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Hey everyone, we are finally there! The next build version is ready.

The massive performance problems and the office move took a toll on the release schedule. We apologize for the delay.
But the good news is: We managed to resolve the performance issues and everything should run much better than ever before ;)

Here is the changelog between the latest Member Testing Build and this release:

-Big efforts to improve performance, Improved LODs, streamlined materials, set up Level Streaming, etc.

-Added new character: Tali (female minotaur)

-Kral shouldn't get stuck in his tent anymore

-Changed combat: Left mouse: attack, left mouse hold: heavy attack, right mouse: block/parry

-Implemented a better Loading Screen

-Improved the Quest Line

-New Sex Anims: ZuriXDjablo, KralXKiraXZuri, MayaX2Minotaurs, YasonXMaya, BolXZuri, TaliXMax, TaliXMinotaur. You can find a full list  here

-Added 20 of missing Anal/Vaginal Variations

Known Issues:

-You can still suddenly die when jumping or running at certain areas and situations

-If you don't give Chakkar the fight he was promised, he will start to go rampage in town

-Player lips don't move during voiced dialogues

-Hyena combat still has a few bugs

-Landscape collision and floating meshes are still an issue

Here is the changelog between the latest Member tier test build (13.09) and the last full release (02.08):


-New sex animations, click here to see the list of all animations 

-First implementation of a quest line with several parts

-Added a few generic tribal characters and kerpali variations

-More combat related features

-New environment effects

-Blocking/Parrying added to combat

-Alpha Hyena (Relevant for quest line)

-Idle characters in the world

-New sounds

-Hyena kill counter (visible when you die)

-New tribal characters (available in the spawn menu)

-Loot containers

-Lipsync for spoken lines

-"Region entered" notifications

-Boss health bar

-This "What's new?" Screen


-Big redesign of the Kerpali village along with improvements to models and textures

-Dialogue system overhaul

-HUD overhaul

-Combat improvements

-Water reflects sky correctly now

-Climbing improved

-AI improved

-Combat VFX improved

-Dialogue system rework with camera paths

In the wake of the latest developments and the ever growing game, bigger files, more downloads etc. we are considering to discontinue the support for the 5$ Tier. The demand in this specific tier is too low and the additional workload during release is too big to be sustainable. If we end up going through with this the 5$ tier will most likely disappear from the list, people in this tier will be able to change to a different tier. This will make it easier on us to manage rewards and releases in the future. This is just a heads-up right now, we will tell you directly if and when we will carry this out.

So now lets get to the builds ;)

10$  link 

5$    link 

Public   link 

Thanks for everything, you are awesome!

-Wild Life Team



So I here is my question when the new updates come out should the old game be uninstalled first before new one gets installed


Doesnt matter, each build is a standalone so it doesnt matter whether you delete the old one or not.


Even though Iljah the fat dude didnt get any love this update, i did find an issue with the maya x iljah alignment during the blowjobs only. His penis is showing up too high above her mouth. Any futuee updates on him?


Hey, yes we have a set of anims for him x shey and some new animations for him x maya (similar ones to the shey versions we planned). The issue with their height misaligning could be a bug. Ill test here myself see if I can reproduce what you say.


Hey Steve looking at the spreadsheet for the listing of Salivarius_Zuri is that a coming position or a current position?


wheres the 25$ build


Still a somewhat away, the last 25$ build was in September and the release for the 10$ build took longer due to the big performance issues we had to solve and because we had to move to a bigger office. The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$).


Is tali in this build


Heya Steve, everything sounds pretty cool :D I send you a edited picture of Tali, with some concerns/suggestions i had for her, adding additional features like hair/fur, piercings, scars, bigger hips and a more prominent cow nose. I know you havn't had that much time because of moving studio, but would like to know if you had made any atempts an adding/tweaking some of those areas yet? :D Hope it's still a thing you want to try out, i think it would suit Tali with some more fur/hair whatever you call it hehe :) Many Regards Eut, a Wildlife fan :)


Wrote too soon, just saw on discord that you have made a second pass on her, which is nice. But the thing about the hair is still something i would like to know about :D


where on the map can i find the new character?


