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Hey all,
Here is the release of the public build for November :)

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Mirror 3:







Could you give us a changelog of what's new in the builds?


One post below this one my dude. ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/22805409">https://www.patreon.com/posts/22805409</a> )


We need more Rasha animations, shes the best character thus far.


I wonder what caused you to go from 13,000 to 22,000 is just a couple days.


A top20 survival games 2019 video that had our game featured and in the thumbnail sort of went viral.


Hello. I am new here and not sure how this works. I would like to try out the build but I do not understand, Is it downloadable? Do I play it on the site? If this is the wrong section for this comment can a dev or someone with the authority please message me and let me know? Thank you. First time here but I really like what I see so far.


Is it still censored for the public build?


Hi Ernesto, welcome :) Yes its downloadable. If you download the game from one of the 3 links above, unpack the files and launch it, youll be able to directly play our demo.


Hey guys ! , Love your stuff ! .... I've been wondering if you guys are going to cater to us Thicc Chick lovers ? ... maybe a a very curvy chunky big gal or something :D ?


Hey guys, beautiful thing you created so far, congratz! I have a few suggestions to improve your game and make it a more fulfilling experience: 1 - I understand that body customization is not on the plans at the moment, since you want to focus on a good playable experience but... I noticed the females are little too "samey", with little changes like skin/hair colour and bigger/smaller boobs. But they are based on the same "frame model" (same height/weight). The males surprisingly seem to have more variety in body size. So I would suggest, if possible, to increase the differences in these female characters like: a short petite girl with tiny hands and feet (not loli), a tall amazon-like one, a thicc one(like the friend suggested above), an average sized model-like one (I guess that would be Maya), etc you get the idea (make every one of them distinctively different from the other). But the main point I want to get across and that would make the game AWESOME and unique would be that these physical differences would create different sexual interactions, for example: the tiny girl could struggle a lot with the huge dick guy and not be able to take his entire size in the mouth, V and A, and her expressions/moans could be much more intense/painful-like. On the other hand, the tall amazon girl would not be satisfied with the small dick guy, and could show some signs of disdain/boredom during sex, only being really fulfilled when paired with the huge guys. Some girls could be able to deepthroat even the biggest dicks, some don't, some could do anal easily, some don't (maybe even have some progression system, where the more a girl practice a sex act, the better she gets at it). The possibilities are endless! Even if some drastic physical changes aren't possible, these unique interactions/reactions/poses between different characters could make the game even better! 2 - add some footjob poses please ;D


Seeing as you're making bank right now what are you going to do if you actually make your Stretch goal of 35k?


Also did you expect to be making this much so soon and how will that effect development going forward?


We didnt expect it to escalate as quickly. We will make a proper post about our plans for the next year if the support stays like this. This obviously changes things :)


Oh, and also add doggy position for Bol and the girls please ;)


Added it to the list of requested anims and will work it through soon. Hopefully with stream :D


there is nothing much except sex, no story, no customization, no combat, no interaction with other things (only with NCPs and a spear and there is only 4 options to interact) no animals (wild life!!!), no place for exploration ( only few trees , lake and dessert), no other functionality. and game freezes after 15 min, it needs to restart.


Hey sorry you arent satisfied. But let me tell you the game is still quite early in its development and we are working on advancing as much as we can. These things take time and we couldnt do it without the supprt here on Patreon. I understand if the current state isnt enough for you all I can ask for is to keep an eye on us and check back every now and then to see how we progress :) PS: About the freeze, do you get an error back or does it simply freeze without any message?


I can agree with you. A variety should be important. I hope the devs think about this. Otherwise the interactions will become to boring as you will think: I have seen this already. There should be differences from character to character. At the moment it is only the same situations with different models.


Thank you for reply, first about freeze: it doesn't show any error but player just stand and no key works at that time. I need to restart game.


That sounds very strange. Any more info you can give us would help. What character was it, did you have the spear equipped when it happened? Were you in the water? Etc. etc.


And about my satisfaction: I really love to support you, I mean you guys have potential, but just add something to do in game. Yeah sex is quite cool but all I can is explore but where? Most part of map is dessert and ocean! i do understand it take time.


Greetings! So I've recently discovered this project and I have a question considering story/progression of the game that I'm wondering about. Basically I'm interested if monogamy is a viable option in the game or if the basic goal is too fool with everything that moves at every given opportunity no matter what. Thanks!


