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Hey all, welcome to this week's progress report.

Finished the research for our grass system.
Worked on level design tools for easier placement of details and props.
Continuing to work on flora models for the game.
Continued work on Yterra blockout, started to work on foliage in the region and replaced the shipwreck blockout.
Continued work on AlphaCamp blockout and working on a modular system for buildings.

Upgraded engine to version 5.4.
Started work on combat AI.
Added the ability to change various sky-related settings in the sandbox.
Started work on a system that will let you transfer characters between various states (NPC, Pose and Sex Scene).

Completed models and textures for Tahani -  one of Gulhragg’s wives and Kylee - a warrior villager.
Started a model update for Rawn to bring his textures and details more in line with current characters.
Prof. Uruk’s outfit is almost finished.

Continued work on combat animations in collaboration with game design. After having finished the move-set for Maya's default spear, we are now focussing on extending and improving the move-set for the "Hopper" creature.
Researching improved mocap cleanup methods.

Finished Design for Combat AI and Combat AI Editor.
Started planning and reference gathering for combat effects.
Currently working on moveset designs for the different weapon types and monsters.
Iterated Apoc quests and dialogues.

Thank you for all your continued support,

-Wild Life Team



chris ostologue

You should add a gorilla based on grok's skeleton


First map area with crash sight; just keeps getting better and better. Flora stuff looking good, can't wait for that. Combat, only can wait on that and for the sky changes as well. Seeing what was added for the Hopper, that reminds me we need a way to spawn those enemy mobs with Tab as they can only be spawned with T and still move around. Kylee might be used on my end, all depends tbh. Rawn's "New Look" definitly will take time to get used to as this is gonna (For me) affect not just him, but all other the other characters I have that share his model. But I understand it's important to have him update. Finally, Prof. Uruk’s outfit looks so creepy and perfect for a character like him. Already I can envision in my head where it can be useful.


Will we ever see gynomorph versions of Kerpali? (girls with male parts and no girly parts except breasts)


I wouldn't mind this as a 'toggle' feature, but otherwise i would be big sadface. I personally fall in love with faces, and if i fell in love with a face to later find out she had male parts, i would low-key be devastated, but again if they gave you a notice before playing asking you if you want girls with male parts in the game, a simple yes/no and if you say yes the character get male parts, if you say no they just get the female parts. that would fix it for everyone. an example is in huniepop 2, polly was made to be a futunari, but since the majority of the community were like "Nope", the developer made it optional, not by removing the character for some users, but by swapping the private parts of her body to whatever you signed in for.