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Hello everyone!
Welcome to the new public build. For a full list of updates here please the previous post with all the build features.

And  now heres some links:



Alternate Upload:

More mirrors and alternate download links will come up in the following days...





Just out of curiosity. When the game is complete; will it be sold as a one time purchase to the general public? Your demo builds look awesome by the way


hey i just joined and payed 25 dollars how do i get the game


Hey welcome :) By downloading from this post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/25321923">https://www.patreon.com/posts/25321923</a>


I got it last night the game is great 👍


can i change the skin and hair color of maya?


just found it thanks^^


game has a lot of potential, I am looking forward to more updates.


hey what do i need to do to get it out remove censor?


The public builds come censored so you need to download a non-public build. Like from here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35042459


hey steve so if i buy the 10 dollar one ill get access to the build but what if i cant pay every month any more do i still get to keep the build?


Hey, yes the build you download isnt affected by your pledge status. So even after you cancel you can still play any build you have downloaded until then. Only the access to newer versions will be limited.


okay thank you and for your fast response so i get access to everything in the game if i do the 10 dollar build correct including all characters?


Yes, also we plan to release the new 10$ version next week, so stay tuned for that :)


okay cool thx again your game is really great btw. also once i buy it where do i go to download it


This is the link to the latest 10$ version. We will post a new one when its released: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35042459


when i went to the link it says join now 10 dollares a month then i click on it and it says update card??


okay never mind i see it but there two things i can click i dont want the launcher i just want to download from here but both things that i can click on are just for the launcher


okay scratch that as well so i figured it out but when i open the game it only lets me play the public build and not the 10 dollar one


lmao i figured it out nvm but why does it want access to my profile


Hey steve great game but you should add more feet stuff in it. Like the lion and the main character girl have a scene with a foot job or something. Also I saw in the discord that u had a channel for ppl to put there ideas of characters and u guys decide which one you want and theirs one that has alot of votes on it and its a female lizard which should be added to the game or like a female snake that u can interact with.

Glen Risk

Hey everyone. Just joined at 1st tier. Have seen your video's on YouTube and thought it looked great but because it wasn't VR I wasn't interested. Then poking around LewdVRgames I read you now had VR support so I'm in. Don't actually have a VR capable PC yet, that's still a month or two off. For now I'll just check out the public build and step up when it becomes an option. Game looks great. Frankly I think there is something very wrong with people who try to remove the normal options in life from games? Want more options not less.


ok it asked me if i am adult which i am (almost 50) but when I try to play the game it censors all the content and I cannot take out the check mark for censor ship? what gives plus I can only play a female ??


If you want to play a male, talk to male NPC and select posses option, you will now control a male NPC. As for censorship, i have not played the public build but would assume that may be the issue if you are using that version.


Going to guess they aren't playing around with VR, since it is a UE4 thing (plugin defaults to enabled). You can disable "Start SteamVR when an application starts" in SteamVR Settings -&gt; Developer.

VR AnimeTed

Awesome! Can't wait to try it out. As far as the comment on VR, when you do take the dive I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised how easy VR implementation is in Unreal. Has me tempted to jump ship from Unity, but I'm in too deep lol.


how is the hiring going


I can only tell you that you do not know how much I love that there is someone who fulfills my desires, this type of game is what I have been waiting for many years, always games with the same thematic bitch, that if RPG, that if R'ENPY that if absurd simulators .... I was tired of that shit, please, my beloveds, this game, if you develop it will be an international bombing, I can see it, people from all over the world will buy it, you can invent something fucking new, a game like The Witcher, but sex is absurdly difficult, but it is not impossible, my god I can not express in words what I feel, you are wonderful thank you very much, in a few months I will patronize and I will support you as much as I can, Working and putting all the ideas that you want, do not fear mistakes, then, this type of games will not be seen to date, if there is whorecraft, but it is not the same, this is simply genuine, keep working


It's true, theses 5minutes of public gameplay just saids: wait 2years of development and this game will be the only one, ++awesome work man, please continue


MEGA mirror pls!


I was referred over here from another patreon site, I'm curious to see how your game is and if I approve I'll def become a patreon when I can afford it. This looks fun though!


when i try to download the file it says access denied!


This is a super old verison that no longer is online. You need to get to the latest version, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57881043/


the game sure looks amazing from what I've seen so far, but I can't get it to run on my rig... my virus protection went batshit-crazy, but still, after disabling it the .exe wont launch the application.