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-  [Wander] Black screen after load scene on day 17

-  [Load\Save] Interface data display modification

-  [Adult] When it‘s on, the state will automatically change to Off

Other BUGs on fixing.

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When are you supposed to get the scene with Tholord and Elvis? I remember in the much older version it triggered in the sewers after hunting party, but I haven't got it at all yet and I'm like at day +20.


One thing i noticed is that when kasa the old ruin is perhaps bugged, because whenever i decide to go to the old ruin, i get returned back to tholord tent. And in the prison too after you have a talk with Nadd.


1) there is a bug that when in prison and talking to Nadd, Kasa shows up. But the dialogs after in the mill and gate are again for looking for kasa. 2) on day 25, after talking to caravan at the gate, going back to camp, screen showed hakken and then it froze. i could open the menu by pressing esc, and opening the storyline, i see two lines connecting two points, and all points are marked as ???


Yay, I finally got an ending (Keeping the spoilers vague - yellow stuff - Anyone else get another ending?) Also turned the adult setting on and nothing happened during the hunt or Wine Party slaves. Dunno if this is a bug or still Early Access :( - but based on the blurred images on extra menu, it looks like we have some new CG's so yay! Alright, time for the list of bugs. 1) Kasa's name is always in chinese in the eng version 1b) Ernest's name turns chinese during the castle siege. 2)If you teleport back to your appartment, sometimes you will have new conversations with Thorlord. For some reason the "Something's missing - Wine - SMASH" dialogue keeps repeating. This only happens in Thorlord conversations in the livingroom, the bedroom and balcony room chats work fine. 3)On Day 19 - Kasa comes out of the sewers and talks to the prisonner (Kasa found). But during the Wander for day 19 and 20, the "Where is Kasa & Kasa's not here" scenes repeat. 4) There are a few days that have nothing to do during Wander: Days 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14 and 22. This one isn't a bug, but a suggestion to fill something in if you wanted. 5) Even with 97/100 hp, you still cant sleep in the apartment bed or sofa. Don't know if there are scenes tied to sleeping there, so just in case I'm putting this one in.


I know you are talking about, that story is in the chapter of Brother. There have four branch in the chapter, script flow chart will be released after the fatal bugs are fixed.


About the adult stuff, I think it still might have not been fixed properly, or maybe it only works if you start a new game (so not with older saves), because at least for me, everytime I turn adult on and load a save, the setting just disappears and I don't get any adult scenes to play. But if I go edit the save file (notepad ++ for example) and set the adult settings on from there, it works.


Oh yeah, are there any mini games in the reality yet? Also I remember being able to pick up various items in your apartment. Was that removed or just not added yet?


工头辛苦了。以下是我遇到的问题: 1. 和其他老哥说的一样,卡萨失踪的时候下水道埃尔维斯小弟出现事件触发了,导致在监牢里卡萨提前出现 2. 在发现卖盾牌给主角的商人跑路后回到兵营时场景卡住 3. Save&Load的毛病,在出现抉择画面时保存再重载,选择按钮不会出现,只有个背景;有时候一天最开始保存再加载也是这样