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Last night I got to play around with Noodle's mechanical gripping toes and his new darting tongue. That's 2 / 3 systems working now. 

I intend to spend some time today dedicated to cramming the feeding syringe in there with its appropriate threaded bits... so maybe by this weekend we'll have a full and complete taste test.

If you're new to the effort, each of my robots cylindrical feet is going to be capable of three specific functions: Gripping with tiny toes, licking the ground with a silicone tongue, and excreting fluid from the tongue... or salivating.

Grip, lick, juice...

Grip. Lick. Juice...

G R I P . L I C K . J U I C E


Tasting Feet : Gripping and Darting (progress)

Once I install the fluid reservoir, then I'll be ready to film my first actual taste test - Almost there... If you like Noodle, check out the progress of his growth on my personal tech blog here: https://roboticarts.wordpress.com/category/projects/noodlefeet/


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