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Hey all,
Here is the release of the 10$ build for November :)

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Mirror 3:

Mirror 4:

Mirror 5:





whats the difference between the mirror 1 and 2 and 3


The mirrors is unavailable because of too much traffic


Yes, same problem, too much traffic


Thinking its the google drive share, dont know if there's a fix tho


I'm not knowledgeable about this type of thing, but other creators tend to use MEGA for larger batches which seems reliable. Maybe that would work?


Yeah the same thing is coming up at my end as well =S


IT ALIVE!! heh, but awesome, thanks for the quick fix ^^


Updated the post with Mirror 5 (MEGA)


Same, can't download on google :/


I dont know this Mega stuff! Im so bad!!!


In the post, the last link. Update your tab, I fixed the url now you can just click on the word "Mega"


Hmm, don't know if it's just me, but I still can't seem to get a build to smoothly run on my PC without crashing ever since the demo build that was testing the quest line. This build seems to be the same even when I put all the settings to their lowest. My only guess is that the game is still trying to render everything that exists even when it doesn't appear on the camera. I've managed to jump back onto supporting you because of financial reasons but I hope you can put some focus into optimisation soon. My PC can at the very least handle 2016 Triple A games so I'm fairly sure it isn't an issue with me unless the file is corrupt or something.


That does sound strange. So the game crashes actually on your pc? Would be good for us to analyze why. The engine takes care of rendering only whats visible automatically. We have a ton of textures so a fast memory is always good. (Textures is one area we really need to optimize lol) If you have actual crashes please send me the files found here: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Crashes\ C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient


Im new here tbh. I just wanted to ask (If its okay to ask this, I rly dont know xD) But when is the full game coming out?


That is really hard to say. My estimate is about 1.5 to 2 years. But I could be wrong.


Hey, I'm new, can I ask, does the 10$ build contain same features as 25$ one ? I wanted to download the 25$ one, but you stated that it's outdated, so I'm not sure now which one I should download to get the maximal features :D


Hey Anon, welcome aboard :) Currently the build with maximum features is this 10$ one here. The 25$ Gets released about 1-2 weeks in advance and used for constructive feedback and testing. We improve using that feedback and release the other builds later. This is now that batch of new improved builds and will remain the most up to date until the next release cycle begins.


OK apparently the difference form the 5 dollar demo to the 10 is the fact is one iscensored and one is unsencerd thats it its barely conserterd a demo all that u can do is poses others and have sex that's it that is describing the full demo regardless i will be NOT!!! keep funding something win i have no idea now i can under stand if the demo for $10 had its content 2 weaks behind or even a month but not this crap. and yes i can read about news but i do not take what others say about the game until i have tested something my self i will check up on this mod in a year but as it stands its not worth $10 for a demo with such small amount of content given


Ill post this here. Hopefully it clarifies how the different tiers work: Currently the build with maximum features is this 10$ one here. The 25$ Gets released about 1-2 weeks in advance and used for constructive feedback and testing. We improve using that feedback and release the other builds later. This is now that batch of new improved builds and will remain the most up to date until the next release cycle begins. So to recap: Public: Fully censored build with only a select amount of characters you can play. 5$: Slightly censored build with all characters unlocked for play. 10$: Uncensored build with all characters unlocked for play. 25$: Uncensored testing build released 1-2 weeks in advance. Im sorry if we have caused any confusion.


Hi. I'm new, how can I get out of water?


Swimming to the shore should generally work. While in water press space to raise up (currently its not working well so youll never reach the surface), when you swim to the shore your character should automatically walk out when he/she can.


so let me know if this is right if we want quest and game play other then walking and sex only we half to upgrade to tear $25


No, currently the builds dont include quests. The whole gameplay part of the game is still in early development.


glad to be a supporter is there a way i can join the discord?


:O nice!


Hey, you need to connect your discord account to your patreon account . learn more about it here: <a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-</a>


hello just signed up on the 10$ plan and tried to load the game,i keep getting this message


<a href="http://prntscr.com/lkgws9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://prntscr.com/lkgws9</a>


When will the next update be?


