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Add the Option button to the title.

The bug that the blacksmith's CG can't be touched off after the Wineparty has been fixed.

The error of Uther's story in the Hunting has been corrected.

Add Yater's CG to the Final Battle.

Add the new CG of Hakken to the Constitutional, which can be touched off when you go to the hunting ground after the story of Hunting.

Add a new event to the Night of the East Gate.

The bug that the button of The End of the Stroy won't disappear after clicking has been fixed.

Redraw the CG of Elvis and add it to the story of Hunting.


Fix fatal BUG about Hakken.

Mage: Click Here~ 





Hmm.. I can't seem to get event with the blacksmith. I can get the king to mention the wineparty, but not the blacksmith, so he never requests the food/wine from the party. Is there some sort of very specific (and short) time frame for this to happen? Does it matter if you've commisioned new equipment?


Okay the blacksmith mentioned the wineparty now. It seems like it only works if he isn't working on any equipment at the moment.

Mikha Bruin

hmm- how did you do it Vincent? Trying to get the smithy to mention the wine party without giving him a commission but that does not seem to be working?


First visit the king, he should mention that harvest day is coming. He might not mention it on the first day you're in the past, so you might have to try day 2 or 3. After that, visit the blacksmith and he should mention that he heard rumors about a wine party. Don't commission anything. Then just play normal until the wine party begins and ends. Return to blacksmith once again and talk to him. You should automatically give him the wine and the blacksmith drinks it. Both the king and blacksmith can only be visited during the day from my understanding. I don't know does anything during the wine party affect the event. Like do you need to stay in the hall to be able to get the wine and food or are you allowed to follow the king or Elvis during the party. I also don't know that is it possible to give the wine to the blacksmith at different times during the day or at multiple locations for different results, or is the outcome always the same.

Mikha Bruin

Thank you Vincent! Yes, taking to Yates first did the trick and I finally got the smithy drunk! I wonder if the wine smuggled by Tholord could be given to Kasa, who’s been hanging out at the ruins lately, bitching about Elvis and actually asking for wine, instead! I feel like we need to start writing up a solution at some point because managing multiple save points and re-running whole scenarios is very cumbersome, it could save us from the painful experience. Tigari, I know the discovery experience is an element of the game, but could you add some clues in the dialogues if a certain sequence of events is expected?


About the point you've mentioned, I'm working on it right now. And I assume it won't take too long to meet you.


I already tried this a few times, but it didnt work. Each time i talked to the king first, but the blacksmith never mentioned the wineparty... And yes, i didn't commission anything. At this point I dont have any idea what i should do...


Hmm, I'm encountering a possible glitch when it comes to getting the blacksmith drunk. When the blacksmith is shown drunk, it's just a close up of his face, some dialog, and then it ends. I have a feeling we're meant to see his whole body during that scene? I'm using version 1.8.