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Its time for an update again friends. We have been putting focus on a few different areas these days:

Our intern (yes we have an intern now oO) is looking into some fx development like footprint systems, weapon trails, and other such things. More things will also be experimented with in the future.

Our character artist has been doing some good progress on our male character and very soon we will be able to show you some images of him.

Our art generalist has been continuing to work on our art bilbe. We have covered to an extent: the general style, the level of detail, the landscape for the different vegetation zones, some lookdev for the different factions, and now he is doing some UI design, designing inventory windows and such.

Our coder has been doing some more improvements on the combat system and is laying the ground works for a combo system.

We are also working on a video that will present the whole project vision in a much more detailed way going over the art bible, describing the factions and the gameplay, the way we plan to do certain mechanics in the game like combat, sex, rpg elements, story/quests, presenting the team/office, our plans for the future and so on. Basically a proper pitch video you would find for an actual game crowdfunding campaign.

Awesome times are ahead everybody and we are excited for you to see this.

Thanks so much,

-Wild Life Team



Cool, that's a very extensive work! Sounds promising!


New intern and a progress report as well? I'd say that is a big step forward in the right direction. When are you going to tell the intern it's unpaid? (LOL Joke obviously) I haven't told mine yet... College credit = free book keeper.


Sorry for the stupid question, but I did not understand, is the game still being developed, or is there a playable version?


Yes my friend, the game is still being developed. There are playable versions on our patreon-only posts at the respective tiers.


As I understand, you need to pay $ 10 to get a link to download the game. Do I understand correctly?


Sorry for my English. I have to pay $ 10 for the status of the patron and then get the opportunity to download the game. I also need to pay $ 10 monthly for updates. I'm right?


Sadly we had to remove the public links due to patreons new rules about adult content in the public area. But if you want ill message you a public link to one of our previous builds so you can try it out before you commit to any support. If you do decide to support us you can cancel or alter your support at any time however you want.


This is a good idea. I saw your videos on YouTube and very impressed. If you can give a link to the demo version, I will be grateful. In any case, I plan to support your project.


I tried to send you a direct message but for some reason your profile doesnt have the option to do so. Can you send me a DM instead? Ill reply to that and hopefully that works.


What is DM?


I guess the problem is that I have not finished creating an account for Patreon.


Try again, please.


Hm now you have a creator page but i still cant message you. Patreon pls -.- Have you tried messaging me? Or check if for some reason im blocked on your account.


А за 5$я получу доступ к игре?


Только к цензурным демо-версиям


hello I love your game and I'm really looking forward to it! when the game is finished will it be possible to buy it via paysafe? I am from Germany and pay safe is the only possibility I use to pay in internet. your game would be worth 100 euro for me! maybe more ! : D


Is it possible to put it on steam in the future?