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Hello dear patrons,

We have an announcement to make for today (Please read).

As you know, our vision for Wild Life is to create an open world RPG with decent gameplay, graphics and of course a ton of adult content.

Unfortunately, with the amount of content planned for the game and the time it takes to develop all those things with our limited resources we found ourselves in need to find alternative/additional ways to ensure our vision of Wild Life. In order to make the game we promised to you and to ourself we need to scale further.

So far we hired two full-time professionals with the patreon money and spent everything on moving towards our goal. But as you can imagine moving on like this wont get us very far. We are currently getting around 7-8k € from your awesome support! But paying 4 full-time salaries, office rent, electrical bills for several computers, taxes, and so on is already quite a challenge.

So we have been thinking a lot about alternative funding strategies and came up with an idea which we want to present to you in the following lines.

We had a lot of positive feedback from you on our VR game in december, also some negative but still valid feedback from people without VR or those who were wondering why exactly we strayed away from the actual game in that little experiment. We also received feedback and tips from our industry friends here in Berlin who told us we should fork some manpower into stuff like this and sell it as it would certainly find its audience.

So we decided to start a sub-project beside Wild Life:

Sexbot Quality Assurance Simulator, which will be released on the 9th May on Steam (SFW Version) and Nutaku (NSFW). This game is mostly based on our VR prototypes we have done before Wild Life and our december build. While its a VR game it will be fully enjoyable in a non VR mode.

We hope that this commercial release will give us the opportunity to hire more people to work on Wild Life and to scale up further to slowly but surely become a true game studio dedicated to adult content.

We still kept on working on Wild Life and with the VR game we also improved our character systems a lot. After the 9th of May we will go back to Wild Life full throttle again with hopefully a bigger team.

Everyone who supported us with a lifetime amount of 20$ or more will get either a Nutaku or Steam copy for free (More info about this will follow in a different post).

This is a big step for us and we hope you understand and share this path with us.

  • Wild life Team



It is good that you are looking for more ways to create more money for the wild life project. But if I may ask, how much time will the work on your side project take away from the wild life development? Because if there is already so much to do for wild life the work on a new project can be quite difficult. I respect the decision but I am curious how you manage to handle multiple projects at once.


the game is already finished and releasing in two weeks


I did'nt really like you working on other projects than "WildLife", but meh you have already done it, and that chapter is over, and you give a valid reason to do it, but i won't say that i like that it's a VR build. I know that i won't be able to touch that project for a few years atleast, and that makes me really sad. The reason i say sad. Is because i love you're game so much, and everything you develop i really want to try. I would've instantly bought the game if it was'nt VR. Now i'm discussing with myself i should buy it anyway even though i might not be able to play it xD What i'm saying is, i will support you and i would've supported you even more if it wasnt for VR hehe. Glad 2 hear that you will go back to work on wild life again, and i don't mind sideprojects, but man i hope if you need to make some ekstra cash somehow that you make something none VR next time (; A game like Huniepop or mirror maybe. Just an idea. I like those games atleast xD All in all good post happy to get some information! + i wish more people would cough up more money + myself <3 xD


Does this mean that you have been using pledge money for Wild Life to work on another game? I'm not sure how I feel about this... It seems like the longer this project keeps going the further away it strays from the original promise. It's a bit hard not to feel a bit betrayed tbh. I'm also wondering what happened to the next test build of the game you mentioned a while back.


Thanks my dude, also keep in mind this will also be a game that works in non-vr. So you can still give it a shot.


See it this way: We are using pledge money for Wild Life to inevst in strategies that will help getting Wild Life done in the long run. Its not a betrayal, its an investment to make sure we can make Wild Life happen, no matter what.

Wesley Gunder

While I am in the same camp as others that feel this is a dishonest move, at the same time I see that in order to make a game like Wildlife you need a company. You already have a group of programmers, and Artist working together and I would have had as a matter of preference that you make an announcement that your are changing the focus of this Patreon to not only fund the Wildlife game but Company that you can produce games like Wildlife which happens to be the company crowning achievement. In a way that Warcraft is to Blizzard.


Well this post explains how to raise the missing pledge money... Joking aside I understand this move totally (and as a business owner) I do think you have to ensure everyone is paid by any means necessary. I have had to make these decisions as well but as it was stated before you do need to tell your clientele (customers in my case) what you are doing with their investments just to ensure fair business practices and continued support. I had to use this tactic too but once again in my experience not telling customers what their money is being actually used for will cause distrust and therefore even more loses and worst of all bad image with future customers. I will continue my support but you should be a bit more open in the future to prevent any hostility that will ensue.


