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Hello everyone,
we hope you had a good week :)
We started the combat system! It's still quite early so we can't really say much about it, we mainly looked at some technical prerequisites like weapon handling and set some basic functionality but not much we can show just yet. Rest assured tho, we will have some cool footage showing some visual demo once we get there.

We also spend some time to organize our company a bit more. Dealing with the typical bureaucratic fun like taxes, contracts,  finances etc. We are also doing our best to secure additional funds to increase the overall progression of Wild Life development.

This week that work continues on...
And a big news is: We are getting another full-time team member on board! A very talented generalist with strong technical side and a focus on environment art.
Further we are continuing to work on combat system, flight system, and some more animations for various npcs.
Stay tuned for further updates and have a great week.

-Wild Life Team 



It's always nice to hear when a new member joins the party. There are too many big creators who just want to do everything alone and end up not making any progress.


Yea I agree. When you see a game with huge potential, and then you see only 1 guy working on it. It's kinda like a kickpunch in you're face. The game will take 10 years to complete with less content, than if they hired some people and got it done quicker with more content :/ Thumps up to the Wild Life Team :j