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Yo yo yo,

quick weekly update post for you loyal people.
What are we working on at the moment?

-New character (Lizardman)

-Getting all existing sexytime poses updated for anal/vaginal variations

-Ranged combat system (archery)

-Updating the quest system design and reworking code

-New maya costume

-Survival/Crafting system

-Updating foliage models/textures to improve performance even more

-Continuing to work on Environment

Thanks everyone for supporting us so far :)

-Wild Life Team

PS: As mentioned in the previous post we are considering to discontinue the 5$ tier since the demand in that tier doesn't quite cover the amount of work it raises during release. In case we go through with this the 5$ tier will become invisible to visitors. People that are currently in that tier will be notified in advance and will be given a chance before the tier gets deleted.




Will these be available in the test build?


Model looks great thanks for the preview.


Cool model, the female lizard will be in the future?


i love the progress so far, do you have any idea of a timeframe for the game to open up yet? or is that still to far stretched at the current point of time?


The lizard is looking great!

Walter Butler

Please tell me we're getting lizard woman.


Female Sanke pls


Looks great! Bears maybe? They could be big, cute and fat. :D Or mouseman? Remember the cartoon Biker Mice from Mars? The model could be based on that. Just some idea. :D




Hard to say at this point but we are also working on the production planning which should help us with such info.

Icarus Media

Is the Lizard....to scale? Ha Ha never thought I'd have the chance to make reptile puns. :-)


I hope the lizardman has two cocks, in some lizard species, this is normal. locks good!


Will horses, dragons or bears in the near future also be female or male in the game?


lizard model very good can create medieval city with forest and mountains water river ? Also future can create more races characters dragon horse fox rabbit griffin ?? Thank

Ryan Fox

The male lizard looks amazing!

New Frontiers

Please more sex animations (human + human)


Any plans to add armour for Maya? :)


Please dont give the lizards boobs...


A lizard woman with nippleless tits. That would make sense for me I guess.


Great pics. I am very excited by lizard man. May I please ask you all to consider adding a variant of lizard skin to Maya or Shey? I would love some kind of "bump map" (if I understand the term) type skins that would add simple scales or something like hair to the female models. Let me make the bunny girls and cat heads have fur please. . I would just really love to make my fav girls look more different, whether it's metal or reflective or a lizard skin. I also hope more comes for the men. Nice update. thanks.


Lastly sorry to leave a 2nd comment, but I wonder what the plan is to address either the dong costume for Maya or the bunny ears and cat ears. It takes a lot of wrangling to get skin tones to match these props, and the options for the models are limited. I can only do so much if the dong or rabbit ears don't match the model. Just wondering if there is any roadmap on that issue. I enjoy the shemale prop, but it's pretty tough to use often. No need to respond to earlier comments but I would appreciate some clarity on the shemale or prop factor, if anyone has time. Best,


Add heels for female characters please.


The male looks amazing! Can't wait to see the female, if we get one!


Just to say a big Thank You! I am in the gay bear and chub community and it's the first time a videogame feature a chub so realistic! in fact when I first listened about the game it was in pornhub, only found 4 videos and three of them were from Iljah, the body is absolutely perfect!, especially when you put legs and ass bigger, I's a pity he's so ugly and the neck so unrealistic but the rest it's just perfection. Hope in the future more gay animations and chub and bear characters as I'm sure there are more people interested in that than in minotaurs or zoophilia. Ah! have you think in adding some kinky sex? like peeing or something like that?? Again.. Thank you!! awesome work!!!


more tali and minotaur pls


are we gonna see an update before the year ends or jan is the next release??


So, hemipenis or not?


Not that it matters but I think just about every reptile in the world would have plantigrade like legs if they were to be turned all anthropomorphic.


Love the Male scalie, curious to see if you put boobs on the female or not, or if she is bigger than the male. I'd personally vote for boobs and larger size, myself.


So cloaca for both genders?


Please no mammaries on non mammals

Jack Mason

Are there any plans to have male on futa animations? Would love if the m x m anims could also work for Male x futa.


hey man i know patreon doesnt allow rape but how about when fighting enemy and you loose you can alternativly get fucked instead of death or when it comes to certain npcs you can press a button to "lure" and get fucked in that fashion with buffs depending on npc and relation. ps pls work on beast animations and put them in the game when funding is complete sell it too me as an expansion pack


You already know that. Everything except sex animation is so sloppy. But like the one that created a great battle system like the Dark Soul. I believe that other things will be made well. I wonder what kind of survival game you're going to make reference to in the future. The Forrest? DAYZ? ARK?


