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Hello all!

Happy Halloween week!

New updates on Wild Life, here is what we have been working on:

  • Max: reworked model, movement and animations.
  • Emotion tuning for characters.
  • Character Interactions: preparing reactions and actions.
  • VFX placement for the jungle area.
  • Bug fixes and system polishing.
  • Knife combat system implementation.
  • Starting internal documents for detailing the story and setting.
  • Concept for new female Character (raider)

We are still on course to release the next build mid-November :)

Stay home, stay safe, stay strong,

- Wild Life Team



Can you maybe make a stallion? Like you did with the rhino? A stallion would be so awesome! Love your work.


Looking forward to seeing the new Max, all of these things sound great and I can't wait to see them implemented




Happy Hallowen for you too! Any ideas for body type for new female raider (Maya or Shey)? Once again I propose some kind of geek/nerd type of girl, if it is compatible with your idea of raiders. IMHO it is probable that they would have some kind of scientist on board eg. xenobiologist.


Juicy info as always. Looking forward to see the new Max & the new girl, and what new story details are being planned. Knife combat? Sweet.


Throwing in my support for a smaller petite framed girl to balance out the model style and large frames we already have. Looking forward to the update, keep up the good work!


need textures to age your characters !!!


since you have a heavy set human when can we expect a heavy set furry? I picked a bear. but even Borca is notas heavy set as could be.A bear is still the first if one gets developed. Might want to page the person who created sergals and see if you can develop a male and female version for your game.

Rosetta Roman

Also I'd love to see the concept art for the raider girl

Rosetta Roman

If I were to pick the next furry girl, I'd say a shark girl would be amazing. I love furry sharks, my OC/Fursona is a shark

Puffy Joyana

I will always love this game and come back for more hotness! Awsome game and keep cuming with those updates 😳🤤🤣😋


An Ooter or skunk would would be my vote for the next furry.


Can we expect the update to be released next week?


Will the character's emotion setting also work in animation?


Neanderthal cave dwellers could capture any unsuspecting girls who happen to wonder to far from their camps. What go's on in the caves stays in the caves if you know what I mean.


I hope to someday see some super hot pole dancing in this game. These girls are supremely ripe for it . Pole dancing on the mothership would be a hot spot for it.


So we got a great jungle thing going on here. What about a frog man? An amphibious frog man could be green, brown of very colorful like some poisonous frogs. Frog man habitat would probably be around waterfalls, lakes and streams. Frogman would luv's him some raider and tribal girls. Frogman skin could be smooth or bumpy. Just imagine what frogman would do with that long ass tongue he would be sporting. As far as for his lower extremity, I would leave that one up to Steve's imagination for that one.

Dildo Swaggins

maybe some sort of grub or worm boss that the player has to defeat and that has the option of infesting the character?


Es wäre voll coll wenn es endlich eine story gäbe


Oh, the frogmen could wield a living worm to use on unsuspecting girls who are merely trying to bath near the waterfalls. Or, the girls could just catch a worm out of the water and use it on self or each other. DAUUUMMMn. Make it look and move like a nightcrawler. You could name it [The Nightcrawler]. Go for broke. The sky is the limit here eh.


The worm would wind itself up a leg or arm if its on its own. Ofcourse it would need someone to apply it. Maybe a worm mistress of sorts. Mistress keeper of the worms, may long shall she live. One worm, the mistress and two other girls would make for a good threesome or would that be a foursome?


Maybe the worm mistress could be the hot humanoid Queen of the frogmen. Captured girls from the waterfalls would be the slaves of her court. Raiders, Alien, Kerpali and Tribal would travel from afar to visit her court for the most exquisite peace negotiation parties. Sometimes it takes a little piece in order to keep the peace if you catch my drift.

Frank Leo

Thank You


Hello , I have a big idea, do you think it is possible to split the screen in 2 cameras while in first person view. For example, left side first camera, right side, second camera with multiple choice.


The worm mistress could wear frog skin loin cloth maybe even snakeskins.