I'm getting the same error as Dale Hartzell above. :(


Just got the game started but for some odd reason the game is only displaying on my second monitor and not my main which I'd like. Is there a way around that?


Works for me!


fantastic! i love it, probably it's a question that has alredy been asked but will you ever add lesbian sex?


Is there a free cam mode?


im with David Antonini. i would like to have human on human Lesbian sex.


futanari content would be great, but I think that's a ways off. If there are plans for this they are probably put on the backburner for now until the game is more fleshed out. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also HI!


Thanks for the build. I've joined the 10$ support. Is there an upgrade to the 25$ support yet? Or should I wait for next month to just buy the 25$ option? I've just checked the build and want to give some constructive feedback and ideas. Not only to tell love making situations Lesbian, group (FFM,FFMM), selfplay with fruits.. maybe bananas? :-) It would be great to see some interactions like pickup items and of course the combat interactions next. Maybe the 25$ option gives access to a backlog of upcoming features or on you roadmap on what happens next. I think you work very agile and using two week sprints for getting things done right?


We are planning everything now and will prepare a detailed statement for early december. But generally we always aim to give update posts about the development at least once a week.


Hey, we are going to look at implementing a monitor switch. In the meantime have you tried this? <a href="https://superuser.com/questions/1132802/windows-10-how-to-move-window-to-other-monitor-by-using-keyboard-shortcuts" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://superuser.com/questions/1132802/windows-10-how-to-move-window-to-other-monitor-by-using-keyboard-shortcuts</a>


We will add a soft version of that at first by including strap-ons. Then see how we go from there.


Hey, the 10$ version is currently the latest one. The cycle is that we release an early version to the 25$+ tiers about 1-2 weeks in advance. They give feedback and during that time we fix things, add things, adress feedback, etc. Then the updated version is released to all other tiers. Until the release cycle begins again which can take between 4-8 weeks (its all dependent on what we are currently working on). Also: Yes lesbian, gay and FFM and MMF is also planned once we overhaul the sex system to enable that.


When i Start the Game my VR Headset is going to start is there a vr Version ?

Shayde Nightwolf

Liking what I see so far. I'm seeing plenty of requests regarding sexuality, and I like that you seem willing to cater where you can. However, would it be feasible in the future to incorporate a toggle system (check boxes or similar) within the main menu that would enable/disable each and every type of sexuality in game? A means of customising the game to suit an individual's tastes? I'm all for having as many tastes in as possible to cater to everyone, but it would also be nice to have a choice about whether or not one sees things that might make them uncomfortable. Hope that makes sense. Also, any plans for other races such as horses or rabbits?


The game has a simple vr video support. If you have an HMD plugged in you can press Alt+V while ingame and it will switch output form your regular monitor to stereo vr. Currently only video output is supported so control still goes via Mouse+Keyboard which can make UI navigation a bit troublesome, but we will work on improving that as well.


Hey yeah that makes sense. We want to make it so that everything sex related is always optional so that no one has to experience something they arent into. About the other races I cant say much. Next one on the list is a tiger race. After that probably nothing for a while, then we will see.


Hi, I have just joined the $10 tier, but I can't download build from any link you provide above. It just shows "Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently.Please try accessing the file again later."


Hey, welcome my dude :) Have you tried the Mega link (Mirror 5)? That one shouldnt have a restriction.


New build looks great! Will males always be erect when nude? Would like to see them soft when not having sex.


Hey thanks, yes thats just the way the base models were made. We will make a flacid genital mode for them too :)


Added a bit of dirt and painting to Jenny’s texture (to make her look more badass) =&gt; she was better before T_T


Oh No im sorry! I logged your request to add a clean version for Jenny's skin. Next release youll have her 'before state' back :)


I'm digging those "red" wetness textures you guys hid in there, didn't see those at first. So characters will stop following you around the outskirts of the starting area, that area tanks my frames pretty strong. Assuming this is a side effect of the new behavior?


The current walkable area for the NPCs is only close to the oasis. And the environemnt hasnt been optimized well at the moment. All things that will be fixed over the coming months.


Hey it isnt possible to fly like in videos?


