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Hello all :)

Here is the release of the public build for June. Enjoy :)
We invite you to read the changelogs here if you haven't already to find out what's new.

If the main link asks you for a decryption key, pls use this:

MEGA (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

GDrive ( Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

Alternative Classic Download link:
MEGA (The file is over 5Gb but with our current mega account you should still be able to download it in one go)


8.42 GB file on MEGA


Ted Ee

Crashes in VR. And I'm running a 10985 I9 CPU with an RTX 3080.


Well, congratulations that the test build went smoothly, all the changes and additions are really impressive, and there are quite a few of them.


Will there be pregnancy? I sure hope so ;)


could you make the UI hp gun etc etc only display when in use ie in combat, hp loss etc etc as for me it is an eye sore having these bars and other stuff on my screen when I never use them, I use sex sim sandbox and no fighting so I never use them at all hiding UI also hides my fps display and E interaction menu promts, the option to hide combat and hp display alone would be good thank you


no they have said NO many many times to this before....for development issues caused with it and children etc the baby must be born, you thinks thats a good idea in this world? hence NO never..


the new hair is very very nice, performance looks to be better, in places i had 30 fps I now have 60 fps, new outfits are nice (would be nice if all characters had them all for more options) nice work over all I say, well done, foot print tessellation not active?


In the game when I try to posses a character it tells me I need to support it on patreon in order to do so. I am a $10 member but how do I get the game to recognize that? Actually as it turns out, my game is also censored now too. did i download something incorrectly?


Yes, youre downloading the public version. Go here for the uncensored one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52827884


Haha I should have figured it was something that simple. Thank you so much for taking tge time to reply! You guys are the best!

Mars Project

I only recently subbed here and I gotta say I am liking what I am seeing. I have been having tons of fun with the various groupings of characters in the sandbox that I have barely looked at the single player yet. Also just flying around in the sandbox is SOOOOO much fun. That aside, is it possible to save the single player game at some point? I mean I assume that part is still a W.I.P but I am just curious since i'd rather not run through that jungle every time I start up the game again. Another question, is it possible to spawn a bunch of characters in the sandbox mode and have them interact with one another without my interference? Like can I just be standing there on another character and watch as an orgy develops?


Hey, thanks for the kind words :) glad you are enjoying it. Savegame is one of the next things on our list for the demo content. A more versatile sandbox with sex scenes that can be viewed without the player character being involved is also planned for a bit later too.


Crashing when I interact with an NPC


slight bug im having, when i talk to a character the breast physics go haywire and expand the boobs to double the size. the only way to reset is to slide the boobs to zero talk to the character again and then slide the boobs back up while in an animation. the last 2 builds for me have had this bug, the last build that worked perfectly was the one last christmas. any idea what this might be?


Ive reported this bug, we will take a look, it shouldnt be too complicated to fix.


excellent, thank you!


how do i get all the girls? Im confused as hell.


What happened to the controls?? When you try and make Maya fly it pulls up item wheel even when you change it in the settings. How much further down the road is the final cut?


Controls are still havily work in progress as we test and implement new systems and new inputs and reorganzie the existing scheme.


Hey guys i have now played multible times through the demo and have to ask two questions, is it possible to get more then 4 ribbons and when i talk to shorty at the end to confirm my victory, it says that i can unlock maya, but instead it takes me back to the main menu, is the section with maya not done yet or am i doing something wrong?


Hey mate. Sorry for the confusion :) Q1: No, you can get 4 ribbons but lay with 5 women. Jadeen doesnt give you a ribbon because she doesnt think much of that stuff. Q2: That is bit of a prevoew for an aspect of the demo that isnt in yet. The idea there is that while max has the little storyline and dialogues. Once you played through that you get access to a preview of our complete game world (heavy work in progress, most likely still barebones and ugly) which you can explore with Mayas flying.


This might be a stupid question, because it was answered already... but how does the sex minigame actually work?


The name "minigame" is a bit misleading. Its not really a minigame and more a slightly interactive cinematic sex scene. You can skip to the next scene with R. At some parts you can perform certain actions with E. Sometimes also With Q. You can enter free cam mode with MMB. The whole thing isnt finished yet and we will add more quality of life adjustment sand also some more content.


Hello, I really like your game, while exploring the world and searching here, I fell off a rock, opened my inventory and that I would get a heal potion and the game fell for me wrote me that fatal error I don't know what happened I'm just writing to let you know. Unfortunately, I can't write English, so I apologize for the Google translator.


having issues with the mouse pointer, clicking titles and labels when i hover or them wont highlight, weird explanation but when i hover over in the area where the title isant present it highlights and clicks for some weird reason lined up as, you click on something --------------------------->Here but actually click on something ----------------------------->Here


Try clicking F11 to toggle screen modes. That usually fixes misaligned cursor to button.


What do I do if the Launcher won't run?


How do I get access to my patreon benefits in the alt mega link?


First you need to go into this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52827884 And access the mega link from there. The rest is just as usual, download, unpack, play :)


MEGA doesn't work anymore. They stop your download a third of the way through with some bullshit about your "online storage space", and tell you to get their app, make a profile, and pay them money. Tried multiple browsers, with perfectly clear caches, empty histories, etc.


If Mega is throwing some popup claiming the file is too big and you need to make an account, try scrolling down, there should be a "resume download" button at the bottom. We have a paid business account, they shouldn't restrict the download, but they sure love making it look like it is restricted.


Nah, it was after that. Download stops around 13mb in.


I receive download client request error hmm! how to fix that !


tried moving the launcher to a different drive? or starting it in admin mode? if nothing works you can always try downloading via the direct link on the post.


Fatal error keeps happening everytime i launch the game. I tried the XInput fix but it didn't help at all.


My whole game is censored wth! And i cant find any option to remove it...I hope i dont have to install some completely different version of the game...why is this even an option in a sex game


andi pay 25.00 a month