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Hey everyone,
its time for an other status update!
We have been working on several things recently:

The level is getting a few different areas improved such as new assets for the Kerpali village, we got some flora assets for the environment and we made advances in the landscape shader.

The Hyena animations are in progress now, here is a sneak peek on a few movement cycles.
*Vid related 

We started to implement the Vertical Slice Quest sequence. There isnt much to show there yet but we can tell you already its going to be about an Arena Combat Challenge, a Hunting Episode and a few Dialogue parts.

Further we also processed all sex animations we have so far into a nice organized list so you can see what exists and what will come to the next build:


Also: One of our dedicated community members Smooth Yoda took the time to make a quick little tutorial for the folks around here that are still new to the whole patreon and download thing  (thanks for that mate :) . If you want to know about it, check out this:
If you experience someone asking a question about how to get the latest build or so, showing him this will be the best help.

All in all its looking very good so far with the Vertical Slice - we are on schedule. Also the next build which should come in July is looking well. More about that in the coming updates.

Cheers everyone,

-Wild Life Team


Wild Life Enemy - Hyena Movement Preview

Quick preview of the movement animations for the Hyena enemy character for Wild Life. Find out more about the project at patreon.com/adeptussteve



We gunna get a hyena sex animation?????

Justin Morales

Wow this looks awesome cant wait for that challenge


Good work, guys! Do you have a time estimate for strap ons? Also, will females be able to wear them outside of female x female animations, such as maya x Minotaur? Or simply when walking around?


Looks incredible! I love the animation!


Hyena looks awesome! One of the things that Im totally cool with and dont even sweat about is just how in general game will look - I'm more than sure it will look amazingly great. I still wonder about the "Possess" mechanic. I understand that atm you need it to show off animations, but later on you will get rid of it, right? Then what? How will player expirience lets say human(m) x beast(fem)? Or will player be able to play as a few different characters even after release?


Hard to say actually. We will have a look into it soon to make sure the technical side of things is covered. Then we will check out some animations for that. When exactly this will be is still unknown tho.


Patreon nor will Steam allow outright beast mechanic.


Thanks. On release the posess mechanic wont be in the main story mode. But there will be a sandbox mode that behaves like our current builds where you can also posess and control other chracters like you are used to from these development builds.


Very awesome!!! I can't wait for this update to come out. 😍


I would take another look at the spreadsheet, some of the names for instance in the group section are listed twice? Max_Maya_Maya, are there two Maya's?


Maya is the character we use to represent the female humans of that proportion shape. So Any animation that requires multiple females with Mayas proportions will be named with multiple copies of her name.


you guys never fail to impress, cant wait


Beautiful animations.


More Shey please, absolutely in love with her.


great job on the animations.


a weird Q: would it be possible to have H scene with hyene etc ? like being able to have sex with enemy with they are defeat or if we are defeated ?


No Minotaur x Rasha, Kral x Rasha, or anymore Max, but a bunch of gay scenes, dissapointed.

Ya Mans

I was wondering where the gay was, tbh. Good that it's gettin added.


so?? i like lesbian stuff and glad more animations are coming. your stuff will come as well, gotta wait.....


Being able to create a family would be dope....Maybe..


until when can we hope for an update


i would like this even more if i could actually play more then the same seen in like the crash area for #25 a month should be more to do


The Shey x Zuri stuff isn't in the game yet, right? Does the spreadsheet indicate what's current and what's part of a future update?


Exactly, it shows the animations that are done so far, some arent in the latest released build yet (like most of the new lesbian and gay stuff)


As the game progress My laptop is Core i5. I have to put the setting in low, and take out blur this last patch. Would this be a problem to the player base or do I have a toaster?


Will there be Hyena x Maya or Shey?


Can't wait for max x Ryan!!! I hope can make more sloppy deepthroat pos!!

Icarus Media

Why would you want to? I joke, try an application called 'Wine', it allows most (not all) windows programs to be played on MAC.


Please add a fat girl, and a short skinny girl


IS it possible to posses someone while haveing "Fun time" Would be cool to have an orgy


Really enjoying the game and its array of animations. I do have a question, will there be any plans soon for female orgasms? It would be a nice addition to not only have the males being able to cum. Thanks for all the work you guys are putting into this.


Is scissoring in the current build or is that coming in the upcoming one?


Will there be female minotaurs?


Why no more max animations, is this becoming a gay game?


were is the latest download link?


for members


Here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26901657 The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$).

Dexter Muntherie

Hello Id just like to say this is a really stunning game found it the other night via a mate that linked me, The Graphics and Smooth animation scenes are really well done in texture and more. Great job Wild Life team :) Happy I stumbled into this and able to least support it in some way ~ Questions Though after I played a bit - "I saw Sex Scene list before I played and went in tried a few really well done I might say but im curious to ask when it says Homosexual Are there any Male on Male Scenes at all? Human to human or Anthro to Anthro or is that a Topic or thing to come (Heres hoping) As I find if it does or will down the track it would complete the game 100% to suit a lot more people in "sexuality" wise Sorry if this gets asked a lot or is a thing to come. overall Great Project/Game I really enjoyed what iv tested and played the other night ~ Looking forward to future updates and to help support this Stunning Work ^_^


Thanks a lot mate, the male on male animations are done but not in the latest build. They will be introduced in our next release.


Hello! I remember the sexbot simulater had a hand control in First person. Will we see that coming to Wild life? I really enjoyed that feature


Hi, I'm from Brazil, I really liked your game and I'm going to become a patron. I'd like to give you an opinion when the personages finish the sex. It would be nice to have that gushing effect, mainly running in deep throat gouts deep inside the mouth and animations with animals quadrupitis type dog. and the possibility of faser sex with quarquer thing or be in the game would be very interesting. I'm already divulging your material, congratulations for the good work.