Oh yea, snakeskin apparel would do just fine. Diamondback pattern would look good.


STEVE will we ever get a new Salivarius animation or futa jenny on female


Well, earlier I was describing the great frog queen, eh, lets call here Zella and her palace with a force of horney frogmen. Now we know the frogmen ambush and capture unsuspecting super hot human tribal and raider girls as they innocently try to bath in the waterholes in and around the lakes and waterfalls. Them frogman can't help it when they see's them girls in the nude so they just snatch them up and take them to the queen.


Now the queen has a good thang a goin there having all those beautiful girls at her disposal. So believe it or not she starts this business and her palace turns into a house of the rising sun if you know what I mean. Well every now and then one or more of those girls gets loose and gets lost in the jungle. They roam around naked, scared and confused for awhile. Eventually some of the girls would gather together and form a kind of group. This group gives the girls some safety in numbers. Its like how birds of a feather flock together.


After awhile and before you know it this little group grows into a number of about at least 156 girls. This coven of girls has not a single leader. They have become somewhat feral and so none of them would ever be excepted back from where they came from. For one thing these girls are pissed off at the world and only want to seek revenge on all men be it animal or humane. They have never forgotten all the depraved sex acts they had to perform on all those men.


The funny thing is, is that now the only thing left for them is sweet revenge and they become a worrier race of hot and horney women. They eventually start capturing men from wherever they can find them. Goats, bulls, rhinos, humans, aliens, I mean it don't matter. If its male all are fare game and to them all men are game. Once a man is inside that camp they are faced with all manner of sexual horrors you can imagine. After a man is all used up he is to end up on a spit and roasted alive and to be eaten by the tribe. As a man my only advice to you is to please don't walk alone in the jungle because it don't matter how bitchen you think you are because you will never be able to fight off the temptations of a super hot slave girl turned worrier princess. They will lurer you in and mess you up. Yea, you will enjoy it until until it starts to get ruff and by then its all over and lights out. My advice is to stay home, hold on to the family jewels and for gods sake just stay close to the girls in your camp and stay the hell out of Zella's place. Luv, WarMallet.


off to the jungle i go! o7


Steve you guys are awesome. Can’t wait to see new character interactions. You models are the best!


All hail Queen Zella. Once upon a time about six years ago there lived a sweet young tribal girl. You guessed it, I am talking about Zella. One day She and three of her girlfriends ventured out for a nice day at the local swimming hole. After about an hour of that she became bored and wanted to hike upstream for a look but her friends told her that they were to never go farther than the point where they were at. Zella stomped her little foot on the ground and clencher her fists and said she didn't care about the rules so she stormed off walking fast. After awhile she realized she was lost and tired. She found a nice peaceful waterfall and decided to take a dip. So she dove in and bobbed up for a float when suddenly she felt something grab her ankle. Next came a swift blow to her head and it was lights out.


Later Zella woke. She was lying on her back on a cold stone floor. Dazed, she looked up and much to her surprise there were three very strange faces staring at her. They instantly ripped off what little clothes she had left and had their way with her. After about an hour or so of that it was over. It ended as abruptly as it had started. She was terrified. These were no men, they were some kind of creatures she had never saw before. Little did she know she was just ravished by a bullfrog and two leopard frog men. Bullfrog man had the body of a heavy weight boxer and the leopard men the physic of a long distance runner. After that first night in the old abandoned palace, what had just happened became a regular routine for the next three years.


It took an entire three years of this abuse until she began to realize that she had it kind of good. She began to hit back and give as much to them as they gave to her. This gained their respect. She was the first human they had ever seen. Actually she was the first human female they had ever captured. She was stunningly beautiful and the frogs bodies were very similar to that of human males. Inevitably the frogs began to worship her. She was their only desire. The next two years consisted of nothing but pure pleasure but she began to want more. Now she wanted power.


