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Gooooood evening patrons and lurkers!
Its time for a new update with good news:

The development for the demo builds has been going great. Today I cooked the first test build run on my computer and it worked pretty well. Found some bugs and will be sorting those now.
Also remember the list of things todo that I posted in last upate? To even my own surprise we did really good time on those, Guuii has manged to get all the missing anal/vaginal animations done, I made a nice looking boobjob animation, got a working muscle flex system going, and generally managed to implement all the little things mentioned there and more!

Other good news is that I recieved a nice sound package from a soundFX artist friend of ours and will be working on getting most -if not all sounds implemented in the project. Also gonna be giving the UI a little design overhaul. Just a basic vibe to not have it look so default/generic.

So yeah I see actually not much problems for this first build coming out around the 20th (+- a day) as promised. We should be able to have it on schedule.

Also,  the poll deciding on which girl is appearing in the Patron only build in addition to Milanna has already returned pretty clear results. I think its undisputable now that Serenia is the Patron-Only-Build-Girl for this legendary first release. (Hence the image of this update - look how ready she is ;)

We are really excited ourselves to finally have the first batch of builds hit the public and our patrons computers and bring joy to everybody. And hopefully raise more awareness for the project and reach a new level of support.

Until then, a big THANK YOU to everyone supporting us so far, there is no way we couldve made it this far without your fantastic help, you rock!

-S & G




Excited for this! 21st is my birthday, so this'll be nice ;)


Is the final game release going to be patreon only?

Wesley Gunder

ya ya serena one the poll..grumbles...:P


Noes....i was hoping Lala would make it. Arrrrgh, oh well boobs are boobs.^^


Or Maya :D But... oh well, one day they'll be here for us.


Will you guys make the creampie effect? like sperm dripping out?


She sure looks ready /:)


Will definitely consider becoming a 10 dollar patreon once i see demo gameplay!


Such a shame I'm going to have a house guest when it's released! I'll have to find a subtle way of having a peek at it. Keep up the fantastic work!


Smooth progress, just what I like to hear!


It looks from screens that Milanna will be a hairy girl, will Serenia be shaved by any chance? :3


Damn dude, im afraid not. Just noticed both have a little bush down there :) But the next one will be shaved no doubt. And also Ill be adding a shave/bush switch.