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Hey guys, we have good and bad news for you!
Let's start with the good news: The new Member tier testing build is about to be released.

This is what's new.


- 46 new animations (Anim list here)

- Added skin displacement for boobjob animations

- New character – Jason (Male Protagonist)

- Added gun gameplay and gore system prototype in Shooting Range level (Accessible via the teleporter)

- Added Showroom level with different lighting conditions (Accessible via the teleporter)

- Added various environment effects

- Added key to toggle arousal of males (Default J)

- Added separate muscle flex sliders for arms, torso and legs to character customizer

- Torches can be placed in the level with the Z key while the torch is selected in the quick item menu (Hold Q)

- New ocean shader

- Added hair highlight slider to character customizer

- Added new hair styles for Sethro and Jason


- Revamped Oasis area (Still a work in progress)

- Resolved crash when despawning a quest NPC with an active marker

- Resolved two misalignment issues with the intercourse system

- Exclusive fullscreen mode is working again

- Resolved camera smoothing being disabled when possessing another character

- Resolved camera adjustments getting reset after exiting intercourse or poser

- Resolved custom inputs getting reset

- Complete rebuild of landscape shader to improve performance

- Resolved interaction prompt staying visible when entering poser

- Resolved right part of Iljah’s back not having physics

- Characters put on clothes again after intercourse

- Added value input for certain sliders (e.g. clothes, skin material) to make it easier to choose specific values

- Better character death behaviour

Known Issues:

- Crash when switching levels or restarting map (quite likely to occur)!

- Crash when starting up game in fullscreen mode while the game window is not in focus

- Dark square on ocean surface when looking down from above

The bad news is that first known issue. We are still working on it but we didn't want to postpone the release because of it since it's quite a foreseeable issue. This seems to be a well-known problem in the UE4 dev community so hopefully we will be able to fix it soon.

For now let's just enjoy this build regardless and get all the feedback :D

-Wild Life Team



Amazing guys downloading updates to my drivers in preparation for the new release! Keep up the great work!


can't wait to see all these improvements and additions in action , very nice


46 new animations. Seems.like quite an update. Good job!! Any chance of tattoos or jewlery being added?


when i try to log into the launcher it asks me to sign in with google it says "this email address already has an account" can you explain why that is? because its happening every time now.


Not sure I understand, so when you are in google (to log in for the launcher) it says that? Or does the launcher itself say that?


sorry i dont mean to posts all these messages


Is this live?


Do you guys have a google doc about the new animations like before? I would like to see what's new before I pay for it.


in appreciate your hard work guys!


Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771


Hey, so I just raised my pledge to 25$ in support to you guys, however the latest build is still closed for me, is there a way to fix this? ( kinda new to patreon )

Little Oni

Would it be possible to disable the VR option when compiling the build? UE4 has it on by default, I think, and it results in SteamVR, if you have it installed and a proper headsed connected, firing up whenever you start the game, putting unnecesary pressure on the graphics card, and some resolution issues. I don't know the details, but while looking for a soluion on my end (one that doesn't involve pulling the plug on the device, at least) I found out it's a feature you have to disable on your end.


Thing is, the game has a simple vr video support. If you have an HMD plugged in you can press a keybind while ingame and it will switch output form your regular monitor to stereo vr. Currently only video output is supported so control still goes via Mouse+Keyboard which can make UI navigation a bit troublesome, but we will work on improving that as well.

SPQR Elite

Looking forward to the next build! Although I do not experience most of those problems my game will crash if remove to many characters with the T option. And note that this really only happens when in Kerpali village. Unfortunately I'm at work at the moment and can't remember the the crash code it gives me. Anyways best of luck with the troubleshooting for the next build!


EDIT: Going by SPQR's post, it sounds like it may be a local caching issue. It still only shows the December build in my launcher, is there by chance a cache I might flush, or are people who have not previously installed the game having the same problem? If it's backend, that's fine, but if there's something I can do about it locally, that'd be swell!




Hey there. Found a little bug. If you reload and roll at the same time the upper body continues the reload animation and stays vertical while the lower part of the body performs the rolling animation.


Nevermind, silly me, I can't tell the difference between a Member and a plastic cylinder (Patron).


i have problem can't run it because it say me that i need api-ms-win-eventing-classicprovider-l1-1-0.dll and also XInput1_4.dll and when i download them i have an other error message that say me that application can't run it is the first time


But..for $ 10 members when the new build arrives ???


Experienced no issues at all , rock stable and supersmooth. But , I dunno if this is a bug or feature , but after the sex scenes the characters automatically redress..I want them stay naked though :D


So, is the new update not available for the $10 members? If so, it's not showing up for me =[


Can you check if your HW drivers are up to date? And you got latest version of windows?


I guess in the future we will make that more context dependent. Like if you fuck them in their own house, maybe they dont dress up, but certainly when walking back outside or if close to other npcs they dont have respective affections levels (or whatever we call the attribute) for.


i can't run the game i have problems with .DLL it seems, all others versions was ok


is the test build only for the $25 tier for now. if so when is the $10 coming out


Are threesomes still avaliable for the 10$ tier


The new Gibs gore system is fucking amazing, best/most satisfying I've ever seen. Literally. Amazing work.


I'm having a strange problem, when starting a new game and maya drops in, my gamescreen turns black, when i open the menu it looks like its zoomed in and i can press anything. Any suggestions?


I really think you should remap all the keys, the mapping seems totally random. E.g. if something is not a "standard" action (like walking, running, crouching) then use the key of the first character, e.g. "M" for Map, "F" for Fly, "T" for T... you get the idea. The current keybindings are very confusing and random, and very hard to remember.


From what I understand this happens if you start the game while a VR headset is plugged into the computer. Try unplugging?