Any plans on adding belly dancers outfits? :)


I really like the saurian design of lizardfolk in warhammer


I could be ok with this as an explanation of stored fat in females which are commonly larger in reptiles


Hey, there's already a belly dancing style dance. :)


a lizardman like from soul calibur would be cool as a supplement


It is Argonian, but you must make a Fox-man!


Hey Steve it seems the community is pretty torn over the female lizardfolk already. What kind of discussions are you guys having about community feedback and is/how is it effecting the development of the game in general and of the possible female lizardfolk character?


Not much honestly. We dont plan to implement the female lizard in the near future given all the other things that are coming up. Besides the opinions are so subjective and versatile that it doesnt really make much sense to absrob them all right now. We will see how that goes when the time comes. All I can say is we will most certainly reserve the right to as much artistic freedom as we deem fit, as we have already.


make combat mode in the settings of each unit


Any plans to add inflation to the game?


"Getting all existing sexytime poses updated for anal/vaginal variations" - Been wanting this forever. Can't wait until it goes live! :D


So I went to Best Buy to upgrade my vid card, which is ddr3 and the only vid card I could get was a worse bargain bin card. In other words, I have to buy a new PC maybe? Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know about my experiences trying to run the game full animation. I also browsed Amazon for a gaming PC and noticed so many still selling with ddr3. If you all could release some system specs it might help me to focus on my upgrades. Thanks. gtix 730


Hey sure, we would recommend at least an i5 of latest 2 generations or comparable cpu, 8GB of ram and a gtx 960 or higher gpu. If you really want to get a nice run on it go for an i7 6700, gtx 1070, 16GB ram. Or anything comparable to that really.


Hello Steve I am excited to see this project expand I recently joined on Patreon yesterday. Played the game right away and enjoyed it so far you and your team are doing great things. I wish the best of success for this game and you guys! since it's different from others on the market. It caught my eye even though it's controversial for some groups. I highly applaud you guys for stepping forward with this keep moving forward with pride & dedication hope others continue to give support. :)


Any plans on including fantasy or magical stuff? :)


Any plans on battle failure sex scenes? Might add a bit of fun to the questline.

GameTube Germany

Can you still not save the game? I really like it, good job


Will lizards poses be unique or will he just share the same as other characters


Hello! I'm new! Amazing game. I have a few questions. Is there a list anywhere of which characters can have sex with which? Especially combinations of threesomes. And is all characters and combos available at the start of the build? Also just to report a bug whenever I alter characters by hitting I for pose menu when the character is just standing there, it changes the movement controls to camera movement and I have to restart. Doesn't do this if they are having intercourse when i change appearance. Thanks!


Hey, here is a list of all available anims right now: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771 Thanks for reporting the bug too :)


Hi there, the last build works great, but some animations still need a climax ending (Mino x two females for example)...and will there be a refined creampie mechanic in the next build (dripping? splashing out? anything?) or is it planned at least?


There is only one important thing about those lizard guys... Don't put testicles on them. I laugh on one side and cry/die on another everytime i see someone doing that on a reptile.


Hey Dev, how is the voice development going on?Any plan to implement lip movements also with voice during cutscenes? :)


Yes we are working on such a system too. It may take a while until its done tho :)


Dev. Do you plan on giving hyena or Alpha some scenes? and later on maybe triggering on defeat also considering you already made scenes with a minotaur a wolf and a lion also now a lizard, i was thinking it wouln't be too far around your main idea if you weren't already planning that for later. Because to be honest a classic "oh crap" *(messythrown)ragdoll* *blackscreen* *reset* isn't always incredibly immersive. i'm sure more thinks this way just in case you could make a votepool and see, altho im sure you though of these...


Hey dev, are you going to add more futanari content?


Hey Devs, Hey Steve, is therebany chance pregnant Bellys are coming to this game (maybe a slider option for body settings) greetings and keep going, peace


Any other species planned for the future, like equines, avians, etc.?


Everything looks great. Will you guys do snake character or vipers like the ones in Xcom 2?https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjGj4yNvOPlAhVMRa0KHZ8fAI0QjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.artstation.com%2Fartwork%2FG6aVz&psig=AOvVaw0mGDnI3tgtyl-q7WylVJXR&ust=1573606743905061


Hi Steve I wanted to ask about the direction your picking for the game will it be a survival game or souls-like


Nope, no other species planned at the moment. We are going to make what we have count ;)


Nope, no other species planned at the moment. We are going to make what we have count ;)


Will the lizard man have a custom penis or will it be like some of the other characters?


Add please in game woman's ejaculate!!


how do i get to the discord and that picture with the minotar and all the mayas why isnt that in the actual game


So you can check this help page out to see how you can get into discord: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- And what picture do you mean?


Dev please add some vibrant textures to this maya Pharoah look-a-like outfit