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Hey everyone, It's time for a new update! 

Thanks to all members who submitted feedback :) So far things are going well. The biggest feedback from the member testing build has been addressed and we are going to polish everything up for an awesome 10$ build release next week.

Here is a quick overview of what we have done this week:

  • Updated Maya model and textures (improved hands, feet, fingernails and skin textures)
  • Fixed some skinning with a few models (Sethro, Jason and a hair variation for Maya)
  • Male Kerpali genital wetness slider now isn't broken and should make his balls wet.
  • Started to work on squirting ;)
  • Improved arousal behaviour
  • Alt+ Q / E while flying now only modifies camera and does not perform the roll
  • Added categories to the spawn menu and sorted names alphabetically
  • Improved death behaviour for ragdolls
  • Climbing now works while a weapon is equipped
  • Added an automatic random camera movement feature to the sex system + controls
  • Sethro shouldn't use a female voice anymore.
  • Bruises from combat will now clean if character heals up and won't be visible during sex scenes (we stand by our principle of not mixing violence and sex)
  • Added an exit to main menu button to the pause menu.
  • Added a level selection menu when starting a new game from the main menu screen.
  • Droops now automatically break if they are stretched too far (fixes droops staying stretched between two points that are no longer interacting after switching poses)
  • Jason is now the character who spawns in the shooting range.
  • Life bars shouldn't stay up after an enemy has died.
  • Despawning a character that has a weapon equipped no longer leaves the weapon behind.
  • Added some animations for Rawn x Tali (6)
  • Added a new lesbian kissing animation for Maya X Shey  (1)
  • Ported some of the lesbian licking animations to Maya x Max  (5)
  • Added a full sequence for Maya X Sethro Plank pose.  (5)
  • Restored the original version of Maya x Mino deepthroat (it's available in the Climax Inside section with pose variation slider on)
  • Fixed droops,sounds and physics for several animations + some smaller fixes for animations.
  • More work on the oasis area, adding new plants, balancing colours and improving textures.
  • Added a heat distortion effect to the desert areas (it has a toggle in the video settings as it causes a bit of distortion on characters)

Important! Some problems we haven't been able to fix yet:

  • VR is broken with this engine version and to prevent issues we had to disable the feature entirely (we hope to bring this back as soon as UE4 has fixes for this)
  • The crash while switching levels or resetting the game is still there but we implemented a level selection screen in the main menu to offer a workaround for now.

Thanks for your support and your help with the feedback, you rock :D

-Wild Life Team



Hello! I'm new to this patreon and I'm trying to figure out how to access the gay interactions between characters (two males). Maybe I have an old version installed but I'm unable to find M/M options when I possess male characters.


The male characters you need are Max and Ryan. Here is a list of available poses and character pairings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771 You basically need to possess one of the two, and go talk to the other.


Keep up the good work. What ya'll have done is amazing so far.


are there going to be more animations between two kerplai? they are my favorite in the game.


You guys are fantastic. Lots of love from the USA


Is there some cumulative manual? I'm also new here and I have no idea shat can I do in this game. Some cumulative list of features or changelog history?


Dayumn, there's a lot of work been done throughout this week already. Good job! Wanted to ask some time ago, but I constantly forget: will you guys maybe tweak breast changer in options for female anthros in the future? Currently human females have pretty good visible breast change when you increase their size, whilst by Rasha (for example) its barely seen. All fem anthros have not that big cups (Tali being an exception) and currently tweaking them almost makes no visible difference (well, you could decrease the cup size significantly, but increasing them doesn't change that much).


I cannot stress enough that having a development team with a clear vision and who stick to their ideas on principle is a very good thing. That's something which creates a good amount of faith. And shall be rewarded with loyal membership. Keep it up.

Justin Morales

Squirting >> yessssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justin Morales

This update gonna be sweet


I really hope the VR can be fixed soon. It's one of the only reasons I enjoy this game as much as I do.


>> VR is broken with this engine version and to prevent issues we had to disable the feature entirely Wait, the game is VR compatible ? I tried to launch your previous release in VR (Vive / Steam VR) but the game is launched in normal mode. Not VR. Is there an hidden option to enable it or something ? Or the december release have the issue aswell ?


No it should work fine in the builds form december and previous. VR is basically toggled. If you have an HMD plugged in you can press Alt+O to toggle stereo rendering and output the video to your VR headset. It doesnt support VR controllers tho and is purely for viewing pleasure.


Rift SでのVR機能しますか?切り替えかたがわかりません(´;ω;`)


Can we update from the launcher ?


So, for those who are using windows 7 it's over?


I'm going to guess you'll need to download the build and either add it to the other builds in your hd folder or replace them with it. Not from launcher.


No, there is still a workaround. "Go to your windows/system32 folder. copy the xinput1_3.dll to wild life game folder. rename it to xinput1_4.dll and it'll work. the error is caused because 1.4 xinput is not available on windows 7"


I live to see the day that Zuri gets as many animations as Maya :)


Noooooooooooooo The VR >_< hope when it works again you guys can do basic stuff for it at least..If not then,I was thinking of an option for when you turn on VR to let the desktop screen view the UI so you can peek and control with mouse/keyboard from there at least (if it's possible doing so?) Also this game is getting more mindblowing at every updates the details and the precision on the sex animations are just.. i have no word for it. lol


just do it like a boss!