Hey hello. Both will be an option. You can stay with one character only. Or do something with multiple. In the end, the whole sex part is completely optional.


I just realized that to get the full naked body I must be a suporter, yes?


What an amazing job! :o Keep up guys :D


Less than 10,000$ to the 35,000 stretch goal. So how does this windfall change your long term plans?


I just had a look at your NOV Build, and I have a question: Why can't I use the mouse to look around? When the character is walking, the camera is not following and I seem to have to use ALT+ to adjust the camera. This is not very intuitive. Also you don't see where you are going if you walk towards the camera. - Am I missing something or is this simply not implemented`?


When it comes to hiring a writer I and likely many others would prefer to have an incredibly diverse well written amount of reasons for having sex. Like paying in sex instead of money but how much sex is worth is based on Charisma, Getting a quest from the scientists to procure the semen of all the kerpali for research, doing a tribal initiation ritual, seducing an enemy to turn him to your side. And whatever else you guys can think of. What's better than context is a fuckon of context.


Because honestly I consider the writing, characterization, and voice acting to be just as important to a quality erotic experience as the animations.


Uhm, the control for movement is quite normal like that I would say. You can use the mouse to look around, and the character will walk in that direction. Use a different direction input on your wasd keys to offset the angle for the camera. Im afraid I dont understand what the problem is.


I like your thinking there, this is definitely something I would like to implement like that. Context is great!


How many members are in this project if i can ask?


So what's the planned content for the next 25$ build?


I saw your game showcased briefly on Youtube and found your "Patreon Pitch" video shortly after, which led me here. I'll admit to having gone in extremely skeptical. I decided to give your public build a try for about 40 minutes and came away thoroughly impressed. The animations in particular are top-notch, and gave me a real sense of the potential this game has if given enough time and proper funding. It obviously has a very long way to go, but I'm fully confident that it can only get better from here. I applaud the creativity of your team. This will definitely be the first project I've felt compelled to back.


Ah thats not the climax animation actually. We only have facial animations so far. The creampie sort of stuff is still being worked at.


Hey dudes, a little more food for thought from me, if you don't mind. Do you plan on implementing some kind of excitement meter for the characters before they climax? Dunno if you played the old 3d sexvilla games, but they had a system where if you fucked the girl too hard and too fast, she would react, grunt and/or complain about it, ask you to go slower, etc. Maybe you could add something like that, so when the girl isn't aroused enough she would react differently if fucked really hard right out the bat (specially with the huge cocks). Maybe some girls could actually enjoy and demand a hard fuck (or even anal), having some kind of masochistic trait (there was also a pain meter in sexvilla, but it was used mostly for spanking). The reactions and how much the meters fill could vary based on the characters and the size of guys dick. It would add a great layer of realism ;)


Thats an interesting concept. I kinda like it. Will give it some due thought. Thanks mate.


gostaria de saber se com $1 já tenho acesso ao jogo?


Looks like you might actually meet your 35k goal. How does this change your operation?


Hello to wild life team. I wanted to praise you for your beautiful work and the effort you give it. Am here new and wanted to know if face facial expressions come to that?


Hey thank you :) Yes facial expressions you can already test. Press i in the game and play around with the facial poses.


Hey guys, where can I find system requirements for the game?


No hardware requirements yet. But a rough recommendation: i7 cpu and gpu gtx 960 or higher.


love all the great work so far the world and the people and creature in it and I would love to see what your end result is :).


Man DC just released an update after 4 months that only included one new sex scene and a horrible looking titjob. And he makes fucking 50K. I really hope that you guys don't go the way of the money grubbing merchant since you guys are getting successful.


Fucking Redamz went the same way I just really fucking avoid you don't go their way.


Will there be tribal orgies? Is only Maya going to be having sex or will other characters?


Do you guys have any plans on adding anything more then just two people per scene.


I'd like threesomes but logically you'd have to only have threesomes be limited to specific story events or else you'd have the amount of scenes required go up exponentially to a point where you'd never finish the game. So my question is are threesomes planned and if so will you add them before or after you write the story for the game?


Yes the are planned. Cant say when we will add them, but I suppose while we develop story we will also see about including threesomes.


Since Steam has been open toward adult content recently, will Wild Life be released on Steam with fully uncut/uncensored content?


