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Hola peps!

It's been a while since we had an update huh?
This will be more likely the last update for the month, so we will talk about the things that are to come!

But first, I'll take you one minute to discuss about the incredible growth I had since I published the D.va video.
It actually brought me a lot of support (which I'm so happy about!) and it made inevitable that we'd reach the goal I put on Patreon way before I originally planned: if you don't remember, I set this goal to around 320 Patrons, so I could have enough resources to buy the Rokoko Suit. 

Since it was so sudden tho, I'm not financially stable enough to spend this ton of money, yet.
And I say yet because I plan to buy it as soon as possible, but this means that I'm editing the goal, postponing it.
I don't know how many of you will be actually "sad" about this, but I was willing to explain anyway, just to be clear :)

Now, onto the real deal here:
Tons of news are coming but I will obviously not be showing everything yet (since it's not ready..) but soon you'll know everything.

Starting from next month you all will take part in a project I'm working on.
I need your suggestions in order to build it, for now I can only show you this:

Now get your brains at work and figure it out!

But if you can't, I'll give you some more hint soon, don't worry :)

Next up!
Next month's video.
Guys, I love to experiment.
And that's what this month's animation is going to be!

Same thing here, I will show you an image, and you will guess the rest!

That's some interactive post huh?
Testing your minds eheh

This idea came from SwellReads, the "Audio Guy" and I found it pretty interesting to deal with.
But again, you will know more during next month!

I think I talked way too much,
let's call it a day then
See ya! :)



So a game show and that rhythm game that’s been popular as of late. I can only guess the game show is you want ideas for games and characters to be played that cause expansion/inflation/(my personal hope giantess growth 🤣.) . As for the rhythm game I guessing every time they miss an input they expand or inflate until it gets out of hand or song ends?

Sasuke Uchiha

Hmmm a game show huh. I'm thinking some kind of game where all contestants stand on stage with a tube hooked up in their butt or their mouth and everytime they get something wrong, a portion air gets released into the person who lost?


This'll be fun to see, A gameshow and a rhythm game idea. I can tell the gameshow will have a good amount of expansion (I'm hoping for the traditional air inflation but who knows at this point). My guess for the rhythm game is the same as what RandomDudeGamer said.


You went near with some things! But as for now, I can't spoiler it :x


Yeah, you're right about the amount :) But who knows what will happen :P

Hana Song

i don't like anything spoiled but i do love and hate surprises lol

Gino Bagnino

Congrats M.F. for your goal! I'm curious to see what will you do with the two projects you showed here!