Hello Steve! Great work so far! love the game and where its going. I had one question though. Does this new 10$ build update also update into the latest 25$ build or is it a completely separate from the latest 25$ build and if so, will the 25$ Build be updated as well soon? Thanks!


This is what we had before. Ideally we can get that back as soon as this is fixed. In the meantime I heard some users are trying the VR conversion application called VorpX, maybe look into that :)


The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$). So the 10$ build is a complete new version which needs to be downloaded fully.


bring back that after sex the characters stay naked or make it a toggle option please


Gotta say, love the new poses for Maya_Sethro (pretty much all), they're wonderfully consensual. Glad to hear the girls will be able to squirt in the future, something I enjoy, and that Max gets a few ports too. Wonderfully done, WLT.


Can you tell me when the full version will be released? thank you.


I'm not about what you meant when you said textures (bulletin 1); did you mean, you fixed the animation and quality when increasing the muscles bars? Because as far as I know, increasing muscles bars is waaay off and gives hideous look to character. Also, the futa animations is off ass well, it needs alignment. Great job anyways,, waiting for next update

Spazzle Dusky

Will there ever be a true free camera option?


Thank you for these fixes :)


Hey steve love the updates, any plan to add character breathing animation and creampie in sex animation? :)


Steve,tengo comprada la ultima version de 25$. Esta actualizacion del 06-03-2020 como se consigue se consigue?


Any chance the new MxF breast sucking pose could be ported for lesbian pairings? And maybe a version for the cowgirl :) Keep up the great work on one of the best porn games on here <3


Hey there ! I really cant believe how far this game has already come! the production for this is phenomenal! how far do you guys plan to take this game because I remember you said you are going to be trying to get it on steam. Will the sexual side be more to the side and the game will be more focused on story and stuff or will sexual things still be a big part of the game? Great work~!


Hey, I've read in multiple comments now that you can activate the vr-mode with a key-binding. (in an older comment it was ALT + V, in a more recent one it was ALT + O), but I never got it to output anything on my Valve Index (SteamVR) : /... I tried the last 3 builds, am I missing something?


Thanks, the sex aspect will be a prominent part of the game and we want to develop it a lot further too :)


Very strange. The latest 25$ build uses UE4.24.3 which has broken VR so that might not work, but the previous ones should work just fine. Altho we only tested them with HTC Vive and Occulus Rift.


Sorry but I can't download the new version from the luncher. I disconnect and reconnect nothing changes, I redownload the $ 25 version still nothing. How do we get the new version ?

Rusty Shackleford

Are you ever going to give us an option to make certain models invisible? I could do without the sausages


The addition of Kral and Grok sex animations is great, are nipple, nose or penis piercings being considered? When they are dark skinned with glowing tattoos, those will really pop out. I can turn Rawn purple which is great. Are Husky tails being considered? I know I can not vote in polls but I can recommend polls to judge interest. So far so good.


Can i play this game with only one Hand?


im new on patreon. do i have to instal the game new eveytime it get updated?


nipple rings and pussy rings gona be cool if can be added. Also tatoo~~~


When using darker-skinned models like Lala or selecting dark skin types, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are dark like the character's skin, instead of light. Can this be fixed? Also, would it be possible to add an option to change finger/toe nail color?


Wird es möglich sein einen anderen Charakter zu wählen und zu steuern während der Geschlechtsverkehr ausgeübt wird? Also das man quasi mit einer dritten Person den anderen beiden beim Sex zuschauen kann? Und wenn ja, könnte man damit so gesehen einen Rudel-bums anzetteln? :D


Ist auf jeden fall umsetzbar. Ob das bald möglich gemacht wird ist eine andere frage.


Please add a save feature I’m tired of customizing characters without saving them ,then having to repeat when starting a new game : /


U can save the customization when u restart the game u only need to press load in the customization menu.


I just played an older build where u were not able to save the whole game but the Customizations with the save and load buttons. there is no case why they should take that out in newer Builds


Which build was it because I just downloaded the new one only


Should still work in newer versions, see Question-Answers above


Okay I'll see whatsup


Hey Steve, wounds on combat are good but blood on face seems like little over, wounds and bruises will be totally fine without all the blood. Also wounds on body parts and torn clothes edges would look more realistic I would say :) Also any plan to add any snakewoman character? ;)


but when the new update arrives for us "poor mortals" from 10 $ ???? :) :)


More threesome animations (including combinations like Kerpali M + Human M + Human F) would be a nice addition.


First-person sex is not real enough. You can only drag the camera back and forth, not 360 degrees.

Convict Hammer

Is there/will there be an option to toggle squirting on/off per character?


it is my first playing the game, is there any tutorials I can follow?


You could check some videos on youtube :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qDG7WERiKE


is increase slider value possible ?


y'all should make something like.. to increase the dick's size and color, it'll be cool for the kerpali.


how can i active threesome animations? I cant find them


Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBTx4_rIA8E Here is the list of available pairings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771