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Hey all,
Here is the release of the 5$ build for March, have fun :)


PS: We invite you to read the changelogs here and here if you havent already to find out whats new.





the game is close to unplayable on my computer, even all LOW settings. There is a large amount of drag and frame dropping and also when the main character moves there is a glitch where her butt and boobs stretch out. I know you wanted feed back on how the game works with certain systems, and my computer is undeniably an older non-gaming rig, and I am sure that is more of the issue than the game itself. Here are the specs: HP Desktop PC, AMD A6 3600 APU w/ Radeon HD Graphics 2100 Mhz. I think it is 8 GB Memory, though when I look in system it says 6 GB Installed Physical RAM.


Oh.. yup thats definitely not the type of hardware fit for this type of game. i5 of more recent generations, and a gtx 960 + is about the recommended minimum specs.


Will a pc with 16 gigs of ram and an Nvidia geoforce gt 740 graphics card run this?


whats the cpu? The gt 740 might already be too old to reliably run the game. But give it a go, id be interested to see if it works :)

Matthias Zimmermann

there still is a long way of gameplay to go^^ combat in this demo seems to only consist of the spear with a single move. It looks great and plays smoothly. you guys keep rockin


Will it be single player only or will you be able to play co op either online or local split screen?


i can not downloaden


link-Quote: This file can not currently be viewed or downloaded. :( waht now?


I can't download it in every way T.T