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Canada’s Environmental Policy Impact Commission (EPIC) reviews the effectiveness of government environmental policies. Hardly anyone has heard of it. You’ve already forgotten what EPIC stands for, haven’t you? 

Far fewer know that its history began in a secret RCMP unit called M-Section. Only true insiders know that in one form or another, M-EPIC has hunted unnatural threats since 1903. Delta Green may have grimly emerged from the Innsmouth raid of 1928, but Canada did the job first. 

Not that M-EPIC officers would ever say so to your Agents. That would hardly be polite.

The M-EPIC seal is one of the graphics in the KNOWN VECTORS pack of digital assets. All their PNGs are attached to this post for backers. Use them to create your own handouts and documents. 

The Known Vectors Pack adds tons of variants. 

We (meaning Rachel K. Ivey and Jen McCleary) have created created three other digital asset packs so far: the Classified Pack, the free Private Sector Pack, and the Public Interest Pack. Many others are on the way.

Do you need more, more!, always more? Sign up for the new M-EPIC T-shirt. And the coveted Club Apocalypse T-shirt. Tell everyone you were there.



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