Yeah thats the default for all characters expect the few quest related ones. Which you can also just spawn using the T menu.


Hey, i have the issue that i can`t attack at all. The combat doesn`t work. Is it just me or somebody else has that problem?


You might need to reset your input settings to default in the options menu for that.


Amazing pick with Max getting this many animations with Tali to start with. It really showcases the contrast of the size difference! Big women need love too <3


i am also having the combat problem. reset all settings, used different keys. not working also i can' take the health potion , default key Q isn't working


This issue should fix itself if you reset the input settings. Make sure you are in the inputs tab, then click default, then click apply, then click back and resume game. Its working for everyone else so I strongly suspect its because of this.


I never thought id be just as excited for porn as i am for its "PLOT"


Good stuff! Question: I thought that Save/Load was to be part of the October build.


This build is a bit buggy, the issues I found so far: Model quality reduced, Joints not bending properly and jaggy, Weird eyelashes that spike down on the eyes and attached to the pupil, Penetration out of alignment with orifices or not even opening. Holes and tears in character models, Fluids stretching into the ky.


Wow looks good! thanks for an update.


I still get an Fatal Error when aproach People in Oasis . In older versions the same, don´t know why :-(


No we are still lacking core mechanics in the game so developing a save/load would be unclever considering it would have to be redone when the other mechanics are implemented too.


Model Quality comes from your view distance setting being on Low or Med. Set it to High and itll be fine. internally it sets this console variable: r.SkeletalMeshLODBias I suppose Max and High dont touch it, but setting it to Med will set the variable from 0 to 1, adding a level in the LOD bias and triggering our low-res models which dont have genital bones.


I wrote a Message with Details :-=


I was wondering if there was any plan to add humanoid cocks to the Kerpali? I find those characters really sexy but I'm not into animal cocks so that will be a bit of a dealbreaker for me. If there is plans for that though then I'm definitely going to subscribe to the 10$ tier.


There are definitely plans to look into it at some point as a sort of alternative skin mode or something. We havent spent much time there yet tho so it is unsure how exactly that will look and work.


Major issue I ran into with combat is I couldn't fight at all. Tried rebinding attacks and still no light/heavy attack. All I could do was kick and that didn't seem to do anything at all. Not sure if I'm the only one having this problem or not, but combat seems to be entirely broken for this build.


i have the same issue with combat


I also can't select or use items


It runs fine but after locking on to the hyena and killing it I could not unlock the camera from the dead hyena. I had to reset to fix it. I rebound the keys and even tried switching characters but it persisted


How to block/parry? Its not even in the input menu.


Same issue than other player can't fight, rebinding attacks nothing, can't use items too, and white line appear in animation, don't have this in last build....?


Right mouse button. You may need to reset input settings: https://youtu.be/l13u8PZLiM0


That sounds great! It is a pity, of course, that the move to a new office took you some time, but it was nice to hear that you managed to solve performance problems.


Hm thats strange. Didnt get that during our tests. Can you reproduce that reliably and tell us the steps to get there?


Then you downloaded the wrong build mate :/


What happened to the torch? Very dark in the caves at the village. It seems its no longer useable.


For some reason my character cannot attack. I can only unsheathe my weapon and target enemies. I have tried changing the buttons but still won't attack.


