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Hello all :)

Here is the release of the 10$ build for February. Enjoy :)
We invite you to read the changelogs here if you haven't already to find out what's new.

MEGA (Classic direct download link - 11GB)

We have updated our launcher so you should get the latest version from here.

MEGA (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

GDrive ( Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

Alternative Classic Download link: MEGA (The file is over 5Gb but with our current mega account you should still be able to download it in one go, just scroll down and click "download anyway")


10.92 GB file on MEGA



open the launcher (if you already have it) and to the right of "10$ build" there is a trop-down selection where you can find the newest build (2023_02_24) hope this helps!


some problem with the MEGA (Classic direct download link - 11GB) zip package


just took the 10$ build, can't wait to have the full version ^^ if you search someone to make a french translation of the game i am your guy ;)


This Game keeps getting better and better, incredible options now for creating my own customizations. I'm not great at figuring this stuff out though. It looks like I can change the shape and size of penis in poses?? thanks for the help, really;)


Hello, how to uinstall previous build?


Ok so I am new here trying to get latest build of wild life I'm a $25 member but all I can download is the public version just wondering why?


You dont need to uninstall. But if you want, just delete the folder of that build version.


Youre making a post on the latest patron version. Just download the latest version from here and you should be all set.


I have just downloaded this build version and wanted to ask if this is the same as the Demo one can download from your official page? Unfortunately, I am not able to download the Demo because I live in f...ing Germany. It also brings the question to me if I will at all be able to play the finished end product since Steam isn't selling any adult games here.

Michael Ray

so the latest build has no story content? I dont even see the demo portion just the sandbox and test. kinda seems like the free demo has more than the paid version.


Now I am even more disappointed! I thought this WAS the Demo! On steam I have no access to the demo. Damn it...


Como jogo com os npc ?


so tem na demon da steam ?


Id be interested, how many people do have the "An exception occurred during a WebClient request" error when trying to download a build from the launcher? Because i cant download a build from there for over a year now, i try every new build, but this happens every time now. I was able to download without problems on there... a long time ago, idk what changed, but from what ive read its not a problem on my end. I dont suppose this will get fixed, if not literally everyone has it, i guess the manual download will be the only option now.


Have you tried doing suggestions from this doc? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI/edit


Almost all, but im not the network owner so i cant change anything there to try... also i didnt have enough browser-memory to download the mega link, it stopped at like 85%, now i had to download the half-malware mega app, and if its still not working there, i think i will just cry. (Nord vpn literally marked even the account-activation-link as malware ridden.) Edit: That didnt work either, transfer over app is capped at 5GB. So i will cry a bit, and then try the google link. If that doesnt work, i literally cant get this content. Edit 2: Nevermind, thats just the launcher download again, so i cant get this. Im sorry, but i have to cancel then, i wasted over a year of my sub for content i wasnt even able to download... but thats my fault, i should have tried more and realized earlier. Im very sad about that, cause i still love this project, but if i cant be part of it, i cant keep paying. :c


not sure if you gave up or not but close the window out completely and then right click on the launcher and choose "Run as Administrator", then click the build tier you have. I had this error and did the steps I listed, and it downloaded for me after. Also, make sure you are choosing an install location. you can do "set Install Folder" and then click the path you want. I choose my desktop. Hope that helps!

Ventras Uzumakie

does this build include VR capabillities ? or does VR only work in the "Christmas vr pack" never mind yes it does its in the Changelogs thanks for those


Is that the game?. I thought there was a world with quests?

Timmy Diep

Does the $10 build includes the quest/story line like the Demo from steam? I dont see it when i open the game


The quest/story is still under development but Adeptus Steve said that the first set of quests and playable story might be released in April so you may just be in luck


I did that too, and every other step on the list, and most times it still didnt work for me. However, i tried a few days again, and (it seems at least) with pure luck, it one time went through without the error and actually downloaded it fully. So i have this build now... lets see about the next one tho.


The current build on Patreon is running on UE5, so everything is being rebuilt, the demo on steam has not been updated yet


is sandbox in this mode?


Hey there, been a long time supporter and I have a new gaming laptop and this build isn't working on my system. I've downloaded it several times and tried to figure out the problem but I have nothing. It starts up but freezes on the loading screen with the spinning skulls that almost immediately stop spinning. I have to use task manager just to close it. Windows doesn't even recognize it as an app that is unresponsive. Anything I can do to fix this? I'll make another post on discord.


wonderfull work. one thing please UI in VR ty !!!!