It doesnt work.. Ive tried to even do it when im jump from waterfall.


Now its working i have no idea what i did wrong earlyer. Thats cool mechanic. The whole idea of game is so cool. Im sure this will be huge :)


Maya can fly, the button combination takes some getting used to but it can be done. apparently some of the other females can fly too excluding beast-folk. Anywho I wanted to point out there's some slight clipping with Jenny's latex outfit particularly around her legs. Keep it up guys.


My whole computer is now crashed. Restarting pc doesnt work. Did I get a virus or something when I dowloaded this?


Uh damn dude that doesnt sound good. I think everyone can confirm this is definitely not a virus problem. Maybe it overheated?


I hope so because i havent experienced that ever before :/


When I put my mouse pointer on target I want to click it wont show it highlighted. And then I have to click it like 10 times it finally registers it.


Hi, Congrats on such a good build! Everything seems to play so smoothly, I noticed a small bug when picking up the spear with Serena, she got stuck in an animation and couldn't come out. Also, have you explored character creation? Is that something we might see or will it be a set number of characters. Again, very nice build and it's nice that they're frequent enough to see the changes!


Hello, thanks mate. Ye we are aware of the bug, cheers. About creation. No the main idea is to have a pre-designed set of characters to choose from. And then have a bit of customization within that including Hair style, color, eye color, skin paint, pubic hair, clothing, and probably also muscle toning, and chest/butt size.


Hey Steve, I'm loving the new build but when I'm in first person view and zoom out or look up and down i can see my characters hair, teeth, nose etc. Is it possible to hide the characters head during first person? Anyways, keep up the good work!


Hello, I'm new here, just joined today after watching a Youtube video of this game, looks sweet. I am really into Hentai and furry, so making a game of it is pretty cool. When do you expect to put in more creatures, races or whatever, when do you plan on making all the NPC's talk and whatnot with scripts, like in other games? And what is the difference between the $10 and $25 tier? what are the "Experimental" features?


Can I ask about the combat system? It feels almost like Gothic or Elex, which I'm pretty okay with. I'm just curious what your aim is in terms of mechanics.


I had the fat guy do a break dance and macarena, it made my day


Hey thanks mate:) Yes the first person camera isnt perefct. You can help it a bit by using the scroll wheel to offset the camera slightly. Until we find a better solution or a fix.


The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$).


Hey, our game designer is currently working on the game design doc for the combat. Once he is ready we wil post a basic run-down of our plans for it :)


I would add Futas and Three-Way possibilities. Other than that, adding the ability to make the cum stay on the character until you washed it off might be another feature people would dig. Just my input, looks like it's coming along quite nicely thus far though. whoever rendered the models is a perfectionist, some of the best designed characters i've seen in ANY game and this isn't even a finished product. VERY interested in future updates.


Need more women built like Lala. Blonde barbie hair Women of all sizes, just not too big. Maybe a little thicker/curvier than Lala. Thanks


Hi, just bought your product and I am impressed but wondering if you will be implementing character creation in the future and if sliders will be available + hair and accessories? Its' looking good but needs some more customisation options. Hope you are still hard at work in achieving your original vision. Thanks.


Hey man, thanks for joining the support community :) Currently the plan is to have a moderate level of customization including Hair style, color, eye color, skin paint, pubic hair, clothing, and probably also muscle toning, and chest/butt size.


Is it worth exploring the world at the moment? I've been flying around for a little while and havent found anything outside of that starting area


I spent a good 20 minutes flying around just looking at the terrain, it's worth it if just for observations sake.


Currently only the starting are is developed. There isnt anything outside that in this build.


Looking forward to where this goes. How far out is some actual combat testing? And do you plan vary animations with different races for fighting or will they be uniform as is? Is this going to be a full RPG or more sex focused? Are there any plans for BDSM style play? Bondage, Sadism etc?


Combat testing is not too far away. We plan to overhaul the sex system and then jump into combat right after that. We will post a document describing the combat further soon too. Our game-designer is currently working on the details. Yeah we want to have different combat animations for each species and/or weapon. Itill be a full rpg with big focus on sex :) A mild form of BDSM might happen. But nothing too rough.


