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Hello travellers,

The day is finally here! We have prepared the game and lore overview that will give you a clearer vision of what Wild Life is aiming to be.

Check it out >>>> HERE <<<<

We plan to make a community stream QnA tomorrow. So if you have any questions or comments or simply want to talk to us, head over to picarto or twitch  tomorrow at 6:30 PM CET or 12:30 PM EST.

See you there ;)

-Wild Life Team



So it'll be on Steam? Steam recently removed all adult only content from the german Steam store (because apparently games with titties are bad, but gore, violence and killing people is okay). So I'm guessing this will be ratded adult only, so not purchusable on Steam in Germany?


Interesting, I wasn't expecting that the natives of Kerpali were actually transformed humans. I doubt magic is a thing on Kerpali, so maybe it was some kind of chemical that caused the change...maybe a bad science experiment gone wrong that effected the crashed colonist ship. I assume the storymodes for Maya and Max will be separate so we aren't time hopping between two different characters in one gameplay. Interesting idea to make Maya's gameplay a little easier as she's the native who knows the lands and people, whereas harder mode is Max the new arrival on a literal alien world. I'm so excited! Thanks for sharing this overview. Wonderfully done, Wild Life Team. It truly is a pleasure to be supporting, watching, and enjoying the growth of Wild Life.


Hey Steve hope all is good with you. Just to understand, when all is said and done and the game will be on steam, in order to have the adult version on steam will we have to remain patreon's at 10 dollars a month in order to maintain a current adult/uncensored directors cut? If so then would we still have to download the directors from your patreon launcher as we have always done in order to play/launch game off of steam like any other regular nonsexual type of steam game?


By the way I am in North Carolina. Don't know how that would matter but just the same.


We will see about that. Germany requires a stricter age gating procedure than steam is willing to implement. It can also be that germany wants games to be on steam that have their age rating setup which is something we plan to do if selling in germany is a possibility. If not we will try to find solutions to this.


The true origin of the transformation is still a mystery but it may be part of the game to find out whats been going on :) The Max and Maya stories are actually in one gameplay. Similar to how GTA5 does its gameplay with their 3 protagonists. Most likely the game story will be structured in acts, and some acts will be played as Maya and some as Max. Thanks for your great interest mate, hope to see you on the stream tomorrow :)


The adult version is already on steam when you get the game (either buying it yourself or from a key we give you if you have supported us with a total of 30$ over the course of the development). The add-on that contains the kerpali content will be available through patreon. But if you got a key from us, you also get the add-on. The launcher may change a lot in the future so I cant make any definite statements about its capabilities on release.

Sophie Meyer

Will wildlife be available and playable for mac as well? Great work guys btw keep going!😊




Stinker had mentioned he was in Germany is all so maybe living in a certain region or country may have differing restrictions according to rules by steam . Steam in the past has resembled certain puritan ways of doing buisness. I have noticed though that some steam games are quit graphic but nothing as graphic as Wild life but very close/same as to it as far as intercourse go's.


Are you planning to aka update or add more kerpali?


A long time ago I purchased House Party and it was fully censored. All sex scenes had the word censored in big bold letters plastered over the sex movement in progress. The makers of that game were not happy with steam doing that but eventually they had that removed and all was good. I don't know how they did it but they managed it without having to use a key for the censor removal. That's really the only experience I have to go on with the subject at hand. I am sure you know way more about it than I do so I probably sound pretty ignorant about it. I just have high hopes for the game to run smooth off of steam. Wild Life is one of those must have games. I am sure everyone here would agree with that for sure. Have a good day and thanks for a great one of a kind game.


Currently we have no plans for Mac support, but you can try using tools like wine, that might work.


Only male protagonist?in story mode.


max seems to be disadvantaged compared to maya by a sizable margin. why is this?


They just have different aspects and strengths. Your "sizable margin" is a subjective interpretation. Its different playstyles. Max uses firearms which are stronger than bow and spear, Maya can fly but Max has a grappling hook which helps him with that. They dont have to be equally balanced in all aspects and it depends on preference whether you find one or the other more or less enjoyable in the end.


