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Naruhito (32)
The surroundings were dim. I could hear someone breathing. Is Hiiro still asleep?
My left temple hurt. It's throbbing somehow, but I don't remember injuring it. I feel like I've slept a lot. Thinking about it, I suddenly felt the urge to go to the bathroom.
I tried to sneak out quietly, but I was noticed and stopped.


For some reason, my mouth wouldn't move properly. But it seemed to have gotten through to Hiiro.

"Can you go by yourself?"

I nodded when asked. As I tried to get off the bed, Hitachimaru looked at me.

"... Naruhito?”


As I reply, he lifted me up with ease.

"Welcome back."

I haven't gone anywhere. As I tilted my head, I found myself in Hiiro's arms. What's going on? I need to go to the bathroom.


"Ah... sorry, sorry."

Hiiro laughed, his face contorted as if he was about to cry. It was a relief that he carried me to the bathroom. I said I could go, but I felt dizzy when I tried to get up.
After that, mealtime was forcibly started. Even though I was not hungry at all, both Hiiro and Hitachimaru said I have to eat. I was about to ask for a porridge, but I decided to try something I could eat recently.


"You... Are you really able to eat properly?"

They both looked at me in disbelief. What's with them since earlier? … Did I do something wrong?
I struggled to chew the small onigiri without seaweed. Why can't I swallow it?

"Look, that's why I said to get porridge."

Hiiro said while eating his own meal.

"Give it here. I also ordered porridge, so have that instead."

Even Hitachimaru said that. I've been tilting my head while chewing the first bite of onigiri, and then my mouth was forcibly opened, and porridge was poured in.

"You didn't wake up for two days after playing tag, and your breathing stopped several times. When you finally woke up, you couldn’t speak properly, and you didn't even realize you were Naruhito.”

Huh? I don't remember.
I ate the porridge that was put into my mouth. I'm not in the mood.

"D–ink jui–e.”

I want... to drink mixed juice.
As I sulked and ate the porridge, Hiiro and Hitachimaru look edat me with surprised expressions.

"He’s being selfish."

"He’s being selfish indeed."

"... Naruhito, is there anywhere you are hurting?"

When I point to my left temple, they exchanged looks and laugh together.
What's up with them?

"Hey, selfish brat, you've already had mixed juice."

"Just when you woke up earlier."

"D–t d–nk."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

Hiiro laughed happily. Another spoonful of porridge entered my mouth. Gnnh.
Suddenly, Hitachimaru stood up and headed to the sofa. It seems that Sai, who was sleeping, moved slightly.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100835930


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