Oh and that last line was meant as customers not me. Sorry didn't mean to come off as hostile. Text doesn't carry tone well.


I have no problem with this. The way I see it, the extra income from this could be the difference between the project's completion, or it falling apart. If side projects need to be done to ensure Wild Life's survival then go for it. After all I'm paying to help the game's production.


Well said bro, i agree 100% with the hostile text part xD


Taking existing finished mechanics and releasing that into a simpler project to help fund your more ambitious goal is an excellent idea. Granted not everyone is going to recognize it as that; especially if they're unfamiliar with how simple it is to transfer assets/blueprints to a new project and get up and running in UE4. The only thing I'd worry about is if the side project is too popular and floods you with further requests that are not compatible with what you want to do with Wild Life; but if they are mechanics that will make it into Wild Life, why not?


Been a 25$ patreon for 10 months now I think, and can't say I'm to happy about you working on projects that I apperntly sent money & was supporting without my knowledge. and theres no new build to play around in for quite some time ether. I do understand and see your reasoning behind this but still feels a little bit like a backstab


I think you guys should also look into a way to promote Wildlife. I don't have VR but, the demo before looked amazing so, I think this should definetely bring in a nice amount of people.


I understand what you are saying, and Thank you for being honest about it. HOWEVER, ... Even if your intentions are good here, it is starting to look just like other scams Patreon is being used for ! Many of us love the idea of Wild Life, and we support the "Wild Life" project with our hard earned money. Also, we want to see more of your talent and art work in a game that we can enjoy.


I would love to see this game come to life and "Pay to Play" for your efforts, but I will Not let you waste my time and money on other things and then wait til the last minute to tell us. ... Good Luck with Wild Life, but I can Not support a false hope ! Best wishes.


can you please for the love of god release a small build with the beast models?


Your plan is understandable in needing to grow the company to fully realize the Wildlife game. I hope this side step pays off. Please continue to focus these efforts to bringing Wildlife out as the priority as this is what supporters are paying for. Don't let the fears of others here come true as the likes of other developers dropping the project and run off. The Wildlife game shows great promise, please keep it up.


It's an interesting and smart way to raise money and popularity. Most of adult games lay on a lack of communication so this may be a nice ad. Anyway, it's also the job of your community to spread the word around your amazing going to be game. Keep going, your fans are won't let you down dudes !


Maybe im just to stupid... where can i find the link to the game ? :O

Icarus Unleashed

This is awesome. I loved your VR snippet last december. Very much looking forward to this -- release in mid-May, eh? <holds breath, turns blue>


I had to abort reading past the part where Kim said something about you taking money under false pretenses. All of us Patreons are individually viewed small funders and not CEOs and we are heapy to be able to play a part in the making of the product that we support and is called Wild Life. Most small investors elsewhere don’t get a say at all about where the “ship” should be heading. Adeptus Steve, you show vision and ingenuity to get there. That is what matters to achieve something outstanding from the mediocre, in my opinion. Keep going that way


futa would be good for this game. any plans for it in the future?


This Patreon says give us money and we will work on Wild Life. Not give us your money and we will work on Wild Life and also other things we won't tell you about that you haven't agreed on. The choice is mine what I spend money on. They took it away with this decision of theirs. In other markets this would fall under false marketing would it not? This isn't a change in the product, it's not even the same product at all.


"Released on the 9th". Okay so that means that you have been working on that other game for a long time, and with funds we are paying for Wildlife. Why are we only being told about it now?! That is a HUGE red flag. What's even worse is that we are expected to pay for this sudden second game despite you using our funds to build it. That VR game should be given for free to all $5+ since we, you know, paid for it...without our knowledge too.


you play a pretty hard guess game. Im in contact with them. they started with the whole idea end of january after people went crazy after the january release and the patreon pledges dropped to 11.000 a month. try to pay your team with hot air #notworking


so any news on the game ?


Will we get some kind of DL voucher for Nutaku?


Hey fellas, any info on the game?




no update so ?


Ok let's be honest here. Randomly not releasing a weekly update out of nowhere and completely missing your last announced release date and then ignoring everyone's questions is not professional at all. I get if you are rushing to work on it now, but it takes 2 minutes to reply to someone with what's going on.


Sorry for the low comm. We have been quite busy as today is release day. We will make a post very soon about it. Stuff is rolling already.


How can i get the game?