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Here is a quick update on development for you.

Work on the next build is going well, we are estimating it to release at some point in the middle of august.

We are happy to announce that this will be the first build with a working save system to be released. At the moment the save system is a checkpoint based, single-slot save for the demo progression, but we will expand its functionality for the final game and the sandbox after the demo.

Our artists are making good progress on some hair style reworks using our new methods.

Check out the current styles for Jadeen, Alissa and Indra:

The native villagers are getting their own weapon design:

Stay tuned for more updates soon :)

-Wild Life Team




Before the full release, will there be a demo or something similiar for Maya as well?


There was one in the past already (Maya in Apoc). After this demo we will continue to work on the complete final game with all bits and bells.


So the build that will be released (if everything goes ok I presume) in the middle of august will be the 25$ one right? And then 10$ version week or two later, like always?

Justin Morales


Roman N

Im excited to see more. For now ill be a spectator till i buy my new pc.


We’re in the same boat mate. I’ll be looking for a new pc too. Just need to figure out what brand to choose from.


I love the dedication from you and your team it's truly awe-inspiring and simply AWESOME!! Keep em coming ( no pun intended)


Steve/question. Gotta ask, so Indra's ponytails, do they move with new physics? I luv the long braid she has going down her back. Also, will her hairstyle be available for all the other Maya girls in their hair selections? Like I always said, you can't go wrong with ponytails cause they sure do be sexy and give a girl a look of strength at the same time. Hate to be asking for more but I so do hope to see longer rope braided ponytails in the future. They look good swaying back and forth in doggy and other positions showing the face with expressions and all. You guys are great and much appreciated by all of us sinners out here.


P.s, I luv the multi ponytail look. If those move all individually from one another then all I gotta say is WOW, nothing short of masterful. It's pretty cool how you got the different styles and lengths going all at the same time, I luv it and thanks so much.


It would be pretty good if sometime a crossbow could be introduced into the game no matter if it was for villagers or the raiders, hell why not both. Raider one could have a detachable scope with cold sight and villagers a simple glass crosshair or iron cold sight. Maybe with a range of 100 meters, 50 or more with the cold sight. The girls would look good with one of those strapped across their back whether hanging or upright. Nice little pouch for the bolts off the hip. Make it a sleek feminine looking one.


The raider one a modern composite material and the villagers a rustic wooden build. No rush for it, just maybe pic away at it a little to see if it could be a thing. It would definitely be fun to hunt with or snipe enemies for a nice clean head or neck shot for a stealthy kill.


Wow, I just now noticed that it's not one ponytail but two large one's, one overlapping the other, running down Indra's back. So that make's eight ponytails in all. If they are going to be moving independently all at once as she move's then that's really going to be something to see. I think I'll color them black with a touch of red highlight, that should do the trick.


Again, I thank you for the ponytails. I just now only noticed it upon seeing the blue holders for the two long braids. I'll call them holders for a lack of better words. Even if they don't move it's ok but just the same I hope they do. Just think baby steps.


The hairstyles of the characters look great to me, as well as the weapon designs, and I love how the next build is progressing.


A, that new knife, I want one.


Hey Steve I got a solid question for you. Lets say you and your team make that knife for me and on the right side of the blade you inscribe wildlife with the logo and the left I get your autograph. Question is, how much would that run me? What are we talking here, the blade at least 12 to 14 inches from tip to hilt? Since I'm the only one asking all you got to do is make one just for me. Oh yea, and a nice looking villager scabbard for it. Probably unlawful to put an edge on it due to transit rules from country to country.


That would look badass on the wall and with a story to tell.


Hi, Adeptus Steve, I have an idea for enemies in the game: To avoid the problem of similar appearance of enemies, all enemies can be in tribal masks. Looks good: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/KHMt/teergDNru It also will save time to creating different enemies. You would need only to to create only some amount of masks. Different tribes will have different masks.


Upon inspecting the little details of the kerpali village I noticed that the horn you see every where actually comes from what looks like a ram or some kind of antelope. I found a stretched skin with head and horns in from of a small cave chamber. Now, how to explain the giant horn which hangs in the fisher village cave, well I have no idea other than a giant ram or antelope?


I love the game! Can we get some rawn x rawn x maya. Kral x kral x maya. All around more double scenes with more than one animation. Please!