Please tell me the grappling hook will be in the next couple of releases.


Oooh, its not been scheduled for a while. So probably not in what you consider the next couple of releases.

New Frontiers

Happy New Year to the Wild Life crew! Exciting things ahead!

Roman N

Im excited and now with a plan to get a good pc, i hope all goes well. Stay safe.


I sent a message in response. It would be greatly appreciate if I could, please, received a reply to it. It would mean a lot to have the concern addressed.


The features of - build your own house - farming - hunting - cooking - alchemy - getting married - getting pregnant - radiant romance scene that can be repeated (not just ended after the romance scenes finished) That has been missing from Cyberpunk 2077, better be in Wild Life... Please...

Faceless (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-30 20:10:34 Hey Steve &amp; the Wild Life team. I see many people have made suggestions and they have gotten many responses so this being my first, I was wondering if you could add more scenes in regards to the goat-men and sylvarious (or add other "smaller" creatures eventually). I just feel like there isn't a balance to some characters scenes and others are neglected. Adding more scenes especially to those who have had less than others would be an awesome idea and a treat to the fans and world of Wild Life. Keep up the good work &lt;3
2021-01-08 03:39:52 Hey Steve & the Wild Life team. I see many people have made suggestions and they have gotten many responses so this being my first, I was wondering if you could add more scenes in regards to the goat-men and sylvarious (or add other "smaller" creatures eventually). I just feel like there isn't a balance to some characters scenes and others are neglected. Adding more scenes especially to those who have had less than others would be an awesome idea and a treat to the fans and world of Wild Life. Keep up the good work <3

Hey Steve & the Wild Life team. I see many people have made suggestions and they have gotten many responses so this being my first, I was wondering if you could add more scenes in regards to the goat-men and sylvarious (or add other "smaller" creatures eventually). I just feel like there isn't a balance to some characters scenes and others are neglected. Adding more scenes especially to those who have had less than others would be an awesome idea and a treat to the fans and world of Wild Life. Keep up the good work <3


Are you guys thinking of also adding it to console too? And great game!


Could we get a game mode possibly around the Kerpali as well? A story played through their eyes? :o


Yes, thanks for reviewing the game. Everything looks great and quite exciting. Keep it up!


Thanks mate, we will try to balance things out, but that is a long game so itll take several releases and maybe to some people they probably never feel truly balanced. But we willl try our best :)


This update is great, really gives an insight into what the game will be and what it will involve, really looking forward to seeing the games development continue and to see the quests and story progress. I saw a couple mentions of scientists, does that mean we may get some sexy scientists to play with later in development?


How will it work with the other characters then in the story mode? Will they be playable,companions or will they just be quest giving romanceable NPCs? And as for Maya and Max will their looks be customizible or will the look be what it is?


Oh man, it sounds like the transformation aspect is supposed to be something that happened over a longer period of time, but if it were a sudden transformation, (minutes-days) That would appeal to such a large niche in the furry fandom.


Hope this don't sound funny but could Maya have a special spot/nest way up in the canopy in the jungle for some hot tree top action with enough area to spawn at least 3 characters including herself? Tree house or nest of some sort maybe next to waterfall or deep forest? Maybe even more than one nest. If her mothering instincts ever kicked in she would need a place like that. After all, she is quite birdlike.


Their looks will be customizable to an extent yeah. Probably not much more than what the current customization has to offer tho. Other characters are NPCs with storylines and romances and possible companions and such yea.


But thats how it actually goes. If a person happens to transform it happens over the course of a few painful hours or days. But once they transform it is permanent.


Super exciting, keep up the great work! Any plans for some kind of modding support, e.g. a map editor, scripting or custom models/textures? Would be really cool to open the game up for a bit of customization! :)


is there a way to pose girls and leave them posed after you exit the customization menu


Nah I’m just saying some kerpali have a lot of scenes while the goatmen have less than other kerpali. If they could get more that’d be awesome. Thanks for the reply tho!

Superior Sol

Nice to see a progression roadmap :)

stephane k

hello , can we have a MAC OS version one day... ? in 2022 ? or never ?