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Hello hello! What a great release-week before us!

Since our last post we have a couple of new things to update you on :)

  • New character concept: Kim, sassy raider.
  • Routines: we continue to develop independent and unique actions for the NPCs.
  • Member Test Build: the release will include the latest developed features and many of the fixed known issues from the last build - join the $25 tier to have access to the test build this week and report bugs on our discord. 
  • World Map: along with the new build we will release a work in progress map showing the areas you already know and the new ones showcasing the different locations and biomes of the Planet Kerpal. 

Friendly reminder that the “Unreal Engine Dev Contest 2020” competition is still going. No login required to hit THUMBS UP, you can like more than once ;)  https://unrealcontest.disgustingmen.com/2020/game/737/ 

Calling all patrons from the Member, Investor and Eccentric Tiers!
We are working on more video content and some might include patron shout outs.
If you would like to have your name (or alias) in the credits, join the list and submit your information or update your info > https://www.patreon.com/posts/members-tier-22530215

Get ready for the new build coming this week! 

Thanks and talk to you soon!

- Wild Life Team



Orhun Wilson

It's good to see you guys are sticking to that Project Roadmap for the Vertical Slice. Keep up the good work! <3


She's gonna look like a fun rebel punk girl :D


Shey has some competition for best Raider girl now


Good god she better be compatible with the Grok anal double penetration.


Me like 👍


Which anims she will have?


In the past 2 random NPCs can be found "in action" with each other at a secret location.. any hopes of bringing that back?


Which anims will she have - Maya or Shey?


World map? This is awesome! New character also realy classy and she looks like real psyho raider. Waiting for the build!


Unlikely, in the past it tooks us quite some time from the initial model to a fully functional NPC so we used this to preview NPCs better, but now that process is quite streamlined and it doesnt really make sense to hide animated npc models somewhere because the full thing is also directly available.


Contest link Not working


Fornicating with the enemy, are you!?


As long as you're still introducing new characters, how about an intrepid explorer based on someone like me? A tall, curvaceous bespectacled redheaded MILF? Maybe in khaki shorts, khaki shirt (dramatically unbuttoned showing ample cleavage, of course) and .. of course, a Pith helmet. ;) I've already been playing as a redheaded long-haired Maya :)


can u play as her she looks amazing


Shhh... don't tell anyone, but the updated roadmap was shown in July last year, and the vertical slice was planned for December... 2019! But they were smart enough not to put a year number into the image. :P I don't mean to mock the devs for it, though. Game development is full of incalculabilities, and delays are bound to happen. On the other hand, they are already expanding the content beyond the original scope of the vertical slice, for example with the fishermen village, and several new characters, like sassy Kim here.


So as a new guy here gotta ask, do we get the chief, frank and Kim in this new build? The chief looked like a real take charge kind of guy. Just what the women folk needed. Kim looks great and I like sassy in a girl. dummy me, a concept is a concept and not in game yet. Sorry.


Hehe yeah, so in the coming release we will have Gunjar the chief guy and Karra the tiger lady. Kim and Frank still need to be modeled.


You know, the other day I mentioned a dark goth looking type of character as a mysterious soothsayer washed up on a beached shipwreck. Well maybe a person like that would fit in more on the raiders side since you already have plenty of beach to work with and some of the characters seem to have a Nordic look to them.


Also, do you think it would be possible to create a snake man type of character with scale pattern like that of a rattle snake or sidewinder. I would think that would tickle your imagination on some wild sex positions. Girl v's snake would be one hell of a challenge to create. Snakes have two strange looking penises from what I've seen on internet.


it be nice if game updates came with easy to navigate game downloads and content.


Wow, just had a thought. If there could be a snake dude why not go with a king cobra dude and put him in the jungle or in some rock formations on either side of map. No need for arms or legs. Just some really smooth snake movements and some slither actions. He could expand his hood when he gets aroused. Maybe some cool markings on his back as well.


Oh my... I love her <3


Not to sound to much like Alice in wonderland but snake dude could have a cool looking HOOKAH in his lair where all the girls could come to smoke out and get laid by the big KING cobra, the true king of the jungle.

Oro Or Ori

Kim looks cool, will she share animations with Maya?


Sounds good, can't wait to test the thing. Still hoping you guys add more character customization/body sliders, some kind of rideable mount, guns outside the range, tuned up swimming physics, locations and quest stuff, etc. I get it, its a shitload of work, but I got high hopes for you guys. 🤘


A quand les talons haut super sexy pour les filles :D <3 ?

Frank Leo

Please add "crossbow" weapon for the main character ...


Wow nice! she seems kinda crazy :P


God dammit... let me guess, she's 18 -__-


bol will have animations malexmale?


Oooo... hopefully a flat-chested woman? Or at least smaller? It's difficult to scale the chest smaller without making the breasts look... unnatural.


would you prefer anthro or snake lower body for the cobra?


That would be nice, I feel like itty bitty titties are not given the respect they deserve lol


Hey Steve! Any new Male Kerpali x Female Human animations coming on this build??


The contest link takes me to a WL site that is written in russian i think. I dont understand anything of it and i cant see a option to change the language anywhere?


Hey, all we need is the linke, if you scroll down there is a big thumbs up button, just click that :)


Steve will be hair color change in next build? some new makeups? tattoos for skin?


i'm really really impatient to discover you're next build....so excited !!! Congrat for your great job Adeptus :D !! Do you think that you'll add some high heel next time :D ?


No, we are still figuring out new hair solutions so there isnt any change there so far. New customization feature tho: Tanlines :)


Is there a chance for 10$ build next week or rather in the end of month?


I just joined as a patron and can't find where to get the uncensored game. Please help!


Cant Wait for new build and keep up the great work !!!


I was exploring and walking around on the large green mountainous area and fell in a hole. There was no way out, Maya was stuck. When I looked close to bottom of hole it looked like a water fall from way up in air and going to nowhere. Only way out was to restart game. I found more holes like that. My curiosity is way up there as to what that means for future of the area but that is one super big area for sure and a bit dangerous to walk and run on. Anyone have a guess as to what the holes will be?


If there's gonna be a jungle then hope to see a big happy go lucky ape man of some kind. A big o chimp looking thang.


Ape guy's name could be one hung low. Damn, cant wait for new build. Very unique game to say the least and one of which my wife approves


Is it today that you'll share your last build :D ? ? ? ? ? ? <3


any new animations of licking and grabbing boobs?


Love the design of Kim, i hope her personality shines through in the animations if you ever implement some kind of emotion system, i assume she will be sharing Mayas animations.


I love this girl. She is like psycho and i hope will be more hardcore poses (which was good for such a crazy girl) in the future.


When comes New build?


when will it be launched? today is already friday.


Very nice