Hope there's a public update post today


Will the QnA be live or a pre-made video?


I have downloaded the game but it does not start up any instructions ?


it so gucci &lt;3 much love


what are the minimum specs required to run this?


Id say at least an i5 of the newer generations, and a gpu of the nvidia 900 series or newer. Or anything comparable.


okay ty adeptus it could be my pc isnt runing winrar properly


Ok I tried downloading from the googldrive mirror 2, ran the native windows10 extraction and it worked fine. What OS do you have? Also, maybe give 7zip a go.


i have windows 10


i figured out wich file it is the .pak file it was extracting prropely as a group extrac


*wasnt extracting properly i may have fixed it


same problem may need to rewrite the .pak file someone may of hacked your download links and fucked with the file


Impossible, I downloaded the very file you did and it works on my end. Have you tried 7zip now?


im trying to unpack it right now 7zip


didnt work archive is currupted


nvm it worked winrar just dosnt like .pak files lol


for real haha i was struggling lol i didnt know 7zip actually had a program for unpacking i thought it was just a format haha thank adeptus steve saved my ass from added stress


It seems i couldnt start it idk why im running on an i7 new processor with 4gb ram maybe im bottlenecked somewhere


Imma try to figure it out ill come back to you if i cant


I figured it out it was error 2e4 you gotta run as admin


The game just wont boot uhg i really wanted to play i like the dlying aspect of the game you dont see it at all in any games




Is this game compatible with Macs?


Do you except Bitcoin as payment? I don't have paypal (South Africa) BUT, I am a Bitcoin miner...


on core i5 2410m + intel hd 3000 i get 9 FPS on lowest settings please optimize it and add char customization thanks you


could you tell me the minimum system requirements for this game?


Hi Steve, this game is awesome! Just one question about.. when the game will be completed, the censored part will be pay to uncensor (in this case 1-time pay) or not? also it will be freetoplay or paytoplay? i want to know more about this game , where i should go for informations about? (Sorry my english) Btw great work! from Italy!


Intel i5 of a newer generation, nvndia gpu of 900 series. That or someting comparable.


When the game is done and on sale, it will be a one-time purchase for the game, that includes uncensored content. No free2play with microtransactions or monthly pay or so. Just buy the game once, done. Just like in the old days.


hey man! running into an issue where when you change the resolution it seems to not be correct. when I changed resolution it got super zoomed in and I had no idea how to fix it since i couldnt even see the options any more. triedto completely unintall and delete everything then redownload and somehow the resolution settings stayed the same. its still too zoomed in to the left corner to see anything or change the options. what should i do?


Double tap F11 while in the game. Thatll toggle fullscreen mode and also force fix the screen resolution thing.


i found this patreon of yours thru e62e.net saw some pictures of your game your working on , they looked great also sofar as i have seen in the small public build its very nicely done cant wait to see a finished game :P , i definatly need to see if i can make some funds availeble to donate to your project , as i said it looked great sofar , so keep on going like this .


Steve, I am back with the same issue of no audio. I contacted microsoft, and there are no apparent driver issues with my computer. I did notice that other epic games/UE4 games (fortnite) are also lacking in audio. I have been digging around their forums to try to fix the issue with still no luck. I just wanted to check in if anyone from your team might have any other insight into how to diagnose this audio issue?


I have had about the same problems a few years back , almost all games i played had sound issues, of some kind a friend of mine said why not use a external sound card , and disable the onboard i dont know if u use a onboard but i find that most have problems and the drivers are not always that good even if tehy say they are cerfified , there are so many difrent configurations ,except if you have a very high end mother board in your if pc. If you use the onboard one, i would see if the problems are solved with a external, they are not expensive these days , see if it solves your problem if not you could bring it abck to teh store and get your money back , cant hurt to try iy out , for me it did ,since i use a external all sound issues have been fixed. i have it for about 3 years now , and still is working was about 59 euros back then , and it can also support 7.1 best buy of my life. i hope this small tip will help , becosue i know how having no sound of any kind sucks. best of luck


These links are for a censored game. How can I get the uncensored game? and not through external and probably not legit websites...


Gonna be that guy.....but I don't see how you're doing yourself any favors with the current 'build' of the game. When I gave the public version a spin there was nothing but almost comical censorship and nothing outside the camp but endless wastes to wander despite some of the screenshots that drew me here in the first place. So far, sadly nothing presented is enticing enough to pledge support. I do hope something substantial comes in the future though, many 3D engines do have wonderful potential after all.


