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Hello Wanderers!

We are publicly sharing the concepts from the last update post. Join us to support the game and have early access to videos and behind the scenes like these.

Here is what we are currently developing:

- Knife combat.

- Rigging Kim, the new raider character.

- Story: Working on setting.

- Continuing work on the lovemaking gameplay designs

- Planning out production steps for the complete world and landscape creation

Let us know what you think of the concept art in the comments and if you would like to see more about the creative process.

Quick reminder that we are on the last days for the Epic Games and Disgusting Men Russian territory competition. If you have not voted yet, please just hit the thumbs up, if you voted already go ahead and do it again, you can vote multiple times!

See you around!

- Wild Life Team




After i saw the concept art of the ships, i began to hope for some Tree bombing Action... You know for reasons ....


Guys, when can we expect Kim 3d model showcase? BTW - I like Franky model, personally prefer him to Bol.


Damn I didn't realize you could vote more than once, would have given u guys more thumbs ups over the the past months 👍


STEVE : I Bought a 1660ti Just to play this game on ultra ( and cyberpunk) do you think a Ryzen 5 3600 will be enough or do you recommend a Ryzen 7

Roman N

Ohhh man, like it so far! Imma get a gameing pc just for this hahahah. I really like the whole design for the ships, will the ships be decorational or be explorable?

Justin Morales

Damn nice! Now i got the wanderer stuck in my head from dion lol. Cant wait to see kim gives me some harley vibes ,)


I there such a thing as too much emersion? The only game I can think of that can compare to your vision for WildLife, is a fully modded Skyrim. WildLife deserves recognition.


Voted several times, but that bad russian wartide has nearly 3x the votes... But you guys got our support here! There are way more cooler, better and more interesting games than that wartide, seriously....


Honestly I haven't seen this cool pistol design in AAA games :) (it reminds me of the pistol from Sin) but all the rest is badass too, the rifle and the ship, wow! Keep it up!


Any chance for some shemale characters? Not enough dickgirl at the moment :P




Aren't these just the same shots from 02/10....Don't get me wrong but.....


They are, first posted patreon exclusive, now one week later we post them publicy :)


They actually haven’t added any animations for the one we have ( aside from the starting ones) I’d like to see her take. Care of first before we add more


So this is just nit-picking. It doesn't bother me, i'm just throwing it out there in case you're trying to be authentic, but those velcro straps holding the blade in place would strike me as troublesome if it was on one of my knives. Also, most canteens are made a little more rounded so they conform to your body rather than be super boxy. There are some boxy canteens but those are usually meant for storing water along with other supplies(not meant to be carried) on your hip. But if you're going for aesthetics, it looks really cool. I'd add a logo for whatever company that ship is part of to give that authentic touch.


Just as a curiosity question, is this game projected to ever have a LAN multiplayer experience? I have yet to play it as me and my friends just got this game together and were wondering if multiplayer was ever planned.


Don't think so. Multiplayer is very complex thing to implement this late in the process. The devs said so in the FAQ.


Just gave another big thumb up.


Will the other girls eventually have wings and if so possibly some hellish wicked looking type of bat wings? Maybe at least for one of the girls?


Hi! I just bought the game and have a dumb question: How do I get the character naked? Thanks :P


Can you set poses and have them hold it while you walk away?


I just gave another big thumb up. Gotta do that once every day while we can.


The artwork/concept for the dropship is very sexy. Just my type of gunship


wen need a centaur or horse alien!


I think a wandering monster would be a great addition to the game. Or perhaps some wildlife in the ocean. The kind that you wouldn't want to enter the water. Other than that. Great game! Looking forward to the finished product


Amazing game so far, I am pleased with my purchase. Hope you guys continue to add more and more! personally, would like to see clothing damage during battle if possible, think it would add an extra layer to the kinky fun.


Best money I spent in my life... nuff said ^_^


Just gave another mighty thumb up. Hey, just wondering if a nose ring for the girls could be added in the clothing inventory? Maybe in the head section.


Could a special type of clothing be designed for the girls to draw more sexual attention than others? Some girl or girls could be used as decoys for special covert missions.


We do have an idea for a separate cosmetic section that does things like piercings, rings, etc. yeah


I’ve been trying to download the game for 2 days now, it takes forever and then gives me a error saying “exception occurred while making web client quest” it’s been 2 days and I’m frustrated


Ive heard it might have to do with restricted connections from places and that a VPN can help.


I hope to see nose rings, finger and toe rings both and to top it off, nipple spikes or rings, maybe both. A nice touch would be having the choice to equip left or right hand and foot both all at the same time or separately. I am just playing the role of the outsider looking in and giving a thought to ponder. Oh, almost forgot. Ya just have to have rings for the vagina and maybe a chain connected from nipple to the vagina, just saying.


Not sure, can you give me more infos about your system? OS, hardware specs?


Anyone else have bad lagging with this game?


Intel i5 256gb Ssd


You’re gonna need a GPU to run this game


At least an Nvida 1060


I don't get the 10$ tier in the launcher to work even tho I'm a 10$ tier supporter. It simply doesn't let me download it. Was trying for 3 days now. Relogging, redownloading, trying to download it directly through Mega (was nicht funktionierte, da Mega ab der hälfte Geld haben will, Jungs, ich bitte euch, ladet den direkten Link bitte bitte woanders hoch, Mega ist eine Qual, bitte BITTE ICH FLEHE EU) and nothing worked. Can you give me some help? Thanks


This is double strange. Mega shouldnt be needing money or an account or anything. We have a business plan with mega to prevent exactly this from happening. Have you tried to download the game through the browser?


launcher is slow as molasis, along with extraction


how come i cant desable the censor ship even though im a 10$ patrion


also... why do you have that on an adult game


kinda backwords, donta think


but what do i know im only a canadian


When is the next release? For 25usd build pls I can't wait more.


When is the next release? For 25usd build pls I can't wait more.


its been a while since i've been over to see the updates and I'm glad to see things are going well and smoothly (as far as I know lol). These look fantastic btw and I'm very curious to see how the story unfolds with these awesome concepts... I'm also curious; So far is there a general story that y'all have in mind or is it kinda something that's kinda changing as you go? Also I'm curious if the story is being built off the concepts or are the concepts being built around the story?


Thanks mate. The concepts are being built on the story of course :) We are still working on story and setting tho and detailing it all to make a deep and alive world and an interesting story.


Just gave another thumb up. Keep giving those thumbs up people.