Heya, a few issues I found: - Big Boss Hyena seems to get stuck before the fight, but after I have struck it a few times it seemed to come alive and fight me back. - In several occasions (example: After Hyena battle, after talking to the old goat man) the quest marker didn't update. I knew where to go so I managed to complete the quest line, but I didn't get the indicator. Thought I'll start with the "Bad news" first, now my opinion: 100% your best build so far :) Combat was responsive and fun, performance (other than some random frame drops, which were relatively common unfortunately, but barable) was top notch, game played smoothly and was really fun. Adding those characters to the village definitely made it come to life, was an awesome addition. I gotta tell you though, I enjoyed the gameplay aspect waaay more than the lewd one. The characters are colorful, feels like an appropriate quest/rpg/adventure game, even better than most out there. Made me want to explore the world and discover what else is there. I know it's not the case, but it did feel like an RPG first, then a sex game as a secondary purpose. I don't mind that personally, just that it feels like the rest of the systems in the game are more polished/grounded than the sex system. Suggestion: - Quality over quantity. With the absolutely insane amounts of animations you have to add to the game, I would consider creating a modular sex system, where you can create several flawless very high quality base animations, and build on top, or tweak them, with code. Haven't thought this through obviously, and I'm sure you guys have considered directions like that, however the amount of animations you have to create to finish this game is insane, and to think you may have to add transitions to make these animations run smoothly... you get my point. Anyways, cheers, I loved this build and despite the few bugs I encountered was a pleasure to play :)


game saving isn't yet possible?


No, we will implement the save function when all the systems that are affected are also in place.


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah we plan to improve on the sex system some more to make it more interactive and interesting. But thats still a way down the road. Appreciate your opinion mate, thank you :)

Kevin Straker

Got through the quest line. Noticed one major thing. I died in the arena fight vs. Chakkar, and if you respawn, you'll find him now attacking everyone in the village. Also is there a way to play the game without the quests? I'd like to be able to see the new animations but I seem to be restricted in what it is the game lets me do now, even after finishing the questline.


It is right here in this post under Known Issues: "-If you don't give Chakkar the fight he was promised, he will start to go rampage in town" That also means if you die mid-fight ^^ And: Yeah you can still just spawn any character using the spawn menu (t key) and do what want.

New Frontiers

The new sex scenes are fucking HOT!!! Thank you!!!!!!


Will there be more animations similar to rasha and djablo in climax?


where minotaur position??? I can't find them!


Demo mission and end(


Would be cool if there was a respawn option, cuz I'm always getting stuck somewhere on the map XD


Where to lose animation muscles vagina? And what happened to the anus animation, before there was at least something, now the penis does not visually contact them?


Do we have to kill Chakkar in the final game ver too, that would be a damn shame to kill this char right off the bat, dont you think?


Add fisting


That has to do with the video setting: View Distance, set it to High and itll be fixed.


Shey in village causes total errors(when i'm trying to fuck with anyone)


I've having a problem with clothes clipping on skin is this a known problem or is there a simple fix thank you


quick bug report: around the camp are giant rocks if you know what i mean, which build the walls of the valley sortof. from specific angels you can walk "into" them and through them. this has to do with not using full meshes and maybe missplacing them or as fix you could simply raise up the sand-ground around them a little bit so that one can not look and walk through the invisible back side of them.


Oh, we are trying to catch these, if you could send over some screenshots of where you found these rocks we can fix it


Does the tribal NPCs chill around the campfire in this latest version?


I’m having an issue I’m combat. I can unsheathe my weapon but when I click left or right mouse button maya does not attack


You need to reset your inputs, here is a quick video on what to do: https://youtu.be/l13u8PZLiM0


That worked. Thanks!


anyone know how to make multiple appearance presets for the characters?


Where is the link for the discord?


Hey, check this page out to get to the discord: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-


Thats not possible yet, what you can do is a mix of ingame and explorer work. You make a preset, save it, go to the folder where it is saved. C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Config\CharacterCustomization And then name them differently (the system goes by name, then just giving the correct name to the one you want to use via the file explorer.

Walter Butler

Sorry if this has been answered already, but I'm confused about this game. Can the sex scenes be done using a male/female character you make, or only through Maya?


Open the character spawner and add as many or few characters as you want. Engage the one you want to be in conversation and select "Possess". Then find a partner and chat them up. You won't be able to do this with the base quest NPCs yet, to my knowledge. I could be mistaken, haven't played through this new version all the way.


Really very impressed by this build team, especially given a move, etc. I've done almost every one of my little demented movies using wl and ob and I've been stuck on slowmo and usually at best medium settings. Now I can actually film decent realtime animations. The caves though guys. I have to restart the game to find my way out of the caves. I'll send a more detailed email because trying to write a comment on patreon is awful. I can't see what I'm typing right now.