Right now, they are working on character design and the physics of the game. Once that's done, then adding assets to the world will be as easy as click-and-place (exaggerating here of course, but not by much). Later comes dialogue and story and worldbuilding.


im running into a issue where the public build will not start is there anyway to fix this?


Really hard to say without more info :/ This sort of issue emerges mostly if you have incompatible pc hardware? Do you have a dedicated GPU? How much memory does your pc have?


failed to open descriptor file '../../../wildlifeC/wildlifeC.uproject' can you help?


Not really. Its hard to say what that even means. Isnt there any more info in the error message or log? Send us some data.


good job) need more morph params, for customize body.


Excelent! First time we have mainstream game with adult content! Can't wait for more games like this! Anywhoo, please bear in mind that underage players will swipe their parents credit cards without their permission to buy your game. So I advise that you do verification check with picture on ID and selfy or smthng like that. Just so you do not run into trouble. Cheering you on for more content! Keep it up!


well i was able to scrounge together the 10$ tier ,dont know how but i did it , so gratz on a new donator ,as far as i can see its definatly worth it :P


Randomly stumbled upon this patreon and would like some help to wrap my head around your public build so I can get the most of it before checking out your progress (I've just downloaded it): 1. Where are the lesbians??? 2. Does it test basic controls and interactions only or also combat? 3. Is there a post listing the features of this build? 4. Where are the lesbians?????

Vex White

Wow, I love the concept and how it is coming along however I would love to see a reptilian race. something like the argonians from skyrim or however you want to make them your own. when I start seeing more races loaded in to the game, I will happily join the support!


There is one lesbian scene between female humans and female kerpali (Kira or Zuri) more will follow soon ;) More controls and erotic interactions and physics and such, combat will come in a fuller better implementation later on. Look here for the changes to the previous builds: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-november-22805409">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-november-22805409</a>


any hope for modding?


I read above that you mentioned there being a lesbian "scene." So my question is, once this game comes out will there be a decent amount of female on female interactions as compared to the female on male ones? Also, will characters be able to have other genitalia? Like having a girl with a penis. I find that far more attractive than another girl with a vagina. Due to the nature of the game it is just something I'm naturally curious about and I'd hope would be implemented. If you can reply, thank you - I literally only signed up to this site to ask you these questions. ^_^


Hey, thank you for joining :) So to answer your question: we definitely want to make more girl on girl stuff. Not sure how numerous that content will be compared to the other stuff, but we want to make enough there to make you guys happy. Different genitalia is not something planned for the actual game part but we are still open to it and might implement it on some form or another to a non-story mode or something.


is there any story or just fucking around? I played that game few months ago, could not find anything interesting, just high quality sex scenes with different animals and humans.


Apologies for coming back, but I am still experiencing no sound in game. I have tried several external sound cards, but still no luck. Has anyone else had this issue or have any other suggestions?


Hmm sorry to hear that man D: Im really at the end of my knowledge with this. Sounds like you tried literally everything under the stars. Got a different computer to test that in? Just as a sanity check.


как убрать цензуру?


Hello i keep recieving an error code in starting up the game as soon as i extract files error code pops up ny help?


Hey, can you send the error logs found here: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Crashes\ C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient To our info@candyvalleynetwork.com email so we can take a look?


so do i just download and use like 7 zip to extract?


can this run on mac if not will it in the future


je suis mécène, le jeu a l'air prometteur et je suis content de pouvoir vous aider financièrement. Une petite question. Vous prévoyez de sortir une autre version du jeu au moi de février mais est ce possible de savoir se qu'il y aura dedans où plutôt quels seront les ajouts par rapport à l'ancienne version ?


Will the Chinese version be supported in the future? Hope to support!!!


Hello it would be good to add to the game centaur and pregnancy mode but the most important thing is the story


or add horse

Juha Linna

It seems to start Steam VR. In Unreal engine it's set to activate VR by default. I think there aren't any VR material.


The game has a simple vr video support. If you have an HMD plugged in you can press Alt+V while ingame and it will switch output form your regular monitor to stereo vr. Currently only video output is supported so control still goes via Mouse+Keyboard which can make UI navigation a bit troublesome, but we will work on improving that as well.