Some Spanking and light bondage might be nice. Not looking for the extreme extreme. Maybe some D/s &gt;.&gt;


Side note. Again really looking forward to seeing where this goes. Your sexual animations are the best i have seen in any game so far, especially those designed around sex. I've seen one game in VR that comes close but your detail and animations are just amazing. Can't wait to see how the systems get put in and where it goes. Very interested in what kind of story will surround these characters.


great build so far. worked pretty well on my 5 year old system( intel 3570k, gtx1060, 16gb ram). 65-68 C on max settings. windows 10 gave me a warning before i played the game.hmm... may i suggest that maybe you can do variable moaning for the women based on intensity? will you be improving on the wandering?


Hey thanks a lot for the feedback. That will help us make hardware requirements in the future. Yes for the future we want to have different moans based on speed and intensity of the sex. Movement will be improved too, its still sort of early on and needs some balancing, especially dealing with uneven terrain, and jumps.


Hey Steve, great build! I hope it's ok by you to give my 2 cents regarding animations. Your animations' loops are awesome, but the head area is usually what takes away from the dynamic feeling of each pose. Is it possible for you guys to create a different set of animations for the head? Say create a library of animations for things like: - Head animations lying down - Head animations cowgirl etc So the head animations should play along side the body ones. That way head animations should feel more dynamic as they are independant of the body animations (may even save you time in the future as you create more and more poses). If it's not possible may I know why? Out of curiosity and expanding my knowledge. Hope I'm not stepping across a border here as I know you're an awesome rigger and animator.


Hey Kev, thanks for the feedback. I have plans to make override facial animations to mantain a certain speed. Also for upper body if its possible we want to research into system that can procedurally add a layer of variation in the game. :)


A multiplayer component would take this game to entirely new heights. I can only imagine what a technical undertaking that would be. In the coming years, hopefully you and your team have brought in enough revenue and have the extra manpower to make it happen. Fingers crossed, at any rate.


I did some brief performance testing with my modest 1050ti, 8 GB ram and AMD FX 6300 processor. All visuals were maxed. I hope this information can be of some use. In the most densely-populated area near the drop ship, I average 32 FPS while walking and running. In forested areas with extensive foliage and most other places away from the cluster of NPCs, it sits around 49-52.


i feel like the breast physics are a little too cartoony can you ton it down a bit? make it a bit more realistic and not flop in the face style?


Hey is it possible for the beast races to have the same animation tests as the humans (like dancing)? Thanks!


Itll take some time to map the animations onto them, and most of them would probably look stupid. But I can try.


For testing purposes it couldn't hurt, if anything it may help refine animations down the line.


is there another plant that we can interact with, change animations?


awesome, this game is so great so far cant wait to see the completed version, very excited for it


Though I find they all have fantastic qualities, I'm curious as to which character people seem to enjoy the most so far. For me, I think it has to be Sonia. Admittedly, it's mostly because I'm a huge fan of the red outfit she has. It's followed very closely by most of the options Serenia has, which I would enjoy seeing on other characters. Do you have a personal favorite, Steve?


Haha interesting^^. Honestly I dont know. Ive heard of a lot of people for which Serenia is a favorite. But also Tanya. And many others also hold Maya as their fav. Others again Zuri, Rasha and Kira to pretty much equal parts I think. Lala has been mentioned a few times, Jenny, and the others too. Persnally I dont have a favorite actually. But If I actually had to choose like my life depended on it It'd be a choice between Maya and Tanya (probably Maya). Oof, ill burn in hell for that :D


i'll tell you what man, i just checked on your overview for the first time in a couple weeks, and your guys' revenue has CATAPULTED. i'm extremely thrilled to see you guys getting the popularity you deserve. the game is fantastic so far. the only thing i wish you guys would do more of is customization! other than that, you guys are killing it. cant wait to see where you guys take the game!

lover not fighter

i get sex is the selling point but is there more. i cant seem to find anything outside the camp or anything else to do other then fuck lol. when it comes to the spear when i equip i glitch out


Feels like you should add different body type/shape women. Other than a few, like maya, lala, etc., the others seem to have the same body attributes just different color skin or hair. I know its early still but just a suggestion. Would be nice to see some girls from popular anime but I could understand why you wouldn't. Also did you have plans to add masturbation or animation to the poses? Really curious how advanced this game will get. Keep it up. Great fun!


just curious, will there be creampie climax ending?


