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Hello everyone, how are you all doing?
Development on Wild Life is doing well and we are working on some big things :)

Jungle: More unique plants and improving existing meshes and materials. We are also starting to work on the Wild Life map itself and preparing a piece of the land to be the first area where we implement the jungle into the main world.

Buildings: We are also working on some concepts for houses of a little tribal fisher village that will be in that region. The raiders are also getting some more work done as we develop new tent designs, new airship designs and other props and assets for their faction.

Characters: 3D Art has been working on the tribal princess we showed in an earlier post and is currently working on the base body and face model. We are also planning to create a new Kerpali character and will make a poll post for our member-tier supporters, the choice will be between a tiger-woman, lizard-woman or a rhino-man.
The skin material for characters is also going to see some improvements as we are currently working on some new features like an overhauled wetness system, a goosebump mechanic, and other customizations.

Movement System: Our current movement system isn't living up to our standards anymore and we have been working on a complete overhaul of the internal structures. The new system should look better, have features such as foot-to-terrain adaptation, smoother, more responsive feeling, less animation workload, and will be a more flexible system overall.

AI System: The characters of Wild Life have a fairly dull behaviour right now which basically only consists of walking to a random location or interacting with the player. In order to have a world that feels alive the NPCs need to do way more than that. So we are currently working on a big AI update to introduce daily routines, more complex behaviours and party mechanics.

Design: Our game designers are currently working on the improved inventory and item system and preparing documents for our coders. Further, we also have been working on a flirt system which would be a gameplay method of getting involved with NPCs. ;)

In the following weeks we will know with more certainty which of these points are going to make it into the next build, so stay tuned for more info.

Thanks to all of you for your great support!

-Wild Life Team



If time and funds allow, it would be nice to have a tiger-woman, a lizard-woman, and a rhino-man.


sounds wonderful :) i have the feeling the rhinoman will win that poll ^^ still waiting for the horseman :P


Grok style rhino-man. Hell ya!




I see so much potential in this game, hope to see a bit more content soon. Did find a but, sometimes interacting with the tentacle creature, and a lot with the turning characters on and off, it will crash the game. So far this game is looking very good and again hope to see more.

Purple Witch

Very nice update indeed, and interesting ideas for the future! Also, Lizard woman AND Rhino man, could this happen? :3 And if the NPC could have fun together, as part of the advanced AI? >:3 Excellent, as always anyways. <3


Rhino-man and Lizard -woman could be great. Rhino because i want another character like Grok (size) but not qith same animations. Lizard-woman because there aren't many Kerpali (I mean with different animations like Kira & Zuri (same). Anyway, can't wait to see the next build. Any date for the new build? If you guys have any ideas. ^^ Keep going. <3


Will it be possible to add the knot mechanic and a cumflation effect?


The Rhino man would be based on the minotaur proportions tho, we need to minmax resources as much as possible so we are aiming to use existing bases so they can have an existing set of animations to benefit from, of course that doesnt mean we wont make new fresh anims for these characters to spice them up :D Next build is aimed for early July if the road stays smooth.


Some characters already make use of a form of "knot mechanic". As for the cum inflation, could be that we manage to make something work, but thats something we would experiment with a bit further down the road.


I'm loving where this game is going more and more! The improved AI and flirt system will be a great way of keeping the gameplay lively, particularly if it could be applied to the hyenas! ;) ...yeah, yeah, I know. How about a horseman then? :)


Hoping the lizard-woman wins, since Kerpali males already outnumber females significantly. Guess we'll see!


"the choice will be between a tiger-woman, lizard-woman or a rhino-man" My vote: all of them! :D


I love this game and all the new updates are so much. If it's possible to become more gangbang options? Maybe group groping as foreplay and a circle of blowjob. Finally bukkake or something like that. Just ideas You're makes a great job everytime. You've got my support safety

Justin Morales

Damn goosebumps system and wetness overhaul

Silver Lynx

Everything sounds great except I'm not seeing the point of a "goosebump mechanic". Seems like it would either hardly be noticed or look really weird. Have you considered reworking testicles at all? If you do anything to Balls with the Size slider it just clips textures at the dividing line and look like there's a tumor hanging from their crotch. Poly count seems low too. It would be nice if they could expand out, hang lower, maybe have some of that smoothness and pressure-deform the boobjobs do. Physics-wise Grok works pretty well with the Goatmen a distant 2nd but could still be way improved. Sorry if my priorities seem way out of line but if you went to the trouble of putting balls in the game I'm gonna try to make sure they're given the proper attention. :)


Ha trust me, when you see the goosebumps youll know whats up :D But yeah there is always room for improvement and I agree with your point on the ball stuff. So at some point we may actually look at that too :)


sounds awesome, keep up the amazing work !!


Excellent news Wild life team, we fans appreciate all of your hard work


hope Rhino Man wins. as there is a big and good looking Minatour Woman(Tali) we got last time with some pretty new and nice animations. we will need a new male kerpali as big as Minatour Grok (it has to be as he is a rhino :D) since the last males Lizard man and Borco has almost the same animations as their same body shaped companions... and he could easily carry Grok's animations some and brand new ones. we definitely gonna need this kind of dude in the game...


