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I drafted this short combat variant a few days ago. "Blooding" is meant to replace the usual combat rules with a quicker back-and-forth likely to leave one side pulling back and the other wondering what the hell just happened. 

I've tinkered with it a bit, but before I could put some real time into it, I got clobbered by illness (some horrible kidney thing) and am still recuperating. If you could put it through some sample encounters and post notes here, I would certainly appreciate the help.




ok it makes sense so, we were talking about it on discord and... with the relentless action it makes a lot of sense, although there were a couple of questions 1) Is it meant only for caotic actions? (group battle) Cause otherwise it strongly favors the largest group 2) For unnatural creatures, does it mean they have multiple actions and/or area actions? (otherwise 5 agents might out threat a ghoul by the strength of number alone) 3) If the attack has area of effect, you get +1 threat per successful target attacked?


My only question without play-testing it yet: Is there any reason to not take the relentless approach? It seems like there is no drawback besides 1d4 sanity. It seems like if the PC's take it, they can't lose. And it pretty much makes any action against them pointless


I haven't spent much time seeing how unnatural enemies fit into this thing. I do suspect it will be very situational and up to the Handler. Can five agents drive off a ghoul without killing it? Sure. One dude with a revolver did that in "Pickman's Model" IIRC. But if the Handler decides the ghoul is there to die fighting for some reason, it will get ugly.


The key thing with Relentless is supposed to be that if you're there, you're there til you die. That may not always be what an Agent has in mind. And it gets riskier if one Agent commits to Relentless but others do not.