Group bukkake please!


Also is it developed in Unreal Engine or Unity? IF in Unreal would be nice to be able to mod the game add animations etc.


are all these different? or just seperat downloads for the same thing


i cant load on my mac help


How big is the download?


and what are the difference in the mirrors?


I downloaded the first mirror but it was censored, is there an uncensored version for the $10 tier?


I do not have any of those, I do have the older $10 version, and I saw the dropdowns in that one, however in the newer one I do not have the dropdown options


when do you think you guys will release the mac version ?


also is it very difficult to make a mac version? cause other games don't have it either and its kinda frustrating. lol


Hi Steve great work. I cannot wait to see the rpg elements to the game and the quest system and how it is going to implemented in the game. Character models are great are you going to allow customization for both male and females? Also is there any information regarding the back stories of the different groups and tribes?


In the top right corner, does it say: Patreon Build 11.2018 10$+ ? If yes. Then try deleting the folder in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\


Its not easy indeed. I looked into it a few months ago. There is quite a few things to be considered. But I can say that we will look into it again next year.


Hey, thanks a lot :) So regarding customization: Currently the plan is to have a moderate level of customization where it applies for male and female characters. including Hair style, color, eye color, skin paint, pubic hair, clothing, and probably also muscle toning, and chest/butt size. I want to release a video soon where I wanna talk about the lore and tribes and characters individual backstories in more detail.


do I need to click all the links to play the build?


needs a controls map, mashing all the buttons till i find out what does what.


Okay, I played it for about an hour. It ran pretty rough on my machine (Acer Aspire E 15; Intel Core i5 &amp; NVIDIA GeForce 940MX) even at low settings. I don't know if it was using the GeForce or trying to run the game on Intel integrated graphics .. how would I find that out? 1. Better gamepad/controller support would be appreciated. I'm playing on a laptop; no mouse available. I reassigned some movement buttons to left stick but could not get camera control to the right stick?? 2. The sex loop would be better if it waits for player input (press a key) before going to the next pose. Also would be nice if characters moved naturally to the next pose instead of flip/floating like they do now. 3. More things to do! I am looking forward to seeing more story, quests, destinations. The characters look good and this game has a lot of potential. I'm excited to see it starting to happen! Keep up the good work.


Oh, and also - kissing and foreplay options would make the sexy stuff more fun.


You could look up the gpu usage in the taskmanager while the game is running. The hardware there sounds quite low for the game. At the moment the game really isnt optimized so it wont run well on lower-mid tier harware. The other points will be looked into too in the future :)


Any plans on making lesbian scenes?


hey guys, just stumbled up on this game via the mentioned youtube video, became a patreon and downloaded it, installed it, started it ... aaaand ... got a "fatal error" right on startup... while the splash screen is showing in back. thats a bummer... can u guys offer some help with troubleshooting? Running an AMD FX8350 on an M5A78L-M LE - 16 gigs of ram - and an Geforce GTX 970 with the latest drivers.


Oh man, sorry about that. If you experience fatal crashes, please send us the crash reports found in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Crashes\ C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient So we can take a look


Will the finished game be on console?


Any chance you're working on a way to customise your own girl? What about bigger breast/ass sizes? :)


Any combat features? I know the game is still focusing on the sexual animations and characters, but it would be fun to at least fight some randomly generated creatures while we wait for the game for the focus on its details.


I have toured the parameter of the island. It's rather large! I think I counted 6 smaller islands. This place is barren (for now..) and I doubt anyone would live very long with out killing each other off. And I saw a large Cow and a goat that would sustain protein until fishing. would start paying off.. However there is little to no vegetation . so finding fuel for fires would be a problem as well. The Cats and Wolfs on the island are best adapted to make it on this island long term since each have atleast one Mate and they don't require cooking for their food since their digestive system are adapted to eating raw food. so the lack of trees should not be a problem.. Procreation is the least of my worries right now. (but sex for pleasure is fine lets hope we can replenish the calories ) Combat system I feel is required for killing of the Cow and Goat.. and for the love of the gods can we see more plants and alternative sources of food.. I would love to see this turn into a survival game with out zombies. to see how long you can make your character survive. :)


Haha, you have cool thoughts :D The world will be filled with stuff gradually as we build the different biomes.


Nice joke :D. It won't pass certification process on MS and Sony.


Is there anything else we can do beside sex I mean story wise also will u add support for controller


I've been thinking about it more, and I hope the sex element will be more integrated with the rest of the game. Instead of just an irrelevant extra thing you can do or not, sex should have stat effects like .. maybe restores HP but temporarily lowers endurance .. or it could change characters' disposition toward you: Characters you have screwed will be friendlier; merchants will give discounts, etc. There could be quests where you must go and seduce character X, and only if they cum will they give you the quest item. It might be more interesting also if the sex was more like a minigame where you have to figure out what gets that character off. Some positions will be more effective than others, with particular characters.


will there ever be full controller support?


We do plan on having controller support eventually, the thing is that the game currently uses more buttons than the number on a regular controller. So no matter what, we cant make everything work on that.


Sex will not be obligatory so no one will have to go through something they dont like. The idea for it is that you will be able to obtain it from different means embedded in the gameplay and story in a bit of a different way than what you described: As part of an optional quest reward, as alternative means to progress a quest, as the climax of a relationship, as simple recreational activity between friendly npcs, Add: Paying in sex instead of money but how much sex is worth is based on Charisma, Getting a quest from the scientists to procure the semen of all the kerpali for research, doing a tribal initiation ritual, seducing an enemy to turn him to your side. But I do like some of those ideas, we will think about how to integrate some of it :)


Please add an option to disable the motion blur independently of other graphics options! I personally find motion blur to be a really sad and unattractive waste of clarity when the game is running at a high framerate.


I stumbled upon this You Tube recommendation. Support you and will increase support next month.


In the video, im sure I saw a female wolf style character? If so is she in the game? I did not see her when I loaded the game.


I'll have to check when I get home. But I'm sure that's what I have.


hey i am news to your patreon and i have a question is this a demo of sort ?


so, I just found this group, and I LOVE the game. you actually made a porn game that is also a GOOD GAME by itself. Those are few and far between, especially fps'. However, I went and downloaded a few versions from different times, and by the looks of it, you've REMOVED flying from the game. why? that very well have been my favorite part of the september build. it was just so fun gliding around everywhere, and it would be even better on this new, more expansive map. now, if you hadn't already built it, I would have understood the decision not to include flight. but you've already done all the leg work. why on earth would you remove such an unbelievably fun thing? I don't care if it was a bit broken, this isn't multiplayer, there isn't a leaderboard, no in game or real world capitol is being gained and lost in the game, so there is no reason to completely scrap such a fun system because it could cause a few more bugs. I mean, it was WAY less broken than the combat system and inventory system (+ doesn't do anything for me) in this build. at least it doesn't softlock my game. edit: I want to reiterate though, this is still a VERY good game. just because I was really disappointing by this missing feature, doesn't mean that it isn't still very fun and well made. edit 2: in fact, you removed a LOT of customization. I'm only now realizing, but you really gutted the control the player has. no more breast size, no more breast physics, no more wet skin, and, coming in at 2nd place for most disappointing useless removal of a feature (although still FAR below flight) no more poses with the number pad. I genuinely can't understand why you decided to get rid of all of this, it just doesn't seem to make sense. it feels like I got the dates confused and THIS is the earlier build of the game.


Dude thanks a lot for the love here :) But relax, the flxing is still there, and it still works exactly the same as before. Go ahead, try it. The breast sizes and physics had to go for now because the physics system is new and wasnt compatble with the old method there. The poses are still there but work differently. You can press the i key to open up a menu that works like the old builds.


You sure have the latest version? 11.2018


nice little demo :) found the little 'easter egg', well the writhing 'easter egg' lol.

