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Hello all :)

Here is the release of the public build for July. Enjoy :)
We invite you to read the changelogs here if you haven't already to find out what's new. 

If the main link asks you for a decryption key, pls use this:

MEGA (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

GDrive ( Link to Wild Life Game Launcher) 

Alternative Classic Download link:
MEGA (The file is over 5Gb but with our current mega account you should still be able to download it in one go)


6.11 GB file on MEGA



Hey i’ve got a question that has already been answered for sure but yeah... I am curious if you plan on making a system where you need to invest some time in these NPCs which would eventually end up in unlocking sexy time with them and maybe even unlocking new poses with them and what not? You know, so it’s not just “ Hey, lets fuck! Ok, let’s do it!”. Leave that insta bang option in for them horny boys and girls too.. but i dunno i’d rather have it so that i need to play the game and build up the relationship with others before you know what.


Are you guys planning on doing anything more with the tentacle plant guy?


The work you and your team does is amazing. Is Gulhragg pronounced the same as MW Warzones Gulag? Random question aside, do you have a date planned for a Steam release, even if it's early access? Because I did a search for Steam in the posts and only hit it got was back in 2018, speaking about Nutaku and mentioning you planned to release on Steam.


Not sure how he is pronounced yet, itll sound cool tho :D No release date planed atm no, stuff always turns out more complicated than expected anyway. But we do plan to release on steam thats for sure.


Cool, I'm definitely looking forward to it releasing on Steam. Need me them Maya trading cards XD

Frank Leo

When can the launcher offer "update patching" instead of the need of delete everything and re-install every time there's an update?


the new animations are amazing !!!


I Love Zuri ShesCute


Hello, is there a way to configure the graphical settings beyond what's provided in-game? Like, I want to disable things like shadows, post-processing, foliage, anti-aliasing etc. I basically want the game to run at maximum performance with the lowest quality possible with FPS limited to 30 so my GPU does not need to do too much work. As currently, my cooler is broken and I can't get it replaced due to the lockdown so if the GPU usage is high, the temperatures rise up and when it hits 100 degree celcius, my PC instantly shutdowns. So, I've got no choice other than to avoid putting too much load on my GPU. I've already set the game's quality to the lowest on resolution 720p and even set settings on my GPU's control panel to favor performance over quality but the game during the sex scenes rises my temperatures up and overheats my PC so I just want to disable all the extra graphical settings.


I already know about that but the issue is that the game settings already does what the config files do, that is either increase or decrease the values. What I want is to disable them and since those are in integer or float format and not boolean like with "Motion Blur, DOF etc.", I can't add the value of "False" to disable them. So, the config files can only do things what the game settings already does and I want to configure beyond that level. Screenshot for reference: http://prntscr.com/tt45vd


Not in your game. It's 0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High, 3=Ultra as I tested it by changing it in the game while monitoring what changes in the config file. I think you should make those options toggleable just like other settings like Motion Blur, DOF etc. and then bring up the options for increasing/decreasing their values if the player toggles them on. Anyway, I finally managed to configure the game to a playable state so nevermind.


Hello, I'm ready to throw my money at this project. This looks like the porn game I've always dreamed of, however, in playing the public build I have some concerns. I'm running everything at highest graphical settings possible but I'm getting weird issues with input. When I'm trying to click anything with my mouse the actual input to click is off of where it should be. For example, the very first screen that wants you to select ok. I have to hover my mouse over the sentence instead of the actual location of the ok in order for it to register. When I talked to someone in the first area I have to hover my mouse up and to the right in order to hover over the option I want to click. Are these issues exclusive to the public build or is there something wrong on my end?


Hey, yeah this is a common issue on some people. Usually its fixed by simply tapping F11 once or twice to toggle screen modes.


Hi. Im sorry bt im new here so i have no clue how to Launch the build after opening the installation. They say need to set an install folder, so can someone pls guide me how set it up?


You set the install folder so the launcher knows where to install to, just select any folder youd like the game files to be extrated to.

Ragan curvin

Hello, I downloaded the files and when I opened the application it said that my computer couldn't run it. It said to see the publisher of the application.

Ragan curvin

Specifically it says, "This app can't run on your pc. To find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher."


this is my first time here the file is asking for a decription key


wow i was far too high to handle that level of simplicity lol. Another question. When i start the game my VR starts up but i get no image. is it VR compatible?


Hehe, yeah it has basic vr video support. When ingame and with an HMD plugged in, press Alt+0 (zero) to toggle VR view mode. Controllers arent supported atm.


patreon 10 dollar build what a rip off all dessert with a spot with a guy in a shed i got riped off exp alot more


not even a village in it too play in it and no male counter part too choose


how do i get the uncensored version of this game i am a patreon