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Something great happened!

We are happy to announce that we, as the first adult game ever, have passed the preliminary round of Epics disgustingmen contest in eastern territories! 

*SPOILER ALERT* Disgustmen is a Russian territory contest, Video and Text are in russian but it’s all infos you guys already have :)

More than 270 games applied to take part in this major contest hosted by EPIC and only about 100 passed the first round - us included :D

This is an important moment to give adult themed games a voice in a public contest, so please leave us a like/thumps up to claim the top spot to show them that we want to have more adult themed games in the future!

Contest Link:

There is no account needed to leave a thumbs up, just click the highlighted button below <3

This could be a potential step in the direction of a greater acceptance for adult games in the mainstream, furthermore the winning projects receive dev grants by the sponsors and will get highlighted in feature reels. So all of this helps us in many ways :)

Thanks for your help,

-Wild Life Team


Wild Life

"Wild Life" - первая в мире "сексуально ролевая игра". Ощутите приключения Макса и Майи, неравноправной пары с общей любовью к романтике - и спасите на этом пути мир. Игра представляет смесь RPG и секс-игры, в графическом качестве, что оставляет предыдущие секс-игры далеко позади. Исследуйте мир, который одновременно интересен и опасен в этой увлекательной ролевой игре.


Frank Leo



Congratts! My thumb is up!


Wait, does this have some connection with disgustingmen podcasts? If they make a podcast with Sergey, I'll be freakin happy! (^_^) p.s. Thumb is up ;)


Congratulations, the game and all the teams work deserves the recognition... About time society stopped being so scared of sexual content 👍


Really nice. Congrats that your hard work gets more spotlight. Well done (insert claps here). Thumb ist activated. \o/


Русские поздравляю Вас! Наконец то хоть что то хорошее в нашей стране!


Congratulations! You are the strongest project among your kind! Russian community with you comrades!


The revolution is at hand



Ryan Fox

Revolution!? I thought this was a social club, I didn't know it involved politics, where's my coat?

Ryan Fox

Well I'm not really sure what this organization is but the way you pitch it, it sounds like it's a big deal so congratulations!


This is a great job! Thanks to your diligence at work, you have achieved success and you have reached the top 100. My thumb is up!


You guys deserve the win, and from clicking around and seeing the amount of thumbs up you've got over most of the other entries, I think you might have a good shot at winning.


Hahahah ..... I live in Russia and did not know about such a competition, thank you)) Удачи вам ребята, если вы заслуживаете победы, вы ее получите.


what you are doing is a great job too good I wish you luck :D



Ted Ee

Excellent, keep it up! Props for the VR work!


I voted thumbs up, and onward through the fog.




I put my thumbs up in the site for you bro.


I gave it even twice LOL.

J.S. Bloodwine

if that's all it takes, then everyone is cheating. I'll make sure to do some URL hopping. 😇


ya no need to cheat our way, we all know this is the best adult game i seen so far. One thing tho BDO has some nice character creation but i like the animations in your game. Thats why i keep asking if only it was made easier for people to make differnt cloths and skins for your game like some sort of addon. OF course i aint a programmer lol so i dont know how hard it would be.


I'm not sure you are the first adult game ever. I was playing 'Red Light' somewhere around 2006 or so and Second Life had adult animations in 2004 and since you are still in development you aren't actually released so even the pathetic adult games endlessly advertised on porn sites are before you. There indeed was a console game in the 1980's that was a totally adult game that had a naked dude who's goal was to have sex and was pretty graphic for 8 bit sprites. Then there was the whole Leisure Suit Larry series.


The text may be a bit grammatically confusing, but as the first game ever to have passed the preliminary round on the mentioned contest. Of course we know there is other adult games and that the history of adult games goes way way back.