Additional request if I may. This request comes from a long experience with DAZ, V4 or some version of victoria going back to Poser days. Do you guys think we could get a body suit, kind of like an extension on the mesh instead of some add on that clips like hell? Like second skins that would have no trouble with dancing or animations with clothing. It's kind of tough enough covering for the dynamic hair. Anyway great build devs. I am really ahppy.


since you gave tali ahegao, other girls especially human need it as well :)


So far I have had a bug where male NPC that are sitting around are fully erect with their clothes on, also when I was in the main fight with Chakkar I died. Respawned and he didn't have any weapon and could not fight him again. Instead I just killed him and the quest was completed.


My droop spawn is broken it seems to be glitched as if its being stretched from the girls mouth to the mans chest, anyway for a quick fix?


That should be a rather rare bug case. Can you restart game and see if it remains?


hey Steve, Impressed by this build, would like to suggest some ideas for the upcoming build: need more NPCs in the game, some of them dancing near the fireplace would be nice, a talk with the NPC's would be great like they can admire the players ability,look,strength,battle with Chakkar etc anything that player did along the quest, NPC's make love among them (like whynot? XD ), torch is essential as caves are too dark to explore, different weapons/craftings are necessary, mainly I would say health regeneration is necessary, it can be slow but it needs to be there. :)


Thanks I agree :) Btw did you know you can use a torch right now in the builds? You need to set it in the quick-access menu by pressing (holding) the Q key. Selecting the torch will result in maya using a torch when you use Q key.


OK last comment for a while. I noticed a new video that you all posted on YT. The dev footage differs quite a lot from my game, where cave entrances are hidden by sand and false terrain. I have to walk through walls to get into caves and the guard at the gate is completely under a false ground. Is there a way to fix so I don't walk or sink into terrain? Getting from spawn to the village requires walking under the terrain. I assumed that this was a very common thing in that the terrain was not finished. I can record and post a video for you if needed. Thanks


Sounds like a major bug. Either you have trouble with Ram or VRam or something like that. Whats your pc specs and how do your video settings look like? A video might be good.


Just managed to get my hands on the new build and boy, oh boy is it finally starting to look like an actuall RPG. I was really impressed! Didn't want to try out $25 one just to get that polished expirience right away and the wait was SO worth it! Village had mostly 45 fps while Hyena's jungle area is about 50-55 all the time, not bad. Flying through the canion is a problem though, since I expirience sometimes a 0.5 second freeze on the hard turns and on high speed such a freeze is basically death from a face-mount kiss. Other than that I should say that you optimized this one very well. It was a pure enjoyment to play. Good job! I was very pleasently surprised to see dialogue variation and actuall consequences from them. Like if you being friendly with Zuri she will be "friendly" back to you and if not you may get materials but she will despise you - this stuff is really good. Hope to see more of that in the actuall story when it arrives. Some parts of the build are simplistic, like dialogues, Chakkar dying and quests, but its understandable, since its their first iterations. Combat is much more responsive, but when I fought Alpha Hyena and Chakkar I felt like its too easy to make a mistake of hitting more than 2 attacks and you will be punished back with about half of your health. I felt like I could evade this, but I would need some kind of Feinting mechanic like what For Honor has, when you can stop your attack in the mid air to immediatly change it to block, which helps you to prevent giant damage when you made a mistake but because of your skill you can come out on top. Tali is just amazing! I did not expect to love her as much as I did. She has so much personality in her animations, love them! (Also thank you for that ahegao face - top notch easily). And she has so much of them right away! Very cool. Also my personal thanks for some Rasha new animations! My favourite wolfgirl finally getting some love <3. All in all its great to see how project is progressing. I now how hard it is to make such a wonderfull looking game, but you guys are just killing it! Out of all projects that I follow Wild lIfe is the only one I stand behind strongly and willingly, knowing that you wont disappoint. Keep doing a wonderfull job, WildLife Team!


