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Hiiro (30)
Naruhito’s body bounced in an obviously strange movement.

"Let go! Hitachimaru."

"I cannot do that, Your Highness."

Damn it. There's no way I can shake off Hitachimaru seriously. At least.

"A little closer."

"The doctor said he wants you to stay away."

"I don't want to. I don't, Hitachimaru."

I don't remember ever throwing such a tantrum when I was a child.
But my reason had long since gone somewhere.

"Hiiro! Even if you hold him, Naruhito won't get better."

Ah, damn it. Sweat drips from my eyes.
I am powerless.

"Believe. Shinobube, the surgery was successful, right?"

I saw Shinobube applying a machine to the left temple area of the motionless Naruhito.
This is not the time to sweat.
I have to look properly.

"Here it is. Mutsumine, let’s crush it first. Hold his body. Master Kujou, watch his pulse."

Crush it? Crush what?
When I put strength into my body, Hitachimaru held me down painfully.
Damn it.
A shock ran through Naruhito’s temple.
Shinobube seemed to have done something with another machine.
Even though they were holding him down, I could see his body bouncing.


I involuntarily shouted.
Shinobube and the others heeded no attention and calmly applied another inspection device to Naruhito’s temple, where a bruise had formed.

"Alright. It didn't reach."

"Pulse is normal."

"Brain waves have also calmed down."

"Good, good. It worked, it worked well."


Mutsumine choked up.
Is it really okay now?
What happened?

"... Not yet."

Shinobube murmured as he stared at the machine.

"This is..."

He shook the machine and slowly approached Sai.

"Master Hitachimaru. May I have you hold this person next? Prince Hiiro is already fine."


"Me...? Um, what did I...?"

Hitachimaru released me and approaches Sai.
Sai was still confused and got restrained by Hitachimaru.

"Who is this person?"

"He was an imperial officer. He was here as a mediator. He opposed the war and was the first to remove his piercings. Since then, he has been helping Prince Hiiro."

I listened to Hitachimaru's answer as he held Naruhito in his arms.

"Please close your eyes."

With a crackle, electricity sparked at Sai's temple.
No way...

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