She had the frogs clean up the palace and restore it to its former glory. She began to sit upon a throne. She even had one of the frogs slain so she could wear his skin. She began to change not long after sitting on that throne. Something very old had been living in that palace for an eon. One day an old stinking ancient smoke entered her body and she began writhing in ecstasy. She had lost her beautiful feathered wings and instead gained a pair of boney skin clad wings. Her finger nails became long and sharp. This side of her would only show up at certain times of the year or if provoked by anger. She had an evil thought. She liked girls so why not have her frog goons go and get her some. She without hesitation called to her court all the frog men to assemble. She ordered all frogs to capture any and all human women by any means necessary. At hearing this all the frogs began cheering and jumping with joy. That night the queen gave herself to all of them to show her devotion as an example of all the good things to cum and so began a new era of this house of the rising sun, a house of ill repute.


It wasn't long after that fateful long and lustful night of of all sorts of depravity that even she had to consider that something was wrong. Something wrong with herself. There was now way she could have known about that old black smoke. She never felt it enter her body as it gracefully penetrated her. The only thing she could remember was the overwhelming urge of pleasure as she sat on that throne. Her soul now intermingled with the entity now revealed who she was really always meant to be. She had become a powerful Sex Demon and so now was the perfect queen for a large and horney frogman horde. She soon had a harem of 50 girls strong. Having all the knowledge of the entity she began training them in the arts of pleasure and debauchery. The girls were mesmerized by Zella's gaze and quite eager to learn and so began the many years of queen Zella's reign. [FHATALITY], may the good times roll.


Truly this game is in a league all to its own. So much potential here. Greatly appreciate you guys making this game. Keep up the good work and let the imaginations flow.


DEBAUCHERY'S BALGEROTH - Blutgott Blitzkrieg (Official Video). Queen Zella's favorite band. Just some of her frequent customers. Ah.......Yeaaaaaaa. BALGEROTH - In der Hölle spricht man Deutsch (Full Album 2018). They play at all her party's. Just part of the scenery really. Frog jump'n good. Simply WILD.


Ritualistic Pain, the song makes for some good old fashioned kerpali mudwrestling music. I mean the hairpulling, laughing, giggling, slap and tickling type of wrestling. Oh yea, perfect for these wheeeeee whittttle tomboys.


I gotta question. I know its far out there but here it is. Steve, would it be a possibility to create a Robot of some kind that sports a fully functional. multi purpose, fully rotational and vibrational robot cock? It could be tool used by raiders from the mothership as protection or used as a workhorse. Yay or nay?


Yea, a full on metal robot chubby is what this game needs. A full on metal robot chubby. Fully vibrational with at least 10 speeds to choose from. Oh yea.


Question here: I would love to pose several characters @ once. Will we be able to do that in near future? Also have you thought about adding a xray feature?


You can already have many characters posed at once by having them follow you before you start the posing.


Stationary or a walking automaton with a kind of character identity of its own? Something like Robby the robot like from the old [B type movies] or a Data like character off star trek? I would prefer a more mechanical type of robot as compared to something that looks and moves like a human. You could really make one hell of a full on metal robot chubby/hard blue steel. lol


A stationary could be made out of surrounding material from planet. A rudimentary piece made from rope, wood, plant and animal or human bones. A riding cycle would be cool with some really sexy face animations to go with it. E very village could have one just in case of an emergency.


Sergoo, I am so glad you asked that question and thanks for this one. Steve, thanks for answering his question. I play this game allot and it never dawned on me to try it. I now have Maya and Tanya getting it on at same time. Wow, what a game changer. Can't believe I never figured it out on my own. Nice/awsome.


Lol, I got Maya and Tanya twerking back to back at same time to some really good tunes. Super nice. Lemurian Folk Songs - Live (2020)


Ancient Days - Black Magic Nights (Full Album 2020). Zella's gals gettn it on as per Zella's command. Oh, YeeAhhhz. She be the lady of evil. Hail queen Zella.


Steve, do you think your coders could add the sex animations option to the poser so you could pick which animation you wanted for the many followers separately in pairs or even multiple's of menage a toi?


Is there any update on the main story?