Hi, I'm from Brazil, I really liked your game and I'm going to become a patron. I'd like to give you an opinion when the personages finish the sex. It would be nice to have that gushing effect, mainly running in deep throat gouts deep inside the mouth and animations with animals quadrupitis type dog. and the possibility of faser sex with quarquer thing or be in the game would be very interesting. I'm already divulging your material, congratulations for the good work.


Hi, I'm from Brazil, I really enjoyed your game and I'm going to become a patron. I'd like to give you an opinion when the characters end sex. It would be nice to have this dripping effect, especially on deep, deep throats in the mouth and animations with animals of the quadrupole type. and the possibility of fucking sex with quarquer or being in the game would be very interesting. I am already divulging your material, congratulations for the good work.


I really tried to understand what was said here.


he wants people who have deep throat sex to be dripping cum from there mouth in the end and he wants to have sex with 4 legged animals


I look forward to finding something or one when exploring the desert :3


So is this now a yoai game?


its optional but the content will exist, didnt you wonder why there was a man who had no sex scene with any female character?? cuz he's gay


So what's planned for the story and the game-play? the sex scenes are awesome but there isn't much to do other then that.


Hi there! My furry friend brought me here, he told me that this is finally furry dream game, so I become your 25 patreon and I'm so happy that it's true. I love it so much! And I was wondering, if You are going to work on the feline characters more, especially the lioness genitalia to look realistic like lionesses have? I would gladly help you to achieve that And thank You for making this awesome game!


I'm on the latest 10 dollar build, any reason my characters are climaxing? Is there a certain key I have to press, it was working fine in the public builds.


Aren't climaxing*


yeah i agree the game really is awesome, and the lioness genitalia would look amazing more realistic, as well as the other beast races :)

Justin Morales

You can change your keys in the settings then select a key for climaxing. Would be the easiest way to test it out


When is the next release?..waited long


Hello we Can Upload the gameplays on YouTube And Also Link In Description Adeptus Steve Support And Please Tell Me When full trailer will come


Hey, yes you are free to make and share videos wherever you want, just make sure you respect the platform policies you upload the videos to. We will let you know when a new trailer comes out :)


Few Months Ago I had created the video of list of top 10 games and added Wild Life 1st Number which had 3 Millions views, but the video will be copyrighted and all tha traffic in your channel come from my video - Can You Give me A Wrting permission letter FOr Upload Wild Life Gameplay- THank You For Reply


Hey mate, thanks a lot. We will prepare a little disclaimer that allows you to create and share footage from the game and videos of our youtube channel freely. Ill let you know when we have that, we will probably post that on our main page as a general permission too.


How adult are we talking about with this game? Just curious how it will compare to some of the things most games are hesitant to show.


Oh really adult mate. Uncensored fully shown sexual encouters. But you can try for yourself, get the public demo here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26901721 Its censored but you get the idea.


So is the coming update gay focused or something? Is this going to be a theme?


Ok so do i have to pay 25 every month to play this or can i just pay 25 and llay it


have you thought about implementing futanari characters?


You pay for the support, and you gain for the access as a reward. So you can download builds and play them, these builds are not limited in time so when you download something you can play it for as long as you want. Also the Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$).


Yeah we will implement a cosmetic skin for strap-ons that will make characters look like futa these will unlock animations respectively. But we wont embed actual futa characters into lore, story and gameplay.


Looking forward to it

Ari Korpela

Hi there! I have 2 annoying bugs right in the beginning of the game. The character keeps moving in the direction you were going after i stop pushing the forward button(shes standing still but shes moving onward slowly) and right after the first beast runs away from you and the camera moves back on the character i cant move or do anything. She literally freezes in place and no matter how many i restart the game it does the same thing on the enemy.... I hope there is a fix to this annoying bug. XD


That's a really old build. Check the main page where we have the latest builds linked ;)


Adeptus, may I get a link to the updated $25 tier, please? I think I missed the download some where.


The most up-to-date version is this one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26901657 The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$).


I asked this question about 3 weeks ago without any answer...so im asking again. Is something wrong with the Vr Modus because i only get a black screen on my occulus after i hit alt+V. Still got the Ingame Sound but no screen. MfG


Yeah sorry comments sometimes go under... happens. What are you doing for the VR? Start game normally, then when ingame you need to press Alt+V. Make sure your VR set is working properly.

digital wolfy

can you get a different download mega says firefox has insuffence buffer data and i don't want to have pay mega so i can download the game .


In this case you can also use Chrome Browser with mega, as stated on the mega website.


how do we know which poses are upcoming but not in the game yet


is there a build where you can save the game yet?


Hello, will you be adding more beast races such as vixen, bovine and bunny? And for the sex scenes will you be adding any new ones revolving around being on a bed, against the wall or on a chair/couch, etc.?


i'll save you some trouble, upcoming build will mostly have lesbian/gay animations with humans and ferals


pretty sure they said more beast races, irc they said lizard is coming as well since it was requested


How is this real? I can't wait! Take my money!


YAY! for "Arena Combat Challenge, a Hunting Episode and a few Dialogue parts" cool deal


Better if this became a sandbox type game with massive replay value. Including: in-depth character customization, modding capability and pose/animation editor rather than a linear action focused story we play once or twice and never play again because it's limited by design.


Post another update it's been 2 and a half weeks. And you stopped steaming on Picardo. I hope this doesn't indicate a decline in community involvement and transparency.


Are we going to see a bit of doggy style

Chaotic Revival

If you’re thinking sexual activity with the hyena, they’ve already said it’s not going to happen due to Patreon’s guidelines.


news about the release day? im so hyppe!