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Hello all :)

Here is the release of the 10$ build for March. Enjoy :)
We invite you to read the changelogs here if you haven't already to find out what's new.

MEGA (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

GDrive ( Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

Alternative Classic Download link:
MEGA (The file is over 5Gb but with our current mega account you should still be able to download it in one go, just scroll down and click "download anyway")



11.53 GB file on MEGA



Hello I just downloaded a launcher and tried to download a game but I can't download the game. It keep shows a pop up message "an exception occurred during a webclient request" after a bit and stop downloading. Can you help me please?


Thats a common issue, check this doc to see how you can fix it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI/edit


do i have to create a mega account? I cant download the file it seems without it.


It should, but it doesn't. It never does for me. Is there a non-mega option?


How do i start a new game? When i hit "New Game" in the latest 10$ build it shows mit the Demo Version with the Village and the Fight Simulation - how do i start quests in the big world with maya? Only in Sandbox for now?


Thats not there yet. Currently its only sandbox and we are working on quests right now.


needs vr support reinstated as promised


thank you fgor the crappiest game not on vr at all. I got wobbly characters running around on my pc screen and black screen in my headset.biggest waste of money ever


Why do I still have genitalia censorship?


You may have downloaded the wrong version through the launcher. Check this video for a little help on that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glxn_1JKk_8


How do i remove the censorship?


I seem to be unable to load any builds, "an exception occurred during a WebClient request"?


Check this out, doc with some help for commonly found issues: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI/edit


So i tried reinstalling the game and found myself with a problem on the mega launcher: Is there any chance the mega build launcher is outdated and not working? When i click login the launcher just closes. It works fine with the gdrive link.


Hm that is strange, its actually the exact same file in both links. But have you tried the direrct mega link instead?


So i found the giant Eyes in the sandbox mode kinda look like a frog. Alittle un nerving if i am honest when i first saw it. You guys having some fun throwing easter eggs around the map?


every time ive downloaded this ive had issues. i download the classic i get the censored version, when i download the launcher i get web client error. this is not what i paid for


Classic cant give you the censored version, its physically impossible. And if its censored you should be able to simply go into the settings -> game -> censoring -> set to none. The webclient error is a clientside issue you can solve, we have a troubleshooting doc to help you with that. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI/edit