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Hello all, we hope you had a nice weekend :)

The development is still going strong, we are in a phase now where its not too much about content creation but more about the core game design and planning and talent acquisition and those kinds of things. Im putting quite some focus on the actual story and quest development these days and making plans for the first core loop of the game and also exploring world desgin concepts for the actual game map. In the midst of all that I still managed to work on a new male npc (Max) that should be a lot more relatable - at least he is for me ;) An actual normal sized young man he will bring a bit of balance into the male side of things. He is still quite WIP but here is already a first impression.

Also worked a bit more on the minotaur and his "throne". Did a few screenshots of him and maya, they are quite NSFW so take a look here if you like: https://www.dropbox.com/s/quvhck18pttjq5g/mayaXminoSCs.zip?dl=0

Animations for the minotaur are also coming soon - he will make it into this month's build.

All our other team members are doing their part as well and making steady progress - more on that in a future update.

Thanks for all, we'll try to keep you updated constantly. 

-Wild Life Team




Nice! Would love to hear any updates on if you get any new dev team members too! Keep up the good work and super looking forward to the next build! (Here's hoping for a male POV cam next)


hi, i'm looking forward to seeing every game progress my friend. it is a pleasure to see this talent come to life before our eyes. I love


Looking good, can't wait to hear more on VR support. Also, this extremely NSFW link is why you should have two Minotaurs: <a href="https://www.manyvids.com/Video/478197/Elfen-FUTA-Girl-Girl-DP/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.manyvids.com/Video/478197/Elfen-FUTA-Girl-Girl-DP/</a>


Will he be playable?)


Does, or will your game in the future, include a feature where you can set the male(s) invisible through the settings, or by a key as seen in the Illusion JP games?


nice work looks great :)


Awesome keep up good Work guys!


Amazing, as always! Not being impatient or anything, but is this month's build rolling out around the same time as last month's? Obviously work takes time and you can never be sure, I'm just curious is all. Thanks!


thats looks great! :D


Will there be any more body slide options? Apologies if this has already been asked.


I pledge 25$ for your great woooork!!! Just like "shut up and take my money:D" i love it! Some question... 1. Will be in future something like Hunger,thirsty, getting ill/injured, crafting and farming (weapons, armor, tents, food,...), pregnancy, some features with Day/Night cycle, get or getting a hostage (like at the Minotaur pic ;) ) greetings!! Keep it up!!


Heeey thanks ma dude &lt;3. Yes I want to implement a simple hunger/thirst system. Nothing too fancy and intrusive, but just something for immersion/realism. Illness probably not, crafting neither - maybe cooking and veeery basic weapon crafting, like, tribal basic if anything. Pregnancy im afraid no, but who knows maybe we find a way to implement it in the future, but I have to mention that its very very low on my priority list. Day night yes, I want to introduce sleeping and different NPC behavior for creatures during night, like some you can only encounter when its night, others only when its day. And the minotaur pic shows a bit of the story encounter I want to make. Wouldnt call it hostage tho.


are there going to be bulges i.e throat, anal and vag?

Firts Lats

I only have 1 request, and this is amazing so far. Please remove any and all clipping from the anal penetration animations. It's not bad right now, but you can tell when it's colliding a little with the bodies. If you're able to bring that up to the level of say AnimoPron or Tiaz-3dx, this game will have no competition, not even for a long time to come. Thanks for all your hard work!


Throat bulging is already there on some animations. Other bulges could also come eventually.


Hey thanks :) Yes that could be doable, but its a really big technical challenge and might not be something that we work on anytime soon.

Icarus Media

A string walks into a bar with a few friends and orders a beer. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve strings here." The string goes back to his table. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair. He walks back up to the bar and orders a beer. The bartender squints at him and says, "Hey, aren't you a string?" The string says, "Nope, I'm a frayed knot."


During sex, will we get an POV angle option for the male?