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Ho ho ho everybody,

Christmas is almost upon us - time for looking back and more importantly opening presents. You will have a chance to open one Christmas present early this year. More about that in a second.

Since the beginning of our Patreon we always made sure to read your feedback not only here but also on other platforms. We think it’s time to give you guys a lot more insight and transparency into what we have done, are doing and plan to do. 

We want to address the following topics:

  • storytime: Who are we? What have we done before we started this Patreon? 
  • roadmap: Current state of development and our planning for 2018 - to give you insight into game-development, we want to make this as transparent and comprehensible for you as possible
  • Our future plans for the monthly Patreon-only-builds starting January 2018


As for your present: You probably remember that we worked hard on the characters and the general visual quality. Therefore we thought about a way to let you see the progress we made for yourselves. Also - we’re sure you will enjoy looking very very closely at our characters within a VR-experience ;) 

Within this special release you will meet a yet unseen character made by an extremely talented artist. This character - “Aoi” - is the benchmark for our future overhauls.

Hopefully the ladies will keep you busy until the January-build. They sure still entertain us.

This Thursday, 21st of December 2017, 6pm EST Steve and Guii will meet up with you guys on a public discord-server for a Q and A. Everyone is welcome, backer or lurker (we know you’re here ;) and are interested in your questions).

Keep your eyes peeled, put your glasses on, stay warm and enjoy what’s coming.

- Wild Life Team



Great! When will the special-build be available?


VR? You serious? YAY :) I rented a VIVE a few days ago and will probably buy it. Wildlife in VR would be soooo awesometastic. \o/


i would love to see a petite character in game. kind of my thing. :)

Thomas Owens

Perfect timing for me bday :}


nice work!


?? Is the build releasing on christmas or 21st?


How to join discord channel?

Icarus Unleashed

I've been thinking about investing in a good VR headset. Which one(s) will work for this? Vive, Oculus...? Very, very excited to see this :)


Im currently working with an occulus rift. But eventually we will cover both occu and vive




I can't wait


Oh sweet xD

Drake Draven

looking forward to it


Hi guys! This looks awesome and way better then I imagined in a sex game.i want to join ur community but have no idea how to start.im going to get a gaming laptop and want this game.what kind of gaming laptop do you recommend.thank you and can’t wait to join! Ps does anyone know of any similar sex sim for iPhone(sorry if it’s a dumb question)I’m a total newb at this.


Hey mate, we are developing this game currently on acer predator laptops and its working pretty well. I can recommend you check those out :)


Thank you Steve, your game looks amazing and I’ll be a supporter soon enough!