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The Yellow Sign. The appalling artistry of K'n-Yan. The revenants of the Karotechia. The sorceries of the Fate. The killers and the scientific servitude of MAJESTIC. The sprawling Cult of Transcendence. Ghouls and Deep Ones. The regard of the world’s looming king. Sam Dee's life encompasses the horrors of Delta Green itself. If something so carefully scripted and constructed was truly a life at all.

Some of those horrors have vanished from Dee’s mind altogether. Some he recalls with clarity so sharp that only drugs can dull the pain. Some hover on the boundary between alienation and unreality. Year by year, more of his life slips over that line, as if every awful memory were enacted by strangers.

Raised in San Diego, Sam Dee joined the Navy out of high school in 1981. He trained as a hospital corpsman, joined the SEALs, and was conducted black operations in Central America against drug lords and revolutionaries. He gained a history degree from Old Dominion in 1993 and joined the CIA's clandestine service as a special operations officer. He worked in Iraq, Kuwait, Mexico, Central America, South America, and Syria. He trained new officers at Camp Peary, Virginia. He retired after decades of government service, decades of war and murder. He spends most days traveling and fishing or hunting, jogging and watching ball games, a quiet final act.

Some days are not so quiet. Some days make every adrenaline rush and near miss in the field seem dull.

Dee has served Delta Green since 1986, beginning with gruesome terrors in Panama and Colombia and a year in the National Naval Medical Center. His recollections of that time are strange and sporadic, mostly long gaps that echo with a sense of lost beauty and lethal despair. He has no memory of betrayals within betrayals, of the Yellow Sign or the immanence of the King in Yellow. But those truths lurk, unthought, unwelcome, ready to obtrude.

For reasons he never learned, operatives falsified their new recruit's identity, treatment history, and service record. When he emerged, he worked under layers of secrecy and obfuscation. The gap in his mind masked his exposure from Delta Green’s unambiguous STATIC protocol.

From Fairfield to Camp to the Program, he survived over 20 years as a Delta Green agent. He stayed alive by treating every Delta Green mission the same as any black op in hostile territory. He kept a low profile, gathered information, kept investigations deliberate and controlled, and avoided rush and crisis wherever possible. And he was lucky. Again and again, as if every incipient disaster answered to some higher design, he was lucky.

He spent more long years as a case officer. But he chafed at handling teams from the background, at working behind the scenes, at knowing he could do little more than hope that they would maintain their covers, keep to their roles and avoid catastrophe. He even stepped in once or twice when things went badly, making unscripted appearances of the sort the Program never liked.

Now he is an alternate or standby, on call for whatever part the Director needs him to play. Sometimes he confirms details for Intelligence. Sometimes he investigates the security officers who guard the Program. Sometimes he handles teams for Operations. Sometimes he joins teams who turn up an agent short. Other agents and officers rarely know a thing about his background.

The spiral of years tightens toward the withering emptiness of the deeps of his mind. Toward his missing memories. Toward his long-forgotten encounter with the Yellow Sign. Toward the portents of its ultimate and pivotal meaning. He never thinks on it. He unthinkingly avoids it. But a part of him longs for it. Sooner or later, the last curtain will rise. Sam Dee will remember. He will seek in the books and most desperate works of Delta Green a long-delayed communion with the King in Yellow. His commitment to Delta Green, to his colleagues, to every phantom he once deemed truth and meaning, all will be laid aside. He will know why those long-dead men brought him, a stranger, to Delta Green. He will open a new path to Carcosa, where golden and lethal majesty stands revealed in eternal glory. How many of his carefully cultivated agents might be swept into awful revelations that Delta Green thought closed forever away?

Sam Dee is an aging white man with broad shoulders and a strong jaw. His craggy face, deep-set dark eyes, and long-broken nose were never quite attractive even before the years added depths of wrinkles and scars. His once-dark hair is white and gray, clipped short. He dresses forgettably. He avoids the spotlight and shuns the center stage. He reveals nothing without purpose. He cultivates a demeanor of bland disinterest that belies a complex and often tormented interior life. The mask slips only when the benzos wear off too soon, when his deep-lined face and dark eyes settle into the hollow stare of 40 years of death, of a man who knows less and less of himself and the life around him to be real.


Haunted performer of too many roles, age 58

STR 13 CON 13 DEX 10 INT 16 POW 14 CHA 9

ARMOR: Plainclothes Kevlar vest, Armor 3.


  • Asst. U.S. Attorney Brian Lundquist (Delta Green case officer), 1.
  • Brett McQue, NaMus analyst (Delta Green agent), 4.
  • Sgt. Higgs Nightly, 75th Ranger Regiment (Delta Green agent), 3.
  • Alicia Vendetti, NTSB pilot (Delta Green agent), 9.


  • Protecting Delta Green and humanity.
  • Quiet professionalism.
  • Getting the job done.
  • Addiction to benzodiazepines.
  • (Cured: Amnesia.)
  • Adapted to violence.
  • Has seen the Yellow Sign.

SKILLS: Alertness 78%, Athletics 53%, Demolitions 50%, Dodge 41%, Drive 38%, Firearms 74%, First Aid 55%, Foreign Language (Arabic) 40%, Foreign Language (French) 30%, Foreign Language (Spanish) 35%, Heavy Weapons 50%, History 30%, HUMINT 42%, Melee Weapons 67%, Military Science (Land) 60%, Navigate 60%, Occult 40%, Persuade 31%, Pharmacy 20%, Pilot (Boats) 43%, Search 50%, SIGINT 55%, Stealth 81%, Survival 55%, Swim 50%, Unarmed Combat 72%, Unnatural 15%.

SPECIAL TRAINING: Black Markets for Weaponry (CHA), Lockpicking (DEX), Parachuting (DEX), SCUBA (Swim).


  • 12-gauge shotgun with slugs 74%, damage 2D8.
  • Ka-Bar knife 67%, damage 1D6+1, Armor Piercing 3.
  • Unarmed 72%, damage 1D4.




Excellent, and as is strangely usual with these things, timely.


Sam has seen some shit!