What do you do if you have two functions with the same starting letter? Thats not a very clever way of mapping keys, they need to be handled where their function is most fitting on the keyboard position. But yes the binding is not final and will still change to improve.


not for 1-2 weeks apparently. starting to seem a lil bit like a scam since by the time $10 tier members getta play we've already paid as much as $25 tier members.


How do I get upgrades on my game, because I only have the beach and the people are walking really strange. Help please??????


Game is great you guys!


is there any reason the minotaur was removed from the spawn menu?


Awesome build! When can we see some new sexy cloth simulated outfits? ;)


I have the $25 tier though I still have things censored in my game, how do I fix?


I've seen some of the sex animations, and they're wonderful. BUT, I'm curious: What's up with the characters in the background who moonwalk in place?


This build won't run on my pc.it keeps different errors.please help me out

William Klauss

I got a problem with the game I get screen tear and the character went starting the game she sink into the ground or run though the air no such what is going on


So far we have found two things that can make the build not run: Windows 7 apparently isnt supported anymore, but there seems to be a fix: "go to your windows/system32 folder. copy the xinput1_3.dll to wild life game folder. rename it to xinput1_4.dll and it'll work. the error is caused because 1.4 xinput is not available on windows 7" The other is that the build will make strange things if you start while you have a VR headset plugged in.


Kann man das neue Update auch mit dem 10€ build spielen ?




No Tali Rawn? Disappointing.


about the last build, can someone tell me how to start or where to find the trigger for the Christmas zone or quest?


There is a xmas looking sethro by a tree somewhere in the kerpali village. He gives that.


Hello, I like your game, but there is a question, please answer. I subscribed for a membership (25 $). But I am in China and cannot download from mega. I need someone to help me download it. Then transmit it to me. How can I prevent others from playing games and protect my rights. (Sorry, Google Translate)


No sir, I haven't tried it yet, I will subscribe for membership today. But this thing has been bothering me.


Future game can put editor for people can create their own things inside game and can also put shop things looks mod people can put in game ?


game could have a shop page to buy things objects and put it inside game edit it your own world modify ?


I'm sure this might be something way down the road, or is planned or something. But do you think there would be different story lines for just about each playable character? (besides maybe some of the humans, thinking they'd be the same as the main human character). Like for example, if you possess the male lion (I think it's Kral, forgive me if I'm wrong, I'm terrible with remembering names ^^;). You could have a storyline of perhaps becoming the new Chief (or king, however yo want to put it lol) of the tribe, or if you possess Chakkar the tiger, could do a story of getting rid of the hyena's once and for all (maybe revenge for what they did, when he was a cub or something?) , or if you possess Zuri perhaps a romance story between her and Kral? I know this might be way, way down the road to even think about, but I think would be a perfect touch. Give people many options of things to do and follow!

William Klauss

I was able to play the game I had to set it to low on everything but there is a problem with hunting the alpha Hyena found it under the water and unable to kill it also how do I save in he game I had to quit and now I got to start all over again here a screen shot http://imgbox.com/Rogb2tHH

William Klauss

I was able to play the game but I found a problem the alpha hyena was under water so I could not kill it http://imgbox.com/Rogb2tHH Also I had to set everything to the low setting and I was able to play she was not sinking into the ground I was unable to save my game so I got to start over again


I would like that yeah. But as you said, its most likely way way down the road, maybe even post 1.0 release.


Hello! How much do I need to sponsor to get uncensored version of the game after the game is released?


The game will cost around 30$ on release and will already come uncensored. If you support us for at least 30$ (total lifetime support) you will recieve a copy of the released game.


When will the 10$ Membership Build released?


Hmm, doesn't run on my Pimax-VR, to bad.


When i start the Game, the first Screen ist 4 times to big, so i cant click on ok, when VR ( PiTool and SteamVR ) is not running everything works fine.... :-(


OK, when PiTool and SteamVR ist running then the startscreen is 4 times to big, so i can't click on OK. When both is off Wild Life works well. Waiting for the next Build.


This is the $25 build release, the $10 build will be released next week. Look at the names of the tiers, $10 is Patron (So they get the Patron Build) and $25 is Member (So they get the Member Build). Member build comes out a week or two (In this case one week) before the Patron Build.


We will have a safer release date once our entire production panning is through. But a rough estimate is 2-3 years.


Can you tell me how to make it uncensored? Can it be set in the game?


Steve!❤️ Quick question if you don't mind. Are you guys planning on having an in-depth character customization? (Controlling individually the size of calves, hips, shoulders, face customization etc.)


Would be nice for one of the females to have a one piece swimsuit like the Mizuno ones ( Japanese types )


So big list of test ;)


the future may put more anthropomorphic animal breeds such as fox or horse or dragon or rabbit or bird or shark and more new skins and tattoos and more villages mountains forests rivers rivers water and human mutants and wild animals play sex


Horse :D


Theres only a few gay animations with human x Anthro. You know most of the fan base loves that kinda stuff :P Straight stuff is on point though, I just dont get why you use anthro genitals for the males and not females.


I would also like to see maybe an option to toggle different style of genitals. Like for instance the “fortune cookie” style for rasha, etc.


Do I need to reinstall the game again?


Are you gonna add in animal genitals cause that would be awesome.


This has probably been mentioned already but there are 100+ pages of comments so forgive me for a repeat. But can you make the girls squirt, and also, for the side position have the girls rubbing their clitoris?


After the update, the textures became a little blurry.


Yes you can, you can make them squirt. Check the inputs for the key comand to make that happen :)


i had a question because i am in the market for a gaming laptop and i have a $700 budget this is my here but to run your game as smooth as it can be on a gaming laptop what would you recommend?


Id go for at least an i7 6700 or comparable CPU, 8 or better 16GB ram, and a gtx 1070 or above.