Also if you don't mind answering, I would love to know possible future races that you could add to the game, since I love that anthropomorphic theme that you have there. 1. Hyenas but as an anthropomorphic race? 2. Cats? Like literall cats, not tigers nor cheetah. You have a desert theme so I feel like a race of cats like Mrrshan from Master of Orion could be a great thing to have. At the very least Sphynx male cat bandit would fit very nicely imo. 3. Jackals? Same here. Desert area would look good with them. 4. Horse race? Since you already have bulls, I feel like making horse race would be very easy, since you just could make them less bulky and more agile and that would do it? 5. Scalies. I know that you said already that you are going to add scalies, but which kind of them do you have in mind? Lizards? Crocodiles? Snakes (that would be awesome)? 6. Bird-like race? Like eagles or maybe owls? They could be an interesting addition, if for example they could be the ones who gave Maya her wings. 7. Sharks? A race that would exist mostly on the beaches since they need a constant huge water supply. 8. Rams? You have goats, so Rams could be more of a bulkier kind of goat-people. 9. Fenneks? Desert theme as well. 10. Desert Foxes? 11. Anthelopes? 12. How about a main antagonist-Scorpion?) Those are just some that came up in my head.

Firts Lats

This is amazing work! Now all it needs is anal and vaginal versions of all the positions for Minotaurs, and I'm a happy camper.


The style and some scenarios reminds me of Conan Exiles.


thank you for creating new character could create a medieval wooden stone city in the mountains with castle and more characters furrys creatures please example lizard and dragon and gryphon and fox and horse and rabbit ? ?


God damn. Lemme tell you. Tali is the fucking best.


where do you find the Minotaurs


Hi, is there a possibility for a transparency feature for the characters? Like an opacity slider of some sort where you can hide characters during sex.


The male appears in his cave after the quest line is finished. But he wont have sex with you. If you want to do that you need to spawn them using the T key.


Hi! And why I have censorship on sex, all in squares?


Why can't I move into other characters? What should be done?

Kunpirates Arcade

I love the new build, but. Its bit over tuned. I have yet to kill the alpha hyena, i have been at for 20 mins. I have tired pulling the small ones first. even glitched them through walls. Maya attacks use way to much MP, plus the attack animation prevent maya from moving making it hard to dodge.


It's not difficult, you can actually stand there spamming attack and chugging down potions until you win.


Group sex doesn't work, I make at least 2-3 people to follow me, eventually everyone is standing, I talk to any of them and there is no option for group sex. I did just like on yt tutorial, any ideas/


Oh and is it possible to Save/Load?


1. You can`t have group sex with everyone (Check the What`s New) List. 2. No you can not Save/Load yet.


can't fight in combat, all attacks sheath the spear.


just use a xbox one or any Bluetooth control for combat than mouse with keyboard thats where it become a headache Mike spicer

Rainer Winkler

Hey Guys, awesome new build. I have a question: Is it possible to freeze a character if you choosed an pose and then change the char?


There isnt a link provided to email issues in this version so ill just list them here #1 there is a white line coming from the males penis that shoots off into infinity during sex animations now #2 Tali has issues with her breast they look cubical and distorted ? #3 The womens private parts do not contour to the shape of the males penis during sex animations anymore leading to less immersive sex animations than before. Also the penis doesn’t enter the actual vagina at all the alignment is off. #4 Clothes do not fit shey properly and other models #5 the insides of the caves are pitch black leaving you unable to navigate them at all or engage in animations #6 Salivarius is stuck in a “T” Pose


You’re doing it wrong it works perfectly with the right characters you cant just get any 3 characters


I know the POV cam is an experimental feature right now, but I doubt anyone wants their character's nose blocking their view the whole time.


Village section heats up the GPU for some reason (72'C, other areas are around 50-60'C)


so I noticed a maya x 2minotaur animation... how do you manage to play that?


nevermind I figured it out. you have to have the other one follow you


Hello! Just wanted to give some feedback on the build. When putting muscle on the girls, there's holes in their body.


