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Hey guys and gals,

we’re almost there! Our new build is on the brink of being finished. 

You can expect the post with the download-links on Monday, latest Tuesday.

We are working full throttle.

Get excited everyone - let’s start the week with some wild life!


Wild Life team

PS: Have you noticed some small visual changes on our page? We hope you like them ;)



That’s some sexy background and profile logo


New logo and background looking awesome!


Damn, that logo is some top tier professional box-art worthy piece of art right there... Looking forward to the demo guys but as for the full game, spend as much time as you need! This project is gonna be huge so I wouldn't even be half disappointed if it took you a few more years!


how download?


now i can link this without breaking rules in discord channels or using the greater than less than embed suppression tags, lel. Nice art too. Looking forward to the update.




I've noticed and i'll say you lot look more professional now


Now the whole thing looks much more professional. The wooden wheel and arrows, the stone texture of the writing and the greenish haze behind it. The logo has turned out real good. If later the plants in the header background look real it will look optimal. But don't get me wrong, it is already an improvement beyond all measure. You can be infinitely proud of that already now.

Thom Hurley

nice and looking forward to that update!


I will deny the Holocaust until the next update is released


Dude relax, the build is ready when its ready. I dont want a history lecture right now. Please spare me that.


the girls have very sexy bodies! nice game


Very nice work!, what requirements are necessary to play this game?


Not quite sure, we are able to run it quite well on our dev laptops which are mid-high range: i7 6700, 16gb ram, gtx 1060. I suppose it would run fine on an i5 and gtx 970 too.. Havent tried many low end pcs yet.


This is the most I've reloaded a single web page in years


Its past 3am here, we are about to go to sleep and get things done hopefully by tomorrow. You should be getting an email notifying you when we publish, no need to spam f5 I think :)


What's the difference between Mr.Pikelsworth and a pizza?