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Another week, another update :)

Our 2D artist is currently working on a UI overhaul and its looking quite nice already.

As you can see, we had a meeting with the team today to talk about it.

To get the ranged combat going we also started to work on some bow models. Here is a first impression of a low level starter bow.

In the game design department we have been working on some plans for a new and better sex gameplay. More about that soon, we are really looking forward to show you all the cool things our design team is working on  ;)

PS: And look! Even our office doggi is working hard^^




Not the kind of doggy style we expect to see from you but I accept Mr. Doggo's contribution to the project.


New staff member looks ready for the job


Dear Steve. Pretty hoped for the next sex gameplay. But is that mean you'll remove the "character spawned list"? Hope not. Keep going. Live your work guys. :)


That's a cool UI and a cool dog. :)


No we dont plan to remove that :) It might not be available in the core game but it will be in the menagerie mode (which will be similar to what we have right now)


Freaking amazing! Sooo ein süßer Wauwau!!!


Bin gespannt wie das neue Sex Gameplay aussehen / funktionieren wird. EIN HUND . . . Süß !!! °o°


The UI is very clear


While I support the evident diversity in your work force, I’m afraid – in the picture you’ve posted on him - your newest furry addition seems a little distracted by something. :D What little I can see from the UI changes, I’m liking the style, but I’d like to reserve my final verdict until I’ve seen more, as it’s hard to judge just from one picture. I’m also really looking towards to the ranged combat aspect of the game. It’s always good to see things other than just the sex aspect of the game being developed and I personally find it interesting to read where you’re going with them.


Latin translation confirmed, Caligula is pleased with your efforts.


Looks great! Dont wanna know what's in that new $25 post. Strongly not my stuff. Lets hope it will be only optional.

Icarus Media

So....you know how they say pets look like their owners.... :-)


That's right! No slacking off, put that dog to work!


That office dog is an adorable puppy, I would die for him...


Rasha is a good girl.


I think the Dog was stunned or loss the mind, by seeing your stuff what you are doing


I’m very glad to hear such news, and your office dog seems to really like the work. Lol

New Frontiers

Will menus be available in VR?


Your dog is adorable!


This, please. Would love for VR to get some love, I mostly play Wild Life in VR and it's quite a painful experience when it comes to it...


Sir! you guys are awesome that UI looking great! the bow looks very detailed and nice.. And yeah i think the game deserve a new, rich, detailed and better sex gameplay... just like Honey Select etc. (btw the Husky looks very cute lol)


Huskies are very "vocal" pets , I can relate why you cant leave him alone ^^


Dats a cute puppers 🐶

Patrick Bradley

Am planning on pledging as soon as have the money, but just a quick question will the female wolf models have body sliders so they aren't all flat chested Etc


Any multiplayer/co-op plans down the road?


With more outfits being added to the game, will there be an option in the future to mix and match elements of different outfits together? Like, torso from one, and legs from another?


Yes we plan to have several inventory slots available: Head, Necklace, Cheset, Legs, Feet, Arms


When’s next update for public coming


Hi Steve, any plans for any BDSM type stuff? Not many will admit it but there is a HUGE craze for this type of stuff..... And I mean HUGE!!!


when next bulid ?


Hey Steve, can we see more FPS improvements in the upcoming buid? :)


This opens Oculus but I only see black in the VR helmet? Is this game meant to be played in VR and am I missing something? Thanks.


I ask again add please in game woman's ejaculate!! Else this is possibly in next release of game. C:

New Frontiers

Is there a way to send crash logs? The game suddenly became super-crashy yesterday. It crashed 5 times in a row. The August version is still stable.

Carlos O Vela

yo I'm pretty new to this project and i just wanna say that i dig everything you guys and gals do and look forward to more content in the future. Keep up the good work!