Steve I have a question concerning walking motion. As the game progresses and there will be missions and combat it seems the walking motion as is would be to fast for a stealth mission. Would or have you ever considered a slower quiet type of tiptoeing. It would be good if player could toggle between walking and tiptoeing, something separate from sprint and jogging. I would think female tiptoeing could be quite sexy as well. That would look really badass for a sneaking knife stab or slice to the neck. Maybe even sink a knife in the back and run, leaving the knife in the back and then retrieving it after death.


Basically the tiptoeing would be an added feature along with walking as you have it now. The tiptoeing would stand upright more than crouching. Maya's face would be level with enemy's shoulder blades or a tad bit lower for instance. Actually it would be even cooler if Maya could go crouch and then toggle to tiptoe as needed for a stealthy kill. Walk, crouch, tiptoe in that order would work greatly.


It will be interesting to see Sonia's story unfold. She is a bit stand apart from the rest with here cocky southern accent. I always loved me some Wild eyed southern girls. She is a Wild eyed hottie for sure.


Hi. Can anyone tell me how to find the "Alissa Quest"???


Basically walk up and talk to her at the bar. She be sitting on a barstool. It's only in the demo playing as Max.


Hello, @Adeptussteve how do you feel about people streaming Wild Life on porn hub etc? Is this ok with you?


That's how I first saw it. Took awhile until I jumped on board though. I enjoy seeing their advancements. Its neat to see a game like this grow into something. Probably most people see it on porn hub for the first time I would imagine.


Steve/question. Imagining your open world game will have a large landmass similar to the size lets say, same as the new desert map, [Rancho del arroyo] on [The Hunter call of the wild], do you think a wheeled vehicle or vehicles will be introduced into the game? If not then maybe a type of horse or some animal totally new that evolved on Planet Kerpali? Either one or both would be fun if its doable.


Oh, it just hit me. What about something like a giant monitor lizard looking thing the girls could ride. It could be packed down with everything they would need for a long cross country trip. It could be about the length of a four door sedan along with the appropriate height as you would see fit. Maybe even two people could ride at the same time. Even more of a trip it could pull a wagon, even a caged one with prisoners on it. Fun, Fun, Fun times. Lizard jousting anyone?


Is their any more censor options in the settings menu


I said for more censory options support us on patreon what does that mean?

Fabian Krokaa

The grip is the wrong way on the Kukri.


Im a supporter but the launcher wont let me download the $10 version


For some reason, launching this game using the .exe is also launching SteamVR. Not doing any damage that I'm aware of, it's just weird.


Hello Adeptus Steve! I Just joined the patreon and was wondering a few things. Are there any plans to add vehicles or ridable animals to the game? Is there a way to drop clothing items or other inventory items and have them picked up by another character? Can 2 characters go into sex mode and just be left to go through their animations while a different character is in the player's control? Is there a way to equip guns while playing in the sandbox mode? Anyways, keep up the good work!


Hey welcome :) Vehicles and rideable animals arent part of the plan for the first final version. But I have plans to look into those for an add-on later after the first release. Items cant be dropped like that, no. Multiple independent sex scenes arent possible at the moment but its on my list of features for the sandbox. Combat isnt available in the sandbox mode at the moment. -S


Terror birds would make for some badass mounts. Deadly, fast and agile.


Steve/question. Now knowing that vehicles and rideable animals will be added later, is the mother ship going to come to us as being added on later after first final version or do you have different plans for it? It would be pretty cool to be able to dock with it manually.


Uuuuuf thats some star citizen level shit. Lets not get ahead of ourselves here and just make sure the main game is cool and works as intended first :D


Yea, just curious about stuff. Its nice to hear your thoughts on some subjects, even as far out as the mothership. It's always been fun to ask you far out type questions just to hear your response's. One never knows what the your answer may be to a far out question. You know me, I like to ask the hard hitting questions no matter how weird or far out they may be at times.


Really, I tend to have thoughts leaning towards what I envision we may have in the final, final version of the game as opposed to the next build and so some of my questions lean more that way allot of the time. That's most likely why any questions I ever have seem to be way ahead of where we are at presently sometimes. I do it out of habit mostly without considering how it comes off.


You know what would be a great ideia? An X-ray button/function during the sex scenes.