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We have read all your comments and we are very sorry to have disappointed so many of you, that was definitely not our intention.

So we have been thinking about how we can make something for everyone.

We decided to release/prepare another presentation build on christmas eve of our new character “Aoi”. It is a very simple build but very similar to the VR one.

This build revolves entirely around our new character, its basically a simple presentation build. And it’s for all of you, so we decided to release this build completely public and fully censor free. 

We hope that this will satisfy those of you who got left behind with a bitter taste and contribute to a nice christmas time after all.

Little snippet from the attached readme file to make sure most of you read it:
Almost all controls are as you know them from the previous builds (as its based on that data). With only one execption: The B key now doesnt change character mesh. Instead it toggles vr mode on or off. During VR mode you can pretty much see the game through your VR headset, but have keyboard and mouse controls active as always (NO Motion Controls). Allowing you to modify camera positions with your known and hated Shift/Ctrl/Alt + Wheel or simply by adjusting your VR set (if it allows for that). If you dont have any VR thing, no problem, just do it all as normal.

Even if you dont have any VR capabilities we hope youll still enjoy this hubmle build.

Also, please be aware that the recent VR build was only a small gimmick/test of what we could do with the technology and how it would look like. Wild Life is not intended to be a VR game and wont be in the future!
If we continue to explore the realm of VR, it would be in a dedicated project.




Mirror1:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=15f13815QK3fwycfCzCgoWfW1NnjrV43Y

Mirror2:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yZ0yBTGW3qtUZKd1K0RopzgBL-9y_7ep





Oh god, don't feel too bad about the VR thing you released before! Me and I'm sure many other people are well aware you guys don't intend to focus purely on JUST VR. I think some were just worried there wouldn't be anything to look forward to for just this month but you've given us a wonderful present and I thank you a lot for it! I almost thought I'd have no Christmas fap material for today but thanks guys, you made my Christmas ;) Have a good one and Merry Christmas to all!


Sweet xD Thnaks guys and have a wonderful Christmas !!


I hope you guys don't completely give up on VR for Wild Life. It would be nice if the VR mode from this build was enabled on the regular builds.


People tend to be more eager to write criticism than complaints, but you guys are, without question, the best adult developer on Patreon. Your first demo absolutely blew me away and I've been a supporter ever since. The quality of your work, dedication to your supporters, and above all professionalism set you apart. I have complete faith in your project, and although your previous release disappointed some people, know your work is still tier 1 smut.


sexy merry christmas!! ☺♥


Thank you for the considerations!

Icarus Unleashed

I definitely understand that many folks don't have VR... I guess they were assuming the VR would be optional (from reading the comments this seems to be the case). I think you have done us all a great favor and given us a great gift. Those of us with VR are thoroughly enjoying it, and now those without have a taste as well. Please... don't be bummed. In this business you can't please everyone. Good work, and happy, happy holidays! (PS: do please continue to consider VR... it's going to revolutionize your game (as it has so many others) ;) -- but do keep the bottom line in mind. Regular view first, VR second in your ample spare time ;) )




Thank you!


wow Best soft body physics I have every seen and I love the collisions. FOV in VR is off a bit, gave me motion sickness lol. Also noticed the game defaulted to my second monitor, had to disable in NV control to get it running on my main. On the whole all looks very sexy and I hope all the non VR peeps here enjoyed as well. Merry Christmas to you all.


you cool guys , good devs, very appreciate to see you want make eveyrbudy happy :) . keep up the good work ! thats one of the greatest gift i will receive today :D


LOL may i ask ... what is the potato for ? it is some kind of sextoy ? a potato ? O_o lol wut ?


The potato will be a cooking ingredient in the future. Once we introduce food and then a cooking system ;)

Rüdiger Püschel

Sehr gute Arbeit gefällt mir sehr gut. Danke und " Frohe Weihnachten"


Would be nice if Aoi had a more asian look? considering her name is Japanese no? Just a suggestion XD really like her outfit through .

Icarus Media

My Word! I'm not even learning German and I could understand most of that. Am I right in saying it says: It is good work [Word I don't know] [word I don't know] is good. Thank you and [Word I don't know] [Something about 'night'?] :-)


Well done, colleagues! Merry Christmas to all ^~^

InterLEWD Creations

Couldn't really enjoy this one * The camera was weird and I got a cross-eyed look. The image did not converge properly. * Couldn't teleport or move * Camera appeared a long way above the player character Sure looked pretty though


This wasnt tested with the microsoft thingy and it seems its quite a bunch different from occulus or vive, so im not surprised it didnt work perfectly.


Graz with great game release, colleague! Keep this cool work up!


When will we be able to play male characters? )

Walter Sochack

Thanks for the generous build. I have a suggestion for future builds - a Click-to-Go-To command. Using the mouse (or controller if support is planned - using an analogue stick to control movement speed is smoother than toggling with buttons) you nominate a spot on the ground for the character to walk/run/crouch/crawl to, and the character goes there without requiring further input and with your camera free to rotate. I really like the Long Journey feel you can get from traveling around the demo environment, and I think this would put a cherry on top of it.


its nopt bad idea, but i prefer direct control of character like in 3rd person game :p


So in this build there are no anthro characters? I hope to god that's not a permanent decision. I was going to become a patron once I got some money.


Worry not my friend, this is only for this specific christmas build. Of course we will have anthro characters in the actual game :)


awww pity this build dont have pass animations. wanna see some action with Aoi XD anyway i notice when she go ragdoll at a certain speed she keeps bouncing none stop ( pretty darn funny. ) anyway happy new year!

Bob Smith

Hooray for kbam controls! Just FYI, I experimented using the September release and enabling VR with the console. Despite not actually having any accommodations for VR, it works pretty well!


can i ask can you also have gay male on male sex in this game?

xRed Games

Don't worry mate. Just keep on the hard work.


no. only gay female / female as i was told , and it was added recently apparently


no more weekly updates?


Yes of course. We will post again on sunday (~today) with a new update, and will go back to our regular schedule of 1-2 posts per week :)

Hannah Pixie

how big is the file? :)

Thom Hurley

Is the Xmas build the most recent update? Sorry, I am new and getting caught up here. :) Good work on this BTW.


Hey, thanks for joining our supporters :D Yes and no. This is indeed the most recent update, but it is lacking a bunch of things that the september builds had. This build was an extra christmas thing we did and mainly showcases our latest character addition.

Thom Hurley

Very cool, thank you for the response, so really the September build is the most current build. Got it, cannot wait to see this continue to grow.