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Hello all :)

Here is the release of the public build for August. Enjoy :)
We invite you to read the changelogs here if you haven't already to find out what's new.

MEGA (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

GDrive (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

Alternative Classic Download link: MEGA (The file is over 5Gb but with our current mega account you should still be able to download it in one go, just scroll down and click "download anyway")


12.32 GB file on MEGA


Wayne Kest

I had to redownload the launcher because I accidentally deleted it, but it won't launch now. I try to open it and nothing happens. I'm on 11600k / 6600XT / 16GB Edit: never mind. I saw the google doc in the previous post. I had to move the launcher to my Desktop folder. Really strange…


Check if anything from here is able to help you with that :) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI/edit


Idea for a new Kerpali: a frog based one. Could use the goatman skeleton if you guys don't plan on making new skeletons.


Do you have any new lesbian/ futa animations in the works?


when in open the game withg the launcher it opens and thenm loads for the rest of eternety


Hard to say what this can be but an other user with a similar issue said he solved it by doing this: fixed it by running as Windows vista Service pack 2 and as Administrator.


Bruh shut up! asking over and over isn’t going to net you a response


Gladly I found out how to disable auto VR Headset start.


Seems like with this new update none of my characters load in Sandbox. Only the poses/animations load. When I use "T" to toggle various characters, then save, next time I load the world all the characters are gone again. Bug??? Fix??


Are you actually saving the presets you customize in the customize menu and setting them to default?


Steve, your IPv6 is broken on your download host wl.e-wok.tv. Considering on average 40% are currently on dual stack and IPv6 is preferred, this causes many people issues. Instead of suggesting people disable IPv6 on their end, you should either fix it on yours or in the mean time drop the AAAA record in DNS for the server so everyone is transparently fallen back to IPv4. The download does never start and hangs for eternity is then fixed for everyone.


Yes, I've saved my character edits as default. I haven't had any issues like this until this latest build. Just downloaded the 23 Aug update, maybe that will help. As of today, all of my worlds are still empty every time I load, regardless of how many or how few characters I have loaded, then saved. Very strange.


23 Aug build didn't fix it. Any ideas as to why all of my worlds are empty of characters at startup? Anyone else having this issue?


I narrowed it down in that Kerpali characters will save and load correctly. none of the human characters will load. I tried starting from scratch with a new sandbox world, and still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Im still not quite sure what youre doing sorry. Are you maybe able to make a video recording of the issue and send it to me somehow?


I sent you a private message via Patreon. Hopefully that will work? Thanks so much. I absoultely LOVE this product.


Check this common issues page, it has instructions on how to hard disable VR: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI