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 Hello everyone!

as promised, here is our roadmap for 2017/2018. 

This is an overview of what needs to be done for our goldmaster (release version) by the end of 2018.

By the beginning of October 2017, we started the Vertical Slice phase and this is the chunk that we are working on at the moment.

 As you can see, there is still a lot to do ;) 

Pre Production I
Mainly setting up the Characters and to evaluate the technical approach for the "Sex". We will put focus on UI Flows to provide a general "what will it feel like" experience to further adjust, modify, optimize in the coming Month.

Pre Production II
This will result in a prototype and/or prototype modules aimed to tackle performance, scope and vision of the core gameplay as a whole. We will have a good understanding how desired quality can be divided throughout main production, what to focus on and if all major elements of the game work together.

Vertical Slice Prototype
Focus on creating the production framework that all departments will deliver to. We aim for a modular architecture that is ready to receive all upcoming content. Finalize Pipelines for all departments based on learnings, performance budgets and performance prototypes. We will use these learnings to collaboratively define the goals, timings and solutions of the actual main production.

Main Production
Main Production specifies the production phase where all frameworks, pipelines, communications and scope have been successfully defined and established. The majority of content creation will take place here. Yet to be defined features such as Localization, Tutorials and Voiceovers will be tackled, implemented and finalized. Monthly builds should guarantee that we are both technically and content wise setup to get through the store review process (e.g.: all Icons, descriptions, regulations are met).

Patreon Beta Test
Releasing the game for our Patreon-Supporters who are already very engaged as community gives us the opportunity to dynamically react to user feedback. All energy on Bug fixes and submission preparation. Get the most stable product possible.

Releasing the game globally on all given platforms (Steam,Nutaku,DMM,Patreon)


We hope this gave you a better understanding about what is going to happen in 2018.

Merry Christmas guys!

- Wild Life Team




Looking good! I find it interesting that you listed Steam as a release platform. Would this game be allowed on Steam? Or would you release a "no sex" version for Steam?


Yeah, a non-pornographic version that you can then simply get an unlock patch on a separate website for or something simple like that.


Is the focus of the game leaning more to an Action-RPG with optionaly then some adult content or is it an extensive adult game with some action-rpg elements? To get a game going that can be played on steam without the adult stuff I could imagine the focus on the adult content has to be reduced somewhat. Also, I see in the whole roadmap just two entries about animation packages, it is to be expected that there will only be one animation pack in vertical slice and one in the main production? I guess I would like to know where the adult content stuff focus is standing in the production of wild life in comparision with the action-rpg elements.


Yea i hope they won't be moving away from it being an adult game. honestly they already moved abid away from it when the plot was about collecting samples of sperm, but i can see that being abid weird as the sole purpose of a game. i hope for more than 100 different animations for the characters, some animations only being available in specific locations in the world, and some being unlockable, and unique animations for the different characters. I thought over 50% of the game would be adult content, but if they release on steam i'm getting abid worried aswell. I Still think you'r the best team i've seen on patreon, but honestly, never forget I pledged for the adult content, and i'm only worried because i love you'r game so far, and the way i'ts headed exites me! :j


Dont worry mate, we are all in for the adult stuff. I couldnt imagine making an own game without it. We will spend a huge chunk of our resources in adult content and related systems to make it as hot as possible. Some of those things will be turned off for releases and steam and such, but you guys will always be able to get hot and lewd adult stuff here and wherever else we will get a platform for our fully uncensored products.


Yeah Id like to say the game will have well developed content for both action RPG genre AND adult. We love adult content are quite the pervs so we will definitely have plenty of pretty extensive adult content just like what you have seen so far - if not even more and better :)


Will we be able to make custom content for the final game? Like custom poses, skins, clothes etc?