopped moving.
Then she grabbed my face with both hands, tears streaming down, and hugged me.

"Ian, don't grow up anymore! Stay my cute little brother forever!"

Surprised, I looked at where Sister Emilia had been sitting and saw several small barrels of alcohol scattered about.
It seems she drank too much and was having some strange delusions.

I never knew Sister Emilia was a tearful drunk.

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