Justin Morales

Can you do anything in the demo like fight people or just walk around


Is there a way Play Survival ore is this only a sex game actuall?


i have a Macbook Pro / does it work on IOS


u have a MacIOS versions


We currently dont have versions for mac. But we will look into that next year too.


Hello. I’m new and I was wondering what the differences between the different links/ ports are?


Hey, welcome :) The different posts contain the different tier versions. And the links within the posts (mirrors) are all the same file, its just different links in case one doesnt work.


I want to run faster! Can you make this like Everquest?


By the way! I love the yoga poses!!! I am going to keep the game for that reason for now, I am using it as a live model to make sculptures!! I just joined yesterday and I made two sculptures out of metal already! I am going to post the sculptures on garrettwaltsak instagram soon and tag you! They just need finished still and some photography done for them.


hi I wanna ask why it's still censored even I paid 10 $


Just signed on, and I like the game so far... though I do have some suggestions, that hopefully aren't very work extensive. I feel the female furries would be more attractive with a bit more human-like features such as a rounder fuller butt like the human women... something to grab onto... *grins,* larger breasts, maybe C cup, a more pronounced belly button, and SOME human quality to their faces/heads. Not 100% mind you, but a balanced mix. The perfect example I can think to give is the artwork of Nuzzo... specifically this picture at e621.net: <a href="https://e621.net/post/show/1282961" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://e621.net/post/show/1282961</a> Now... those are some faces I'd LOVE to kiss, and look into the eyes of. Oh... and will you guys be making it possible to attack anyone and anything in the game? So far after picking up the spear and waving it around, it doesn't affect any of the humans or furries at the starting area. Would be neat to see this get as realistic as possible in that regard. Being able to save and load the game's progress would be awesome too. :)


Hello, Is there a specific place to report bugs? Found a couple of rendering bugs regarding different characters. Also, besides 'doing the dirty', are there any other objectives or activities in or out of the starting zone? I ran around but it looked like nowhere else was populated.


Hey, you can send them to the email that appears in the game. Or here via pm, or on discord. Whatever works best for you :) Currently there isnt anything outside the starting area yet. But thatll come in time.


Hello, I have the version of $ 10 and is censored, is there an error?


Same here! WTF???


Can I get a link for the newest release of 25$ members? I'm having trouble. I downloaded what I thought was the newest release but it's missing everything from the 10$ member. Thanks


My character wont attack anything when i try to use the spear. And is there anything outside the little village area of NPCs right Now. Would love to have a character creation screen down the road, understand that causes trouble with animations though. Great Game so far.


hey dudes, when I'm trying to extract the files it tells me that some of the files can't be copied because of some unknown reason. And apparently without them the game doesn't start. Am I missing something or is this a common occurence?


how do you open the file after extraction?


Will the body sliders make a return? or was it just an experimental feature?


It was a fairly experimental thing, but im sure we will look into that again in the future. Its not off the table at all :)

Lisa Haber

Hi^^ First of all: Awesome game and idea^^ Kudos to you :) The build is kinda big over 2 Gigabyte. Are the only characters the humans and beastmen all gathered at one point or are there other characters too, if I wander and search for them? Just curious^^

Lisa Haber

Also, is this the newest build or is there a newer? When will the "first" episode be finished approximately? Keep up the good work! :)

Lisa Haber

what are the "experimental" futures ins the 25$ tier? I consider upgrading depending^^


Thanks :) Yes, the everything is currently nice and tight at the oasis in the start area.


This is the latest build. We plan to release the next one in February. The first episode wont be finished by at least an other whole year.


It can be anything, combat systems, new sex system, animations, all sorts of game mechanics we need testing on, etc. etc. Future builds will be much heavier on it. But keep in mind that since they are meant for testing these builds might be less stable. But its definitely fun to test things :) But if you just want a stable build with tested features I suggest stay at the 10$ tier ^^


I cannot start the game, every time I try it tells me it can't start because XAPOFX1_5.dll is missing. Can you help?


Just beautiful.


do you have to re download everytime there is an update?


Can you add the option to play in fullscreen instead of borderless windowed? This would enable to me to use gsync on my monitor