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Adolf, the Seventh Prince
On the second day after our triumphant return to the Fief Capital, while enjoying tea with Sister Emilia in our room, Brother Adel and Margrave Belmont, both looking weary, entered through the door.

"What's wrong with you two? You don't look too good."

"We've brought prisoners from the enemy's main camp. One is Count Berendorf, who holds land adjacent to our territory at the border of the Bardhain Empire. The other is Prince Adolf, the seventh prince of the Empire."

"What! How did we manage to capture someone of such important status?"

Why would the prince of the Bardhain Empire be participating in a small border skirmish?
But then again, since the three of us were also involved in the battle, it's not for us to judge others.

Brother Adel continued with a bitter expression.

"While it seemed likely that Count Berendorf was trying to retreat, Prince Adolf apparently didn't approve of running away. So they were arguing, and while that happened, our soldiers raided the enemy's main tent and captured them both."

"It's rare for the supreme commander of the enemy to be captured."

According to Margrave Belmont's explanation, in minor skirmishes, it's common for nobles who are the supreme commanders to flee before defeat is certain.

It's easier to negotiate later for ransom and compensation for soldiers' losses if the fleeing enemy commander is not pursued and captured.

"So, what's the problem with these two?"

"Prince Adolf, who is in the underground dungeon, seems dissatisfied with being a prisoner and is demanding to be killed. We're at a loss on how to deal with him."

Brother Adel wore an exasperated expression.

Perhaps Prince Adolf is ashamed and frustrated by being taken prisoner and cannot forgive himself.

I think he'll calm down a bit as time passes...

As I pondered this, Sister Emilia, who was sitting across from me, stood up from her chair.

"Staying here and discussing won't solve anything. I will go and meet this Prince Adolf."

"I'll go with you."

"Yes, that's a good idea. His answers might change depending on the person."

The four of us, Brother Adel, Sister Emilia, Margrave Belmont, and I, left the room and headed to the dungeon.

Descending the stairs to the underground, we walked through the passage illuminated by magic lamps towards the cells.

Inside each of the two cells, there sat a sturdy man and a young boy about Brother Adel's age.

The man was probably Count Berendorf, and the boy must be Prince Adolf.

Sister Emilia walked confidently to the cell where Prince Adolf was held and elegantly bowed.

"I am Emilia, the first princess of the Kingdom of Kritonia. You must be Prince Adolf, correct?"

"... Yeah, that's right..."

Prince Adolf glanced briefly at Sister Emilia, then averted his gaze.

Sister Emilia, who usually has a spirited demeanor, is a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes when she's calm.
Maybe Prince Adolf was feeling embarrassed.

Without paying much attention to his discomfort, Sister Emilia smiled gently.

"Why was the prince of the Bardhain Empire, who should be in the Imperial Capital, participating in a battle on the border with our kingdom?"

"I am the seventh prince. Therefore, I need to achieve military feats. While inspecting Count Berendorf's territory, I thought I'd try to threaten the border of the Kingdom of Critonia."

So, this border skirmish was caused by Prince Adolf.

The seventh prince is low in the line of succession.
That's probably why he was eager to achieve military success.

Prince Adolf straightened his posture and stared at Sister Emilia.

"Now that I have lost, I have no intention of shamelessly living with disgrace. I want to die and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor."

"Prince, you shouldn't say such things. There were soldiers who died for you on the battlefield. If you truly want to take responsibility for the defeat, you should return to the Imperial Capital and report to His Majesty the Emperor. What you are saying is just childish nonsense to avoid the Emperor’s anger."

Sister Emilia's sharp words made Prince Adolf droop his head weakly.

As expected of my strong-willed sister, she doesn't hold back.
I didn't have a chance to intervene.

Why do Borther Adel and Margrave Belmont look so intimidated?

When Prince Adolf fell silent, Count Berendorf, who was in the neighboring cell, stood up and gripped the bars of his cell.

"Release me. If you do, I will return to my territory and pay the ransom and compensation for the soldiers."

"Be silent. The neighboring lords close to this territory from the Bardhain Empire side will negotiate in your place."

Count Berendorf, defeated by Sister Emilia's words, wore a bitter expression.

Leaving Prince Adolf here while returning to the Bardhain Empire alone...
Is he trying to save himself anywhere he can, like the selfish and self-interested nobles often do?

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