Holes in body come from the view distance setting in video settings. Check this video out for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXlbF4ZHuD4


I tried the public test and I want to give my feedback on the pov feature sometimes it's not right and the way of changing the camera is limited


You're likely not using the 10$ version. Lesser versions are censored to encourage you to donate 10 bucks.


Is there anyone having problems with the combat system? I can draw my weapon, but the mouse buttons don't release an attack.


Hm, strange ... the problem solved itself.


Reset settings to default


You need to reset your input settings. Check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXlbF4ZHuD4


So when can we expect next build?


Holy cow, Tali sure is something.


fatal error whenever I talk to someone?


why is the save option not working, do i have to start a new game each time i boot the game?


anyone know if there is a guide as to where to find the intractable npcs, seems to be having some trouble finding the minatours

New Frontiers

I tried resetting the inputs to default but it still doesn't work. Can't attack with mouse buttons. Any ideas?


hi guys, i would like to give feedback on 1 particular element with your game in the combat system: dodging should not be dependant on stamina! im serious. Its generally the main move that players tend to overspam in many fighting games and ive notice here that it kinda wrecked my fun when fighting enemies because i have to manage between my power attacks AND dodging. The combat system kinda reminds me of assassin creed or batman arkham knight which is really nice, but dodging&stamina issue really affects resourcefulness players can give in combat from my point of view. Also we can't predict some enemies moves to use the parry effectively(Hyenas!!), do you think you could just create a common icon for enemies to pop out just before they hit us? because in mass combat it will help. Other than that, great work and i love Chakkar bossfight, please take a moment to consider my point if it sounds logical to you and nice work for the rest. :D


After you pose characters how do you keep them in the pose after leaving the menu


I seem to be missing something here i cant interact with any of the npc's they jsut tell me to go away and ive gotten to the part that says demo over


You cant, if you want to pose multiple characters, have them follow you so they will appear in the poser menu as well.


The only NPCs that tell you to go away are the ones involved in the quest line. You can spawn them with the T key and those will interact with you as usual.


MIno is part of the quest line and appears later. If you want to interact with him you will need to use the character spawner ( T key)


can u save the chracter?¿


Hi, 1. there seem to be an new issue with the alignment of genitals during the sex animations? 2. Is it correct, that i can't find "Tali" the female minotaur? 3. Is it correct, that a can't posses the minotuar etc? 4. Sometimes, when talking to Kral during the Quest, Maya is in t-pose 5. When I was sendet to the "hunting grounds" to kill the alpha hyena it is mostly already dead and doesn't lies where the mission marker shows it


When using a character you need to press "i" to configure it. On the top you will find the "save" button. You have to "load" it after every restart in the "i" menue


Hey, thanks for the feedback. 1. Yes we have noted this and hopefully fix it. 2. Yes, you need to spawn her using the T key spawner 3. Yesnt, if you spawn him using the T key spawner you can. 4. Thats a known issue :) 5. Also know, the monster spawn and AI is a bit stupid still. -S


can u save in this game or is it always new game


Save feature is currently not implemented as there are still some core systems missing that will affect it too.


I downloaded the game last night ,I check all the agreement boxes ,check new game and all it does is freeze on the loading. u guys have any fixes


Hello, I am Korean, so I write a review with a translator. I downloaded 2019.10.18_Shipping_Full_Build_4 and it was fantastic. It's great now, but I'm sorry to say a few things. The newly added sex anim of max and tail is very large, but I hope there are as many sex anim between the other characters as they are. Just like characters can have sex with monsters like Salivarius, I hope you can have sex with all the different animals or monsters and characters you're going to make. Including hyenas. I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you very much for making me a good game.


Hi there, Is it not possible to possess other characters with this build anymore? I have the $10 build and I'm getting a message saying to support the Patreon every time I try to posses other NPCs. This worked without issue in the previous build (which I rather not use due to poor performance).


If that message of support appears then you are on the public build. You must have downloaded the wrong build.


The game is very cool, but how to disable censorship in the game?


Get the 10$ version of the game, then go to settings -> game -> censoring and set it to none.


Game stops when I recieve token of a chosen is it supposed to? I loose control of the game but it keeps going