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Hey guys, just ended the stream for today. Upon reuqest here the source file for the offline screen. This is one of the environemnts we are developing for the game.
In case you weren't aware, I stream frequently on https://picarto.tv/AdeptusSteve   come and join when you see me online :)




um question, this seems similar to the age of connan mmo thing,?? is this the same engine or the same team ? lol this looks really exciting as a project wonder whats the actual development time needed


Hey I was wondering if there was a demo I can try out before I decide to pledge?


Hey mate, we use Unreal Engine 4, which is the same as for Conan Exiles. We arent the same team tho, currently we are 2 people and will be getting some more on board once the patreon grows, as for development time, I would estimate around one more year or so. +-


Hi Ensalada, currently not, we are still very early in development, but I plan on publishing a first demo in the next couple of weeks.


Hey steve, will the demo be accessible to the public or only for patrons with 25 $ ++ pledge?


I plan to make 2 or 3 parallel demos once we get there. One which will be a very simple publicly available build - for promotion and outreach, and a bit later two more featured builds for our patreons according to the support tiers. The 25$+ will have our experimental builds once we are fully in development phase for those types of builds.


How big is the world in this game? Or how big is it planned to be?


Current maps are 4x4 km or 8x8 km.. we might make them smaller tho as that size might be overkill. This will be clearer further down the line when we have had people test some builds.


From what I gather from the character bios, there will also be some forms of civilization (towns, cities, encampments) throughout? Edit: I've also spread the word of this production to several of my friends, keep up the good work.


Thanks man :D No, towns/cities are too large of an asset for us to produce well at this point. It will be small encampments for now. Just a few tents or so. In the end, this is playing in the wilderness :)

Inceton games

Hey are you mabye interested in a shoutout for a shoutout?