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Good day!
First of all we want to wish you a happy new year, we hope you had a great start :)
Our studio is back in action after a long and (mostly) refreshing holiday season.

One of the most important tasks to start this year for us is to finalize our complete game production plan. This is a detailed plan involving every plant, rock, character, outfit, animation, attack move, enemy, ambient creature, biome, and anything else needed to get the project to the finish line. After processing all this information we will also create a public roadmap showing our milestones for this year. Expect this to be released at some point in february, potentially along with the next build version.

So how is the development side going?

The level department is working now on developing the best shapes for large rock assets to populate our world in an efficient and good looking fashion. These designs will then be passed over to our modelers who will create the final assets.

Sandbox 2.0 is also making some nice progress. The animation and character selection screens are already done code-wise and currently we are developing the systems to place and move and edit props in the level.

On the character side we are aiming to create two new characters for this coming build: A male and female scientist with respective outfits. We are also finally giving the lizardmen the redesign we have been wanting to do for a while now. But don't worry, the legacy corbac will always be available through the sandbox. Further we will get the new Kerpali fur test into the new build, how exactly this will happen will be detailed in another post.

Animations are doing good. We already have a number of requests that are being worked on. On friday there will be a small get-together between animation and story to design the next 2-3 sexminigames. Since Maya has had her fair share in the last versions, this time we are aiming to make them for Max with Shey, Max with Mercer and Max with Karra.

Thank you all for the great record breaking support of last year. We are confident that this year will be even greater for everyone.

-Wild Life Team



Cool but don't Max and Shey already have a mini game? Can we possibly get a Shey with Rawn mini game or Shey with Kral?


Thats Max Jadeen, its the sexmingame from the demo. But we want one with the actual Shey and with final story context. Also currently sexminigames are limited to the protagonists Max and Maya because they are quite expensive to make and we can only produce so few with every release. But the game is supposed to 60+ so we need to be very efficient with whom they are made for. Every sexminigame coming from here on forward is supposed to be in the final games story. But Id love to create sexminigames outside of the main protagonists. Who knows maybe we have the resources later on in production to do some side gigs for other characters like that.


Looking forward for the next release, please add more costumes for the curviest babe in WL Mercer. Hope to see more gangbang animations, missionary position with tits/face slap and spitting on the next build . All the best :-)


Oh yes Kara and Max sex minigame !!


Very interested to see these scientist characters and their outfits 👀


I would love some Max x Wolf Kerpali (Name forgotten) interaction with the wolf being the sub/ receiver.


Honestly the selection of what is currently animated is amazing. What is sometimes frustrating is the lack of a "finish animation" could even just be under the position variant toggle setting.

Chris Jacks

Keep up the excellent work team! Looking forward to seeing another mini-game with Max and Alissa. She has so much energy in her social media accounts, and love to see that energy brought into Kerpal.


Die automatische Tiefenschärfe der Kamera in den minigames ist sau stark, auch wenn sie aus manchen Winkeln leider nicht richtig scharf stellt. Ich würde mir aber tatsächlich eigene Optionen und Regler wünschen, um das ganze auch außerhalb der minigames zu verwenden. Quasi die cinematic Kamera überarbeiten, so das man, zusammen mit den Kamera presets und der Tiefenschärfe, eigene Kamerawinkel mit eigener Schärfe speichern und verwenden kann.


Two things I'm getting asked about from fans, is seeing more of the male/male Kerpali (furries), kissing. I think some people want to see more of the lovable side of the male on male action aka more kissing each other while sexing. The other thing is viewing the orgasm from the inside. In most instances, in a video, you can watch one character finish on the ground/mouth/belly of another and you see the money shot. Typically the other character is finishing inside (creampie), but you can't see it. I've put the camera inside a few times and people really like it, but when you DO put the camera inside, there's not really any visual jizzing happening. Would be cool to give the illusion that the character is filling up the receiver somehow.


Some more loving M/M, noted. Some additional XRay view of inside orgasms would be great indeed and probably technically not too hard to implement if we choose a separate display and not an actual Xray of the live characters. Especially for the minigames that could be cool since they have very designed finisher animations.


Just one thing I like to add regarding the sandbox animation. They seem a bit disorganized when their being displayed on the drop down because some are from the mini game. They don't seem to be order in a particular or category to make it easier to know if one of them is from the mini game or not. Might be easier to organized them by types or add some categories for convenience.


Are you going to implement minigames between Max/Male Kerpali and Kerpali/Kerpali both F/F, F/M and M/M as well? Furthermore, carefully asking, any plans to implement some fetishes along the way? S:


Yeah the system randomizes them every time so they dont feel old as quick. The sandbox 2.0 will have custom animation playlists that you can assemble yourself from a nicely alphabetically orederd list :)


Max and Male kerpali minigame is planned, yes. Kerpali and Kerpali not at the moment for the reason I mentioned in a reply to a comment above. Which fetishes are you meaning to ask about?


Personally, I'd like to see a bit more interchangeability in the sandbox animations. Currently it's set up so that each "type" of character (i.e. Shey & Jadeen, or Bol & Frank) has a shared set of animations, but I'd love if we could have a bit more freedom. As things stand, the closest we can get is by pretty much turning one of the desired "type" into the desired character (such as tuning all of the customization options on Shey so that she looks like Alissa or something) - it's doable, but kinda time-consuming.


Trust me, transferring all the animations from Maya over to Shey is much much much more time consuming than that :D But we will do our best to transfer a healthy amount with every build so its more and more. I just hope people dont complain "Ugh its just a transfer from X "... happens.


Well...got sick for the start of the year, but nearly fully recovered. Looking forward to the progress reports.


