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Happy monday everyone,

this last week we focused on modeling some further costumes for our characters:

Goatman is currently in the works:

And these clothings for Kral (top image) and Zuri were done last week.

Btw. These characters belong to one faction of native inhabitants of the planet Kerpal thus from now on we will refer to them as the "Kerpali".

We will continue to work on animations and costumes for further characters to have a nice full cast for the coming build.

Have a great week,

-Wild Life Team




hey steve, i think you're doing a great job so far. however, i'm concerned that there's a possibility of a gamebreaking bug in the coming build like there was in the last one with the purple beast showing up and then the game freezing up. are you guys gonna make sure something like that doesnt hppen again this time?


glad to hear it, man. keep up the good work, i'm looking forward to the next build!


where is the game?