Hey developers I have a quick question !!! What platform are you developing WL on ? Real engine ???

Icarus Media

Guten Morgen Steve, Vie Gehts?

Frank Leo

Thank You


Goosebump ? What for ?


Please make a horse-man


Will I be able to have gay sex?


Yes, we already have a few gay options: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771


I don't think these things were covered so I'll ask here: With the overhauled AI, will it be possible to customize what they do/don't do? Like could I make a bunch of NPC's in the BG do things that I "generally" want? For example, if I wanted a bunch of women in the background, would I have the option of having them talk to each other normally/walk around. Or could I escalate and have them flirt/have sex as well? This would be on a mass scale 10+ (This would be outside of gameplay obviously) more of a showroom type of thing. I wouldn't want to specifically micro-manage each one like a "poser" thing, but I would want the option of telling them generally what to do and having them engage in random acts according to the category. When is the eyebrow color going to change along with the hair color? When will we have the options of adjusting head/eye direction in the poser? Is it possible to have a set of facial expression presets during sex? Like really enjoying it/being bored/being sleepy/not enjoying it etc. Right now, with the same facial expression all the time it gets a bit repetitive. Is it possible for characters to be able to engage in sex during poser? For example, if I wanted to pose 2 people having sex, and 3 people around them in a certain way, right now, the poser doesn't allow for that.


Hey mate, So the AI is not designed to be some sort of god-mode way to control NPCs, they have their routines and behaviours and the goal is to make it feel alive and believable, not to give the player absoulte control over them. Eyebrow color and shape customization is planned. Head and eye direcrtion in poser is a cool idea that we will follow up on a bit later. Facial expressions overlay during sex is also planned in some form. In the end we want to increase the detail of facial animation during sex with extra layers of motion separated from the body animation. Thats not planned right now, but we will keep that Idea in mind for later.


I like the sound of all 3 characters from the poll. I just hope that no matter who wins, the other 2 will appear later!


I hope there will be some furry animals such as foxes, mice, bats in the future


Terribly. Can't use your game because the mouse cursor is in the wrong place and will not select many of the options. Launcher says "Launcher is out of date" but when I try to update it, the zip application will never install correctly, because it says "user logged out" even though I'm logged in to all of my gmail accounts and to the Wild Life auth process. Game unusable, unplayable, will stop support if not made more user friendly, accessible. I'm sorry to have to say this but it's often the case that developers have no sense of the actual user experience in a certain portion of their user base, and they often don't know how big this proportion is.


Hey mate, sorry about your issues. Never seen the game or launcher check drivers like that, not sure what that is about. The mouse misaligning can occur if the sceren dimensions are unusual. Try starting the game and once in the menu press F11 to toggle windowed mode, that should also reset mouse to screen ratio. And we do our best to ensure user experience but as its always with these things there are issues that some people experience where most others do fine. This is normal in development and while it is frustrating to you it doesnt mean we dont care about user experience at all.


I understand. I used to work in project development and we had personnel dedicated to replicating the user experience so that we could anticipate every potential problem during the install process. At this stage of your development process, you don't have quite as much control on this as you would in another delivery system. I was able to solve the problems (resetting resolution) and obtaining the zip file of the latest launcher build and installing it manually - but without using the google application. So the game runs fine now.


If there is going to be a rhino man, then I want bebop and rocksteady from the ninja turtles.


Honestly, the jungle in this game is probably the most impressive jungle-scape I've seen in any game. It feels more realistic than most, and the fact that there's so many individual plants and textures everywhere but the game still runs pretty smoothly amazes me


good game are you working very well would be good future game has more characters breeds furrys example fox also horse or rabbit or dragon or birds and a level system of raging fight of wild creatures hunt all map and special skills than each levels and you can use magic and buy things shops objects and manufacture with materials weapons and food I think an underground dungeon with tunnels to explore traps or secret doors creatures attacks and more poses sex characters thank


What do you think about to create the town-base for raiders with stores, strip clubs and other entertainments? It may looks like city “Area 18” from the game “Star Citizen”: https://youtu.be/Aoz0HSpldys or like huge airship hovering above the dessert: https://www.dusso.com/content/uploads/2018/12/xdusseault-7.jpg.pagespeed.ic.8DV_ZcoQCq.jpg artist of the photo: https://www.dusso.com


Something like this isnt planned yet but could actually happen in some way or an other.


Is it good idea? What do you think? Would you like to add it to the game?


Wird eigentlich auch eine Deutsche version kommen? Sagt jetzt bitte nicht Nein :/ Ich sehe viel Potential. Gerade für den Deutschen Markt.


Für den ersten release ist keine geplant, die möglichkeit nachträglich ein sprachpaket zu releasen gibt es natürlich trotzdem.


Yeee thanks :D VR isnt really high up on our priority list but not completey off the table.


Should definitely add a lizard girl since you have a lizard man.


Also, es wäre ja fast Pflicht von einem Deutschen unternehmen, ein VR adult game, auch auf denn Deutschen Markt in deutscher Sprache zu bringen. :) Vor allem, wenn man schaut, wie "wenig" es davon gibt. So wäre es auch für viel mehr leute zugänglich. Nachfrage wäre sicher da :)


Sounds very interesing. Im exited to see the next build :)