Awesome stuff. Would changing eyebrow color be available in sandbox 2.0?


Not to pile on with a similar request, but more M/M intimate human stuff would be nice to see going forward. Like, just from character perspective, was interested in a Max/Shorty or Max/Jason scene in the demo. Even just porting some animations for them would be good at a minimum in the short term, the jackhammer anims from the latest update are really good. Loving how the game has been developing so far, hoping to see more story and character development, keep up the good work!


Hey! Happy New Year and congratulations on getting back to work! We hope you had an amazing festive time and everyone is in a great mood to start further development!


more futa content would be nice


Congratz with all the successes so far. Any chance of showing some of the survival aspects in the near future?


Congrats on the success I am loving everything so far. Chomping at the bit for a completed game. I mess around in the sandbox quite a bit and to my surprise my own wife got interested in making herself in the game which only added to more enjoyment for myself haha. It's time I give a bit of feedback though. Something I noticed is most of the females have a generic face. When you put the Maya hairstyles on them they look just like her. Is that intentional? Would love to see a bit of diversity. Oh my wife says make it so she can change eyebrows lol. Probably too much to ask for but if there is a way idk about or it's just not part of the demo yet, I would like to see Maya in the demo or have her as a playable character as I enjoy the demo quite a bit. Oh and in sandbox when creating poses if there is a way we can make it so you can walk away from a character and they stay locked in their poses would be great too. Patiently waiting not patiently waiting for what I'm sure will be a fantastic game. That new trailer got me excited it was dope!


Guten Morgen, ich spiele das Spiel jetzt seid ca 1 1/2 Jahren, was mir jedoch persönlich noch etwas fehlt und das was ich so aufgeschnappt habe von anderen Usern ist das man leider nicht so viel Freiheiten hat was die Charaktereinstellungen angeht, ich glaube da liegt noch Potenzial um sich etwas mehr austoben zu können und um die Sinne noch weiter zu reizen . Steht in Zukunft diesbezüglich etwas um Raum ? Ansonsten ein klasse Spiel, gehört zu meinen Favoriten und ich möchte es nie wieder missen.


Tali needs a lot more love!!!


Is there any chance of giving Maya's "succubus" ears as a costume item to characters like Jadeen, Max or Bol? When combined with other skin tones it allows players to create races like elves and orcs. Love the progress so far!


Thanks for the update! Do you have an ETA for the Sandbox 2.0 feature that allows for multiple sex scenes/poses running at the same time? Will it make it into the Feb release? Or is it coming further down the road? And as always: Keep up the great work!


<p style="color: #008600;">Glad to hear that you're going to give the Lizardmen the redesign you've wanted to do for a long time. Curious to see it!</p>


Is there a way to have the characters in the playable demo use our custom presets?

Futa is superior

I'm new here so I was just wondering if lots of options for Futanari is on the road map of future updates🤔


Hellp Steve! First, Happy new year to all the team. :D I was riding comments and I noticed something about Kerpali/Kerpali. By telling "the reason i mentionned" do you mean because of you're working on Xray System? And my last question, did you planned to add more animations / minigames betweens Kerpal charachers? :) Have a good day, keep goin this awesome work. &lt;3


when I load into one of the builds for some reason i cant move or look around, anyone know why?


Which contribution can give me acces to the sandbox mode? Because this game are just very amazing. All people work on Wild Life do a very great job thank you for this game.


Ah, you may need to delete the config files in appdata for the game. Find here: \AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Config


Thanks mate, happy new year to you too ;) Minigames between two kerpali characters may not happen until after the main game is finished. Max and Maya are the protagonists of Wild Life so sex minigames will be added to them first. But the plan after Wild Life is to make some add-ons with other playable characters - including Kerpali, then is also a good time to make sexminigames for them :)


Thank you 😃😃😃

Evert Visser

Will the released game have mod support?

Brodicius of Americinia

Are there any plans on adding a female lizard kerpali in the future?


I just want to let you guys know that of all the early access projects that I've supported, this one is the most promising and exciting by far! I look forward to every release and post because it just keeps getting better! Thanks to all the devs for your hard work!


does anyone know if theres a way to get this working through quest 2 through steam vr?


atm it defaults to the oculus runtime and then doesnt display anything


Hey Steve hope you are doing good. I have a question. After setting a single multiple sex scene couple, will they be set on random automatic sex scenes only or will we be able to set them to a single sex scene if one wanted to? It would be nice to be able to pick 2 or more sex scenes to run randomly for a couple whether it be blowjob, doggy or any certain type of sex/positions. For instance any of the doggy scenes run together, one after the other to stay focused. Seems that would make sense and even run smoother.


In sandbox 2.0 you mean? There will be an animation playlist that you can customize.


Yea, in sandbox, show room, old and new map, all except a new game or even a mini game. Basically my question is, what will we as the player be able to do with say, one single couple using the animation list? Will we be able to control which, how many and in what sequence animations will occur/loop?


It would be nice to pick and run only one animation continuously for instance if possible.


It is normal if Rawn can not have sex with an other Rawn ? Because Kral can have sex with an other Kral.


Hope we see some Futa Shey on Jadeen/Shey content


Sorry im new to pc so how do i download this game?


Hope to see more kerpali species, like an anthro horse, anthro dragon, anthro fox, anthro bear, etc.


I keep seeing the installer tell me "An exception occurred during a WebClient request." Whenever i try to download some version of the game.... Not fully certain what's going on but I'd really appreciate some help figuring out how to get past this...


Check our common issues help document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLD3Qo3wNE8vW3iJqTUfEewECm0JB4yOtGc_FSxwXZI/edit