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Hellou all,

its time for an update post again :)

Here is what we are working on right now:

We are continuing to block out the vertical slice environment and already have a rough view of the Kerpali village.

Also the canyon rocks and general landscape are seeing further revisions. These screenshots show the basic block out work so far. All materials are just placeholders still.

Movement and combat are big words right now. We have been polishing the movement system and adding things like climbing obstacles and just improving the overall feel. *Check video above.

Our combat system is also being worked on right now and you’ll see something on that very soon :)

In terms of intercourse animations there is also constant progress. Shey and Minotaur is a pairing we are currently working on along with other smaller animation and also an MMF threesome with Kral, Rawn and Maya are planned.

Thanks for the great support everyone, we reached 50k!
Stay tuned for more,

-Wild Life Team


Wild Life - Obstacle Climbing WIP

Work in progress demo of new movement feature to allow players to climb over obstacles of various heights.



Gratz! And keep up the good work! :)



Logan Lakes

Climbing looks pretty smooth, a corner stone of all good exploring rpg style games to me.


You guys are making me fall in love with your project. Again. <3


In video above jiggle butt is Just too much... But I don't See any problem here xD

Jomei Jackson

How are you handling combat? Also are we getting a female Taurus character, maybe a horse set of characters?


looks really good :3


Really good, keep up the good work


very good job,just a little problem with the hand in the last jump (hands are beneath the platform?)


impressive ;)


looks awesome :)


It's so annoying in games when a knee high object blocks your progression. Good to see climbing will be part of this game. :)


Hey Steve, any plans to have male and female kiss during intercourse? The lesbian kissing animation is amazing, would be nice to see more animations like it.


And You were inspired by the game Conan? Just visually similar.


<a href="https://society6.com/product/sexy-cow-cartoon-with-bell_print" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://society6.com/product/sexy-cow-cartoon-with-bell_print</a> XD


In the future of the game we have planned a few different body types indeed. Ill have to delete this post now as it links to nsfw material from a sfw post. But I hope you get this notification.


looking good steve :P


Oh heck yeah looks like we'll be doing some tomb raiding. Also, heck Steve, now I need to redesign the design for one of our villages that pretty much looked like that for our Zahra race...

Icarus Media

Hmm...obstacle climbing... are you considering a skill tree to be put in game? if so you could have it that the more you climb the better/quicker the animation, top level character can parkour over obstacles. :-)


Very cool, nice job!


have issue with to possess other characters please support us on patreon


Feels like a nice throwback to games like Gothic (btw I loved it up until the 3rd game.) which is something I miss in alot in RPG's. For some reason developers dismiss the option of allowing someone to interact with cliffs and/or ledges. That being said I know in many games you can simply jump over ledges without having to actually interact with them but what about cliff grabbing mid-jump? For some reason RPG's don't factor in that people will reach out for ledges when they want to climp up, or better yet leaping over chasms and grabbing onto a ledge cause you jumped just a little too short. So personally I'm happy Wild Life is including interactions with ledges!




You should grab the builds from this post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/25321923">https://www.patreon.com/posts/25321923</a>

Icarus Media

That awkward moment you have a chick with a wobbly ghetto booty bouncing on screen but all the dude's be like... "Well hot damn shortie that be a nice ass ledge yo' climbin!" :-)

Icarus Media

We all know the only reason she climbin' is that one of Mufasa's distant cousins is probably up top and she wan't to climb on something else when she gets there! :-)


hiya! i was wondering will we get the option to movethe hand again? like in the game in Nutaku? thanks!

Icarus Media

Considering the development team are German themselves I would say it is very likely.

Superior Sol

That's very cool, looks like you're progressing on it very well.


No gay animation ?


It still looks rough, but I'm thinking there's way too much jiggling happening all over the place as she moves.


were do i download the game please


Will this game include any "non-con" scenes or pregnancy?


Will this game of gay relationships


Will this game have gay relationships


Great job on this, graphics are amazing, physics are well done, great work all the way around. Was wondering if you was planning on making an xray view?


Where can I remove the penis sensor?


why no make game multiplayer?


Great! So much to look forward to :)


You think this game can be made like skyrim switch between third and first person. That would be sick

mark bermudez madrigal

Love tentacles maybe will have another rape beast in the future ????


Dude it's been 9 days since an update post and you haven't streamed in 8 days? Have you guys died or something?


We're still alive. Sorry for not updating :( Will make a quick update post soon to tell you guys that stuff is going well :)


Man after Subverse turned out to be a cuck game i'm glad that I don't have to deal with that garbage in Wild Life. God I hate cuck shit so fucking much.


Holy fucc tentacle boi animations hot af. Need moAr. Doing impressive work folks


So where's the update post?


Would love to see a lot more variations in the cowgirl poses


would like to see Trans characters


But really though it's been 11 days now where's the update post?


is this game for mac also?


Mac can emulate most, if not all, PC games now.


I'd be willing to bet they don't. Multi platform games, unless built with or on certain platforms, are time and money consuming. Most indie developers don't have that kind cash to throw.