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Good news everyone! We are already about to release the builds for the $10 and public tiers. :)
The member test build release went really smooth and allowed us to get to a good state for the $10 release rather quickly.

Here are the changes coming to the build since the $25 testing version:


• Added 5 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here

• Added Fisher Chief outfit for Gulhragg (work in progress)

• Added Straps and Lingerie outfits for Serenia

• Added MayaXRawn and MayaXKral sex minigames for all Maya based females


• Resolved characters floating above the ocean while swimming

• Resolved NPCs not being able to attack after a sex minigame

• Resolved footstep sound spam

• Resolved items breaking when moving them around in the inventory

• Resolved missing input rebinders (Interact, Toggle Clothes, Place Item)

• Resolved input conflict between quick item and ejaculation

• Resolved sex minigame not advancing automatically in some cases

• Resolved random crash on game exit

• Resolved rare crash with NPC sex routines

• Resolved rare crash when aiming with a bow

• Resolved not being able to spawn characters in the Jungle Blockout level

• Various improvements to animations

• Various improvements to dialogue

• Various improvements to level models and materials

Known Issues:

• Reflection issue with our new hair technology

• Shorty’s Side Bet quest shows the number of sexual encounters you have had, but quest completion condition is the number of white ribbons you have received

• Setting animation speed and amplitude to zero causes sex toys to disappear

Here are the changes from the $25 build compared to the previous $10 build:


• Added over 40 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here

• Added 2 new sex minigames with over 15 animations each (MaxXAlissa, MayaXKral)

• Added 25 new animations to MayaXRawn sex minigame (Doggy, Boobjob, Throatjob)

• Added a bunch of new dialogue

• Added several new NPC routines

• Fully implemented Alissa quest

• Added 2 new hair styles with our new hair technology (Maya + Max)

• Added 3 new outfits to many of our female characters (Lingerie, Mechanic, Straps)

• Added new poses to character poser

• Added new pubic hair styles for males and females

• Added combat range to test our reworked combat (Please send us your feedback)

• Added free cam feature to sex minigame


• Various improvements to characters, animations and physics

• Adjusted lighting in Fisher Village level

• Various improvements to level models and materials

• Reworked combat and combat AI

• Changed some inputs as part of the reworked combat

• Improved dialogue

• Improved NPC routines

• Started implementing sound effects

• Reworked UI (Not fully completed, yet)

• Improved climbing and falling (Currently only for Max and Maya)

• Resolved cum not sticking to characters outside of sex sequence or poser

• Resolved cum disappearing after a while

• Resolved rare issue where sex animations could desync during sex minigame

• Resolved animations not looping when talking to an NPC during their routine

• Resolved crash when talking to Maya as Maya

• Resolved characters sometimes sinking into the ground during sex sequence

• Resolved combat AI getting stuck

• Resolved guiding AI standing still when the player moves too far ahead

Thanks for your great support, we hope you like this new build.

-Wild Life Team

The links will be posted in the following few hours and updated here once they are ready.

New build links! (will follow soon)

$10:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/52827884

Public:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/52827974



Hi, Adeptus Steve, I have some suggestions for combat system: 1. Add an ability to roll out of enemy’s blows - to the left, to right, to the back. This video demonstrates what does it look like: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/bYLm/HouaAHbtE 2. At the shooting range Maya was using same blows every time. It ruins the whole combat experience, for me. Please add different blows for each enemy. 3-4 different blows and 1 critical, will be enough, I think.


3. I think it would be cool, if every enemy would have it own unique combat features, strategies. Because fights with enemies get old fast now. All fights goes in the same way, actions of enemies are predictable - all of them run towards player and attack player. In 5 hours of playing the game, it will get old quickly. My suggestions and examples of unique combat features, strategies for enemies: For example, black huge wolves at the shooting range can pick up huge stones or pieces of earth from the ground and throw it towards player. They also can sprint fast towards player and knock him down. Player would need to dodge of their “sprint attacks”. Another enemies attack only in group (hyenas, for example). They surround player, force him into the circle and attack him. They don’t let him out of the circle. Thus, player always would need to use individual approach to every enemy, find particular tactics and use particular weapon for every enemy. For example, one enemy attacks in close combat and kills with a single blow. So player would need to use a bow to kill these enemies. Another enemy shooting arrows or spears. Attacks from a distance and runs away from the player when the player comes closer to him. Player would need to dodge from shots and use a bow to kill these enemies. Another enemy attacks player in close combat, but when he has low health level, he runs away of the player and restores health, then comes back to the player and continue attacks him. Another enemies or wild animals attack player only from behind, when he doesn’t expect it. Thus, fights in the game never won’t be monotonous and boring. Player won’t be able to kill all enemies using only a bow or pistol. He will need to use different weapons, use different tactics.


Ideas2: Some of the enemies can fleeing from the player, when they have critical level of health. Another small amount of enemies, can lie in pain, when they have critical level of health. Player can choose - finish them off or don’t touch them.


Adeptus Steve, were these suggestions helpful for your game?


Im passing them down to the coders who are working on combat, they can see how this helps :)


Hi, I have found an example of enemy’s sprinting towards player and knocking him down. This video shows what does it look like in the game: https://youtu.be/kyJLiSQvUJw


Hi, Adeptus Steve, I want to share with you my experience and ideas about combat system. When I was playing at the combat range I spotted that fights don’t cause sense of tension. There is no fear that you might die during such fight, it’s more like routine. I think this happens because: 1. Enemies run slowly. You know that you can always speed up (by pressing “shift” button) and run away from them. So enemies aren’t threat to player. Enemies aren’t cause fear and sense of tension. I think they should run same speed as player speed ups. 2. Player mustn’t have an ability to run away from enemies too far. For exmaple, player’s green energy bar should spend during speed ups (when player keeps “shift”button). So player won’t be able to run far away from enemies. His green energy bar will over, player would need to dodge of enemies attacks, he would need to fight. He won’t have a choice. It will be very difficult to run away. 3. The most important problem! I spotted that enemies always attacks player too late - only after a few seconds. Using this glitch I had killed 7 enemies that attacked me in group, almost without getting damage. I captured it on video: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Kt9k/7kyH1rKHJ I even didn’t use speed up. (I didn’t press “shift” button to run faster). Player comes close to enemy, and enemy doesn’t attack player. I think enemies should attack player without delays. So players won’t be able to use same boring and monotonous tactic as I used to kill these 7 enemies easily. 4. There is another problem: I don’t know any ways how to defeat group of enemies don’t using this boring and monotonous tactic - “run away from enemies and strike them”. “Press Q to Parry” - doesn’t help to defeat them. They kill player in seconds when you use Parry. I have an idea how to solve this problem and make fights more interesting: You need to add “fight mode” to the game. It can be activated by pressing button. In this mode player takes out and holds weapon in his hands. When this mode turned off, player’s weapon is hide and he doesn’t have anything in his hands. In this mode player’s face and his attacks always will be directed toward the point that player directs the camera. It’s very convenient, I think. I have found an example what does it look like: https://youtu.be/hOPfQPKHVoE It’s very convenient, I think.


5. Enemies also should parry (block) player’s attacks and dodge of player’s attacks - roll out of the way of player’s blows. 6. Enemies also should try to go behind player’s back to attack player from behind. They can somersault to the left or to the right of player’s position to attack him from another side. Thus, every fight will be interesting and unpredictable.


is there a combat system? I just play this game to jack off.