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Hey everyone,
The year is almost over and we are looking with a lot of excitement and determination towards 2023. We had many awesome milestones this year like the introduction of the Sandbox mode, our booth at the Dokomi convention, the beginning of our work with professional motion capture, and our move to UE5. Internally our work on the story, quests, NPCs, locations and world map has also been progressing very well and we hope to be able to share the progress with you in one of the coming builds for next year.

Additionally our main focus on the technical side is going to be to improve performance and visuals of the project in UE5.

Our developers are currently all on their well-deserved vacation, hanging out with friends and family, getting some rest and recharging to face another productive year. We hope you are also having a great time off.

We are looking forward to what great new heights we can reach in 2023 together with your amazing support and input.

We wish you a great end of 2022 and a very prosperous year 2023 🙂

-Wild Life Team



more hair and clothing


It's nice to hear that the developers are able to get some time off and spend the holidays with their families and unwind a little. Many companies in the games industry seem to have a lot less respect for their employee's time.

Chris Jacks

Enjoy the well deserved break, team! You all earned it, and look forward to what 2023 brings to Kerpal!


Love this and so excited for wild life project in the next year. These milestones hold so much potential! Happy new year to ya team and appreciate y’all.


I'm excited to see how the game progresses, but unfortunately this will have to be the end of my pledge for now. The UE5 update has made the game entirely incompatible with my integrated graphics, so I'll have to wait with the last UE4 build until I can upgrade my computer (hopefully in the early fall). I've already spent more than several AAA games on this game, and i can't justify the continued cost if I can't access any of the new content. I hope to be back within the year, but this must be goodbye for now.


I'm kinda shocked that Sandbox was just introduced this year. It's so advanced already that it isn't registering in my brain that it didn't exist in 2021.


Thanks for your incredible support this far mate. I hope to see you back eventually <3


So when I max out her boob size of Maya her tits start to constantly glitch and jiggle (not in a fun way), and her wings seem to glitch into other bodies and objects, so I had to turn them down to zero. Also, some animations have glitches too. Just pointing out where I found bugs. Fps seems stable and no other performance issues but my max fps is 38, maybe dlss will fix this issue in the future? Also, the color, resolution, and graphic details changes when I go to a cinematic camera, I wish there was a way to keep that visual in standard cameras too.


The wings glitch completely or do they simply not have collision? (Because they dont) Phsics is still an issue as we said in the recent posts and one of our top priorities to look into next. What animations have glitches?

zachary curtis

I gotta say I've been a patron for these guys since September 2017, these guys are the only ones who have remained active and kept my interest for that long. It's been a long slow process, but trust me it's better that way.


Hey WildLife Team, just wanted to say thank you for making this game. I've been a patron for around 3 years, but you probably won't hear from me again on here. Before I end my pledge, I just wanted to thank you guys and hope to see even further creativity in the future not just in regard to the animations but gameplay and narrative as well. Often joked about "how many different sex positions can you create," and gave some alternatives but I know the vision is bigger than all that. Anyway, I won't ramble. If you do read this good luck, and I know the team will deliver in due time a great final product that will change the A rated industry. Take care guys <3 P.S. - Don't forget mod support down the road! ;)


New/More decorations of different settings (medieval/future/modern/baroque etc.) would be lit. So we can decorate more accurate scenarios. Yes, you made a fantastic feature with the option to just import objects and textures, but keep in mind that not everyone is able to use those features since it requires advanced it knowlege. All in all you did an awesome Job this year, exspecially the update from ue4 to ue5 was a major step. First didnt like it, but in hintsight its far better than the ue4 version. In graphics, stability and performance.


Cheers, yes we are soon going to start on the small decoration assets for the main game world. Each time one gets approved for final we will see to add it to the sandbox too :)


One thing i would love to see this year is a toggle to enable cumflation and belly bulge, right now Maya can take 3 horse dicks for like an hour straight getting gallons of cum shot inside her and still her stomach somehow looks almost as flat as a pancake, if this gets added to the game i'll literally need nothing else.


First person camera view seems to be broken now, doesn't work nearly as good as it did before. Could cycle both character in first person during h-scenes with the H key. Using the POV camera option doesn't seem to make any more of a difference. Can't seem to zoom out either holding alt key and using mouse wheel. Think noticed before on older version. When manually zooming in and out outside of the H-scenes. It would sometimes mess with the first-person camera preset. After switching to it.


Grok vs futa???


Yeah POV is completely broken, think imma have to download the older version lol.