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Yes hello everyone,

as the title says: we finally completed our roadmap for the vertical slice.
You can see two versions here:

On the top is a compact one that shows everything at one glance.

The second one has more detailed explanations to the individual phases and is meant for those people that really wanna see what’s inside ;)

[Right Click- open in new tab for full size image, or click here]


Little explanation here: A vertical slice is like a cross-section of the game, perhaps 10 to 30 minutes, that is representative of what the final game will look, sound and play like: a bit of everything to a high standard. The vertical slice is an industry-wide practice in large scale game projects.

After those elements and the vertical slice have been established it is a much more streamlined process to generate content within those feature parameters.

Have a great week :)

- Wild Life Team



Miy Eterp





The resolution of the second roadmap is incredibly small and impossible to read. Even at 400% zoom on Chrome. EDIT Opening the second roadmap in imgur has a 4k resolution of it.


This is going to be good!


It's too low quality to read.


The chicks in these pictures are looking gorgeous. Looking forward to see the game's progress. I'd only suggest again that you guys keep controller support in mind when working on the game, I'm one of many PC gamers that doesn't use keyboard/mouse anymore because I find controller more comfortable to play most games (again, it's just my opinion, I know that some people are very sentive when reading opinions they don't agree with). Thanks in advance and I'll be supporting the project soon.


Both roadmaps: Basic: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png</a> Detailed: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg</a>


Both roadmaps: Basic: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png</a> Detailed: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg</a>


Thanks mate :D Yes we will look into controller support. Thats not a guarantee that the final game will have it, but we will definitely try it.


2019 september! Can't wait! :D


Would be funny if it works on VR ^^


The game already has basic vr support. if you have an occulus or vive connected, try hitting Alt+V ;)


Looks great! Awesome work!


Thanks for the detailed road-map. The anticipation is extremely high. Will the game allow adjustments of character physical body parts?


Both roadmaps: Basic: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png</a> Detailed: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg</a>


I don't now why but i found the picture for the "Phase 4" very interesting ^^


I hope us straight people (Like 90% of us) aren't just waiting until February just to get thrown under the bus for the gay and lesbian people.


If the game goes on sale, in which store will it be launched ???

Icarus Media

We all may be different and may have different tastes and lifestyles but in the end we are all people as you say. Deep thinking over, the problem with most devs is trying to appeal to everyone. It never works, you can never appeal to everyone, put anything in and you'll have people saying 'I want more of X', or 'I want less of X' or even 'X is okay but can you put more Y' in the game?' Most of the time though that is solved by optional toggles, but I've found it better to develop a niche and a loyal support base and appeal to that. Mine for example is Futa/dickgirls &amp; NTR (some people will have a severe emotional reaction just reading that, that's fine, we just won't do business, some people will and might click and have a look around). I started wanting to make parodies and romance videos (I was raised on Mills &amp; Boon Books in my teen years and much prefer that) but found that people liked that area instead (so i learned about it and did it). So regardless I just appealed to that market and over 2 years I have a small but loyal support base. Up to Steve though on what he does. But I remember Dan Lok, a millionaire comparing it to drilling for oil getting a little way to the main oil and then setting up another rig and drilling only so far and then so on and so forth to the point that with all the oil rigs (or in this case trying to appeal to everyone) you never hit the oil or a niche of loyal supporters of whatever part of the market. I suppose we'll see what Steve does. But if it is 90% that as you say then up to Steve if he appeals to that section of people or tries to appeal to another. Reminds me of the saying "A bird in the hand in greater than 2 in the bush'. To Steve, at the very least bud, all these people watching you is going to generate hype, wondering which way you'll go. :-)


Since it will be released on steam, how will you guys know which supporters you would give a steam key to?


And so it begins...


what I'm looking at so far has potential


Good job!


Looking forward to it.


So are you guys set on not allowing mods?


curious as to where the most recent 25 dollar build is, can you point me in the right direction?


For the moment yes. Its too much of a hassle to setup tools for mod creation in the current state. We dont know about the future, but chances are very low.


Here it is: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/22672489">https://www.patreon.com/posts/22672489</a> But keep in mind the current 10$ is the actual latest version until the next build releases.


Can I get the $10 patreon reward?


Right this way sir, thank you :) <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/22805640">https://www.patreon.com/posts/22805640</a>


The game is already looking amazing, but is there going to be some form of character creation thing with the final release and if not have you considered it at all?


Now this is exciting! We here at TDD are really excited to see what you guys do.


You people need to read stuff about the game you’re interested. They said quite few times now that there will be some smaller customisation on the characters but nothing wild. You know, make them titties larger or smaller, hair and such.


do you have an eta for the next update to the game?


That's really promising, I can't wait. You can count on my support until the end (unless you stop this project which would be really unfortunate)


Thanks mate^^ And dont worry, the only way this project ends is through the finishing line :D


hello I tested the demo and I like it a lot I hope to test the following soon and I would like to know if in the future having sex may cause damage to the character for example a level of debuff perversion because the character has far too much sexual intercourse following consequences on sex and risk like getting pregnant or falling off other pregnant female characters and also will there be other races than the one presented in the demo? thank you for the work provided so far and good luck for the future


Roadmap looks good but I'm curious as to if you will sell the game as early access or wait until you finish to put it on steam?(assuming you put it on steam)


i don't know if this has changed, but when i right click and open in new tab i do get a big picture, but the quality is reallt bad, pixels everywhere. unreadable text. i tried both pictures, same thing. using the links provided does give good pictures.


Yeah patreon changed the behavior of pics they no longer preserve their original size -.- Here Both roadmaps: Basic: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/3ygnnLF.png</a> Detailed: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/y7cZRE7.jpg</a>


where do i download the recent update


Here my dude: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/22805640">https://www.patreon.com/posts/22805640</a>


is the game currently in phase 1?


Could we get a non-anthro canine vagina for wolf and canid races? Also, could pregnancy with growing breasts/lactating be an option? Down the line? Ps, loving where the game is so far, can't wait to see where it goes!


What do you think this game is? Pregnancy and Birth Simulator 2019? Dumbest comment i ever red!


Wow you guys dropped 3k after the first, that crazy. Usually you'll see a drop in the days leading up to the end of a month, but rarely at the beginning. I guess people are losing their interest :(.


Loving the game so far, will there be a 'sandbox mode' for lack of a better term that is similar to what we currently have upon release? Don't get me wrong, I love RPG games, but sometimes it's nice to bask on the beach just enjoying life's simple pleasures, am I right?


Hey guys great progress so far ! I just hope after the RPG game is completed theres a Gallery/ Free Mode for the sexy stuff so players can "admire" those "animations" you guys worked so hard on


will there character creation ? From the ground up.


No, the game revolves around pre-designed characters. There will be limited customization ingame as you can see in the existing builds already.